#!/usr/bin/env ruby BEGIN { require 'pathname' basedir = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent.parent libdir = basedir + "lib" $LOAD_PATH.unshift( basedir ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( basedir ) $LOAD_PATH.unshift( libdir ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( libdir ) } require 'rspec' require 'spec/lib/helpers' require 'yaml' require 'ldap' require 'ldap/schema' require 'treequel/schema' describe Treequel::Schema do include Treequel::SpecHelpers before( :all ) do setup_logging( :warn ) @datadir = Pathname( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent + 'data' end before( :each ) do @strict_flag = Treequel::Schema.strict_parse_mode? end after( :each ) do Treequel::Schema.strict_parse_mode = @strict_flag end after( :all ) do reset_logging() end ### Constants # Some simple parser-testing values TEST_NUMERICOID = '' TEST_DESCR = 'objectClass' TEST_OIDLIST = %:( #{TEST_DESCR} $ objectCaste $ #{TEST_NUMERICOID} ) : # The malformed objectClass from RFC2926, for testing schema-parsing lenience BAD_OBJECTCLASS = "( NAME 'slpService' " + "DESC 'parent superclass for SLP services' ABSTRACT SUP top MUST " + " ( template-major-version-number $ template-minor-version-number " + "$ description $ template-url-syntax $ service-advert-service-type " + "$ service-advert-scopes ) MAY ( service-advert-url-authenticator " + "$ service-advert-attribute-authenticator ) X-ORIGIN 'RFC 2926' )" ### Matchers RSpec::Matchers.define( :be_lenient ) do match do |actual| !actual.strict_parse_mode? end end ### Examples it "defaults to lenient schema-parsing" do Treequel::Schema.should be_lenient() end it "can be told to propagate schema-parsing failures for easier problem-detection" do Treequel::Schema.strict_parse_mode = true Treequel::Schema.should_not be_lenient() end it "doesn't propagate parse errors while in lenient schema-parsing mode" do schema = Treequel::Schema.new( 'objectClasses' => [BAD_OBJECTCLASS], 'attributeTypes' => [], 'ldapSyntaxes' => [], 'matchingRules' => [], 'matchingRuleUse' => [] ) schema.should be_a( Treequel::Schema ) schema.object_classes.keys.should_not include( 'slpService' ) end it "propagates parse errors while in strict schema-parsing mode" do Treequel::Schema.strict_parse_mode = true expect { Treequel::Schema.new( 'objectClasses' => [BAD_OBJECTCLASS] ) }.to raise_exception( Treequel::ParseError, /malformed objectClass/i ) end it "can parse a valid oidlist" do oids = Treequel::Schema.parse_oids( TEST_OIDLIST ) oids.should have(3).members oids.should == [ :objectClass, :objectCaste, TEST_NUMERICOID ] end it "returns an empty Array if oidlist it's asked to parse is nil" do Treequel::Schema.parse_oids( nil ).should == [] end it "raises an exception if it's asked to parse an invalid oidlist" do expect do Treequel::Schema.parse_oids( %Q{my name is Jorma, I'm the sensitive one} ) end.to raise_error( Treequel::ParseError, /oidlist/i ) end it "keeps a numeric OID as a String when parsing it" do Treequel::Schema.parse_oid( TEST_NUMERICOID ).should be_a( String ) Treequel::Schema.parse_oid( TEST_NUMERICOID ).should == TEST_NUMERICOID end it "transforms a named OID as a Symbol when parsing it" do Treequel::Schema.parse_oid( TEST_DESCR ).should be_a( Symbol ) Treequel::Schema.parse_oid( TEST_DESCR ).should == TEST_DESCR.to_sym end context "OpenLDAP schema" do before( :all ) do @schema_dumpfile = @datadir + 'schema.yml' @hash = YAML.load_file( @schema_dumpfile ) @schemahash = LDAP::Schema.new( @hash ) @schemahash.freeze @schema = Treequel::Schema.new( @schemahash ) end it "can parse the schema structure returned from LDAP::Conn#schema" do @schema.object_classes.values.uniq.should have( @hash['objectClasses'].length ).members @schema.attribute_types.values.uniq.should have( @hash['attributeTypes'].length ).members @schema.matching_rules.values.uniq.should have( @hash['matchingRules'].length ).members @schema.matching_rule_uses.values.uniq.should