#!/usr/bin/env shoes Shoes.setup do # gem 'ruby-debug' end require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib', 'shoeshine') $:.push(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__))) require 'nav' require 'action' require 'dd_menu_action' require 'index_action' require 'ordered_list_action' require 'unordered_list_action' class ListExample < Shoes include Nav # a little meta programming to setup the three parts to each page like: # # FOO = '/foo' # page_def FOO, :foo, FooAction # # yeilds: # # url '/foo', :foo # @@actions[:foo] = FooAction # def foo # run_action(:foo) # end class << self def page_def(page, name, klass) class_eval "url '#{page.to_s}', :#{name.to_s}" class_eval "@@actions[:#{name.to_s}] = #{klass}.new" class_eval "def #{name.to_s}; run_action(:#{name.to_s}); end" end end # @@actions instance must be before any page_def statements @@actions = {} # define our pages page_def INDEX_PAGE, :index, IndexAction page_def UNORDERED_LIST_PAGE, :ul, UnorderedListAction page_def ORDERED_LIST_PAGE, :ol, OrderedListAction page_def DROP_DOWN_MENU_PAGE, :drop_down_menu, DropDownMenuAction private def run_action(action, *args) a = @@actions[action] a.app = self a.execute(*args) end end # start the GUI Shoes.app(:title => 'Shoeshine Examples', :width => 800, :resizable => true)