Feature: Missing Feature Description As a Customer I want feature descriptions so that I know why the features exist Background: Prepare Testee Given a file named "lint.rb" with: """ $LOAD_PATH << '../../lib' require 'gherkin_lint' linter = GherkinLint::GherkinLint.new linter.enable %w(MissingFeatureDescription) linter.analyze 'lint.feature' exit linter.report """ Scenario: Missing Description Given a file named "lint.feature" with: """ Feature: Test """ When I run `ruby lint.rb` Then it should fail with exactly: """ MissingFeatureDescription - Favor a user story as description lint.feature (1): Test """ Scenario: Valid Example Given a file named "lint.feature" with: """ Feature: Test As a feature I want to have a description, so that everybody knows why I exist """ When I run `ruby lint.rb` Then it should pass with exactly: """ """