have( @hash['matchingRuleUse'].length ).members @schema.ldap_syntaxes.values.uniq.should have( @hash['ldapSyntaxes'].length ).members dirop_count = @hash['attributeTypes']. count {|type| type.index('USAGE directoryOperation') } dsaop_count = @hash['attributeTypes']. count {|type| type.index('USAGE dSAOperation') } distop_count = @hash['attributeTypes']. count {|type| type.index('USAGE distributedOperation') } op_attrcount = dirop_count + dsaop_count + distop_count @schema.operational_attribute_types.should have( op_attrcount ).members end it "can parse the schema structure returned from LDAP::Conn#schema even under $SAFE >= 1", :mri_only => true do schema = nil Thread.new do Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true $SAFE = 1 schemahash = LDAP::Schema.new( @hash ) schema = Treequel::Schema.new( schemahash ) end.join schema.should be_an_instance_of( Treequel::Schema ) end end context "ActiveDirectory schema" do before( :all ) do @schema_dumpfile = @datadir + 'ad_schema.yml' @hash = YAML.load_file( @schema_dumpfile ) @schemahash = LDAP::Schema.new( @hash ) @schema = Treequel::Schema.new( @schemahash ) end it "can parse an ActiveDirectory schema structure, too" do @schema.object_classes.values.uniq.should have( @hash['objectClasses'].length ).members @schema.attribute_types.values.uniq.should have( @hash['attributeTypes'].length ).members # AD doesn't have these in its subSchema @schema.matching_rules.should be_empty() @schema.matching_rule_uses.should be_empty() @schema.ldap_syntaxes.should be_empty() @schema.operational_attribute_types.should be_empty() end end # Dumped from an OpenDS 2.2 server with the included 'test data' -- dunno if that's # representative of schemas one would find in the wild, but it doesn't parse as-is # currently because of (at least) the objectClasses from RFCs 2696, 3112, 3712, and # draft-howard-rfc2307bi context "OpenDS schema" do before( :all ) do @schema_dumpfile = @datadir + 'opends.yml' @hash = YAML.load_file( @schema_dumpfile ) @schemahash = LDAP::Schema.new( @hash ) end it "can parse an OpenDS schema structure, too" do @schema = Treequel::Schema.new( @schemahash ) @schema.object_classes.values.uniq.should have( @hash['objectClasses'].length ).members @schema.attribute_types.values.uniq.should have( @hash['attributeTypes'].length ).members @schema.matching_rules.values.uniq.should have( @hash['matchingRules'].length ).members @schema.ldap_syntaxes.values.uniq.should have( @hash['ldapSyntaxes'].length ).members @schema.matching_rule_uses.should be_empty() # Not yet supported # @schema.dit_structure_rules.values.uniq.should have( @hash['dITStructureRules'].length ).members # @schema.dit_content_rules.values.uniq.should have( @hash['dITContentRules'].length ).members # @schema.name_forms.values.uniq.should have( @hash['nameForms'].length ).members dirop_count = @hash['attributeTypes']. count {|type| type.index('USAGE directoryOperation') } dsaop_count = @hash['attributeTypes']. count {|type| type.index('USAGE dSAOperation') } distop_count = @hash['attributeTypes']. count {|type| type.index('USAGE distributedOperation') } op_attrcount = dirop_count + dsaop_count + distop_count @schema.operational_attribute_types.should have( op_attrcount ).members end end # Attribute types and matching rules from ticket #11 context "ticket 11 schema artifacts" do before( :all ) do @schema_dumpfile = @datadir + 'ticket11.yml' @hash = YAML.load_file( @schema_dumpfile ) @schemahash = LDAP::Schema.new( @hash ) @schema = Treequel::Schema.new( @schemahash ) end it "can parse schema artifacts from ticket 11" do @schema.attribute_types.values.uniq.should have( @hash['attributeTypes'].length ).members @schema.matching_rules.values.uniq.should have( @hash['matchingRules'].length ).members dsaop_count = @hash['attributeTypes']. count {|type| type.index('USAGE dsaOperation') } @schema.operational_attribute_types.should have( dsaop_count ).members end end end # vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4: