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Validation is performed by openapi (using OpenAPIParser). Modeling is provided by dry-struct and dry-types. Together, these provide a way for consumers to validate objects against models and to manipulate those objects. This is a work in progress that will ultimately implement the full [COCINA data model](http://sul-dlss.github.io/cocina-models/). See also [architecture documentation](https://sul-dlss.github.io/taco-truck/COCINA.html#cocina-data-models--shapes). ## Generate models from openapi.yml Note that only a small subset of openapi is supported. If you are using a new openapi feature or pattern, verify that the model will be generated as expected. ### All ``` exe/generator generate ``` ### Single model ``` exe/generator generate_schema DRO ``` ## Testing The generator is tested via its output when run against `openapi.yml`, viz., the Cocina model classes. Thus, `generate` should be run after any changes to `openapi.yml`. Beyond what is necessary to test the generator, the Cocina model classes are not tested, i.e., they are assumed to be as specified in `openapi.yml`. ## Releasing ### Step 0: Share intent to change the models Send a note to `#dlss-infra-chg-mgmt` on Slack to let people know what is changing and when. ### Step 1: Cut the release The release process is much like any other gem. First bump the version in `lib/cocina/models/version.rb`, and commit the result. Then run: ``` bundle exec rake release ``` which pushes the gem to rubygems.org. Next write up the release notes: https://github.com/sul-dlss/cocina-models/releases . ### Step 2: Update client gems coupled to the models Next, you should release versions of [sdr-client](https://github.com/sul-dlss/sdr-client) and [dor-services-client](https://github.com/sul-dlss/dor-services-client/) pinned to this version because applications such as [Argo](https://github.com/sul-dlss/argo) depend on both of these gems using the same models. ### Step 3: Update service API specifications and gems The cocina-models gem is used in applications that have an API specification that accepts Cocina models. Next, make sure that the `openapi.yml` for these applications include the `openapi.yml` schema changes made in cocina-models. This list of services is known to include: * [sul-dlss/sdr-api](https://github.com/sul-dlss/sdr-api) * [sul-dlss/dor-services-app](https://github.com/sul-dlss/dor-services-app/) This can be accomplished by copying and pasting these schemas. By convention, these schemas are listed first in the `openapi.yml` of the associated projects, followed by the application-specific schemas. #### Step 3b: Bump gems At the same, we have found it convenient to use these PRs to also bump the versions of cocina-models, sdr-client, and dor-services-client in these applications/services. Why? When [dor-services-app](https://github.com/sul-dlss/dor-services-app), for example, is updated to use the new models (via the auto-update script), these clients should be updated at the same time or there is risk of models produced by dor-services-app not being acceptable to the clients. ### Step 4: Update other dependent applications Once the above listed steps have been completed, all the following applications that use cocina-models should be updated and released at the same time: * [sul-dlss/dor_indexing_app](https://github.com/sul-dlss/dor_indexing_app/) * [sul-dlss/common-accessioning](https://github.com/sul-dlss/common-accessioning/) * [sul-dlss/google-books](https://github.com/sul-dlss/google-books/) * [sul-dlss/argo](https://github.com/sul-dlss/argo/) * [sul-dlss/pre-assembly](https://github.com/sul-dlss/pre-assembly/) * [sul-dlss/hydrus](https://github.com/sul-dlss/hydrus/) * [sul-dlss/happy-heron](https://github.com/sul-dlss/happy-heron/) * [sul-dlss/infrastructure-integration-test](https://github.com/sul-dlss/infrastructure-integration-test/) ## Usage conventions The following are the recommended naming conventions for code using Cocina models: * `cocina_item`: `Cocina::Models::DRO` instance * `cocina_admin_policy`: `Cocina::Models::AdminPolicy` instance * `cocina_collection`: `Cocina::Models::Collection` instance * `cocina_object`: `Cocina::Models::DRO` or `Cocina::Models::AdminPolicy` or `Cocina::Models::Collection` instance