require 'plist' require 'tempfile' require 'zip' require 'zip/filesystem' command :info do |c| c.syntax = 'ipa info [options]' c.summary = 'Show mobile provisioning information about an .ipa file' c.description = '' c.action do |args, options| say_error "`security` command not found in $PATH" and abort if `which security` == "" say_error "`codesign` command not found in $PATH" and abort if `which codesign` == "" determine_file! unless @file = args.pop say_error "Missing or unspecified .ipa file" and abort unless @file and ::File.exist?(@file) do |zipfile| app_entry = zipfile.find_entry("Payload/#{File.basename(@file, File.extname(@file))}.app") provisioning_profile_entry = zipfile.find_entry("#{}embedded.mobileprovision") if app_entry if (!provisioning_profile_entry) zipfile.dir.entries("Payload").each do |dir_entry| if dir_entry =~ /.app$/ say "Using .app: #{dir_entry}" app_entry = zipfile.find_entry("Payload/#{dir_entry}") provisioning_profile_entry = zipfile.find_entry("#{}embedded.mobileprovision") if app_entry break end end end say_error "Embedded mobile provisioning file not found in #{@file}" and abort unless provisioning_profile_entry tempdir = begin zipfile.each do |zip_entry| temp_entry_path = ::File.join(tempdir.path, FileUtils.mkdir_p(::File.dirname(temp_entry_path)) zipfile.extract(zip_entry, temp_entry_path) unless ::File.exist?(temp_entry_path) end temp_provisioning_profile =, temp_app_directory =, plist = Plist::parse_xml(`security cms -D -i #{temp_provisioning_profile.path}`) codesign = `codesign -dv "#{temp_app_directory.path}" 2>&1` codesigned = /Signed Time/ === codesign table = do |t| plist.each do |key, value| next if key == "DeveloperCertificates" columns = [] columns << key columns << case value when Hash value.collect{|k, v| "#{k}: #{v}"}.join("\n") when Array value.join("\n") else value.to_s end t << columns end t << ["Codesigned", codesigned.to_s.capitalize] end puts table rescue => e say_error e.message ensure FileUtils.remove_entry_secure tempdir end end end private def determine_file! files = Dir['*.ipa'] @file ||= case files.length when 0 then nil when 1 then files.first else @file = choose "Select an .ipa File:", *files end end end