John had always been a solitary person, never caring much for socializing or small talk. He would show up at parties, but always preferred to sit in a corner, nursing a drink instead of engaging in conversations. Over time, his behavior took its toll on his relationships. Co-workers found him distant and aloof, while his family and friends simply stopped inviting him to gatherings because they knew he would decline. But John didn't care. He was content with his own company and didn't see the point in wasting his time on meaningless interactions. Instead, he focused on his passion - writing. John spent all his free time penning short stories and publishing them online. And to his surprise, they became a hit. People all over the world praised his writing style, and he became a sensation overnight. Fans would flock to him, asking for autographs and selfies, but John only reluctantly obliged. But no matter how much success he achieved, John remained his reserved self. He never regretted not caring about social relationships or engaging in small talk, and he never felt like he was missing out on anything. And that's how John became one of the most successful writers of his generation - without ever compromising on his principles or giving in to societal norms.