module VacuumCleaner #:nodoc:
# A small base class for implementing custom value normalizers.
# Might seem like a slight overkill, yet makes the library pretty
# reusable and all. Based on Rails 3 validator stuff.
# class Person
# include VacuumCleaner::Normalizations
# normalizes :name, :titleize => true
# end
# class TitleizeNormalizer < VacuumCleaner::Normalizer
# def normalize_value(value)
# value.titelize unless value.blank?
# end
# end
# Any class that inherits from +VacuumCleaner::Normalizer+ must implement
# a method called normalize_value which accepts the value to normalize. Furthermore
# the value returned by normalize is used as the new value for
# the attribute.
# To reuse the behaviour as defined by the default normalizer (strip & empty),
# just use super.
# class TitleizeNormalizer < VacuumCleaner::Normalizer
# def normalize_value(value)
# super(value).try(:titelize)
# end
# end
# If access to the record or attribute being normalized is required the method
# +normalize+ can be overriden instead.
# class FancyNormalizer < VacuumCleaner::Normalizer
# def normalize(object, attribute, value)
# ...
# end
# end
# This can be used together with the +normalizes+ method (see
# VacuumCleaner::Normalizers.normalizes for more on this).
class Normalizer
attr_reader :options
# Accepts an array of options, which will be made available through the +options+ reader.
def initialize(options = {})
@options = options
# Only override this method if access to the object or attribute name
# is required, else override +normalize_value+, makes life much simpler :)
# Default behaviour just calls normalize_value(value).
def normalize(object, attribute, value); normalize_value(value) end
# Override this method in subclasses to specifiy custom normalization steps and magic.
# The standard implementation strips the value of trailing/leading whitespace and then
# either returns that value or +nil+ if it's empty?.
def normalize_value(value)
value = value.strip if value.respond_to?(:strip)
value.nil? || (value.respond_to?(:empty?) && value.empty?) ? nil : value