require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_lib 'reek/smells/control_parameter' require_relative 'smell_detector_shared' RSpec.describe Reek::Smells::ControlParameter do let(:detector) { build(:smell_detector, smell_type: :ControlParameter) } it_should_behave_like 'SmellDetector' context 'parameter not used to determine code path' do it 'does not report a ternary check on an ivar' do src = 'def simple(arga) @ivar ? arga : 3 end' expect(src).not_to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end it 'does not report a ternary check on a lvar' do src = 'def simple(arga) lvar = 27; lvar ? arga : @ivar end' expect(src).not_to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end it 'does not report when parameter is unused' do src = 'def simple(arg) test = 1 end' expect(src).not_to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end it 'does not report when parameter is used inside conditional' do src = 'def simple(arg) if true then puts arg end end' expect(src).not_to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end end context 'parameter only used to determine code path' do it 'reports a ternary check on a parameter' do src = 'def simple(arga) arga ? @ivar : 3 end' expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter, argument: 'arga') end it 'reports a couple inside a block' do src = 'def blocks(arg) { |blk| arg ? blk : "#{blk}" } end' expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter, argument: 'arg') end it 'reports on an if statement modifier' do src = 'def simple(arg) args = {}; args.merge(\'a\' => \'A\') if arg end' expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter, argument: 'arg') end it 'reports on an unless statement modifier' do src = 'def simple(arg) args = {}; args.merge(\'a\' => \'A\') unless arg end' expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter, argument: 'arg') end it 'reports on if control expression' do src = 'def simple(arg) args = {}; if arg then args.merge(\'a\' => \'A\') end end' expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter, argument: 'arg') end it 'reports on if control expression with &&' do src = 'def simple(arg) if arg && true then puts "arg" end end' expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter, argument: 'arg') end it 'reports on if control expression with preceding &&' do src = 'def simple(arg) if true && arg then puts "arg" end end' expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter, argument: 'arg') end it 'reports on if control expression with two && conditions' do src = 'def simple(a) ag = {}; if a && true && true then puts "2" end end' expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter, argument: 'a') end it 'reports on if control expression with ||' do src = 'def simple(arg) args = {}; if arg || true then puts "arg" end end' expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter, argument: 'arg') end it 'reports on if control expression with or' do src = 'def simple(arg) args = {}; if arg or true then puts "arg" end end' expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter, argument: 'arg') end it 'reports on if control expression with if' do src = 'def simple(arg) args = {}; if (arg if true) then puts "arg" end end' expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter, argument: 'arg') end it 'reports on && notation' do src = 'def simple(arg) args = {}; arg && args.merge(\'a\' => \'A\') end' expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter, argument: 'arg') end it 'reports on || notation' do src = 'def simple(arg) args = {}; arg || args.merge(\'a\' => \'A\') end' expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter, argument: 'arg') end it 'reports on case statement' do src = 'def simple(arg) case arg when nil; nil when false; nil else nil end end' expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter, argument: 'arg') end it 'reports on nested if statements that are both control parameters' do src = <<-EOS def nested(arg) if arg puts 'a' puts 'b' if arg end end EOS expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter, argument: 'arg') end it 'reports on nested if statements where the inner if is a control parameter' do src = <<-EOS def nested(arg) if true puts 'a' puts 'b' if arg end end EOS expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter, argument: 'arg') end it 'reports on explicit comparison in the condition' do src = 'def simple(arg) if arg == :foo then :foo else :bar end end' expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end it 'reports on explicit negative comparison in the condition' do src = 'def simple(arg) if arg != :foo then :bar else :foo end end' expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end it 'reports when the argument is compared to a regexp' do src = 'def simple(arg) if arg =~ /foo/ then :foo else :bar end end' expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end it 'reports when the argument is reverse-compared to a regexp' do src = 'def simple(arg) if /foo/ =~ arg then :foo else :bar end end' expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end it 'reports when the argument is used in a complex regexp' do src = 'def simple(arg) if /foo#{arg}/ =~ bar then :foo else :bar end end' expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end it 'reports when the argument is a block parameter' do src = <<-EOS def foo &blk bar(blk || proc {}) end EOS expect(src).to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end end context 'parameter used besides determining code path' do it 'does not report on if conditional expression' do src = 'def simple(arg) if arg then use(arg) else use(@other) end end' expect(src).not_to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end it 'does not report on an if statement modifier' do src = 'def simple(arg) args = {}; args.merge(\'a\' => arg) if arg end' expect(src).not_to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end it 'does not report on an unless statement modifier' do src = 'def simple(arg) args = {}; args.merge(\'a\' => arg) unless arg end' expect(src).not_to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end it 'does not report on if control expression' do src = 'def simple(arg) args = {}; if arg then args.merge(\'a\' => arg) end end' expect(src).not_to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end it 'does not report on if control expression with &&' do src = 'def simple(arg) if arg && true then puts arg end end' expect(src).not_to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end it 'does not report on && notation' do src = 'def simple(arg) args = {}; arg && args.merge(\'a\' => arg) end' expect(src).not_to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end it 'does not report on || notation' do src = 'def simple(arg) args = {}; arg || args.merge(\'a\' => arg) end' expect(src).not_to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end it 'does not report when parameter is used outside conditional' do src = 'def simple(arg) puts arg; if arg then @a = 1 end end' expect(src).not_to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end it 'does not report when parameter is used as a method call argument in a condition' do src = 'def simple(arg) if foo(arg) then @a = 1 end end' expect(src).not_to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end it 'does not report when parameter is used as a method call receiver in a condition' do src = 'def simple(arg) if then @a = 1 end end' expect(src).not_to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end it 'does not report when the argument is a hash on which we access a key' do src = 'def simple(arg) if arg[\'a\'] then puts \'a\' else puts \'b\' end end' expect(src).not_to reek_of :ControlParameter end it 'does not report when used in first conditional but not second' do src = <<-EOS def things(arg) if arg puts arg end if arg puts 'a' end end EOS expect(src).not_to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end it 'does not report when used in second conditional but not first' do src = <<-EOS def things(arg) if arg puts 'a' end if arg puts arg end end EOS expect(src).not_to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end it 'does not report when used in body of control flow operator' do src = <<-EOS def foo(arg) case arg when :bar puts 'a' else puts 'b' end qux or quuz(arg) end EOS expect(src).not_to reek_of(:ControlParameter) end end context 'when a smell is reported' do let(:warning) do src = <<-EOS def things(arg) do |blk| arg ? blk : "blk" end puts "hello" if arg end EOS ctx =, Reek::Source::SourceCode.from(src).syntax_tree) smells = detector.run_for(ctx) expect(smells.length).to eq(1) smells.first end it_should_behave_like 'common fields set correctly' it 'reports the argument' do expect(warning.parameters[:argument]).to eq('arg') end it 'reports the lines' do expect(warning.lines).to eq([3, 5]) end it 'has the right message' do expect(warning.message).to eq('is controlled by argument arg') end end end