DEFAULTS: created_at: 2006-04-11 updated_at: 2006-04-11 ant: version: ant_en first_name: Solenopsis name: Invicta address: Deep Hole 54 zip: 2001 city: Anthill telephone: +12 345 67 89 01 mobile: +23 456 78 90 10 email: birthday: 2005-07-12 tiger: version: tiger_en first_name: Panther name: Tigris Sumatran address: "Small Island\nIn the Wild" zip: 1998 city: Sumatra telephone: +34 567 89 01 23 mobile: +45 678 90 12 34 email: birthday: 2002-07-12 lion: version: lion_en first_name: Panthera name: Leo Verneyi address: Kalahari Desert zip: 2036 city: Africa telephone: +56 789 01 23 45 mobile: +67 890 12 34 56 email: birthday: 2002-03-04 lake: version: lake_en first_name: Lake name: Tanganyika address: Between Tanzania, Congo and Zambia zip: 848 city: Africa anonymous: version: anonymous_en first_name: The Invisble name: Man address: Iping zip: 848 city: West Sussex