require 'spec_helper' describe GeoblacklightHelper, type: :helper do include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper describe '#render_facet_links' do let(:subject_field) { Settings.FIELDS.SUBJECT } it 'contains unique links' do expect(self).to receive(:search_catalog_path).exactly(3).times.and_return("[#{subject_field}][]=category") html = Capybara.string(render_facet_links(subject_field, %w(Test Test Earth Science))) expect(html).to have_css 'a', count: 3 expect(html).to have_css 'a', text: 'Test', count: 1 expect(html).to have_css 'a', text: 'Earth', count: 1 expect(html).to have_css 'a', text: 'Science', count: 1 end end describe '#geoblacklight_icon' do it 'replaces special characters, lowercases, and subs spaces for hyphens' do html = Capybara.string(geoblacklight_icon('TEst & 123')) expect(html).to have_css '.geoblacklight-test-123' end it 'supports in use cases' do { 'Paper map' => 'paper-map', 'Michigan State' => 'michigan-state', 'CD ROM' => 'cd-rom', 'Lewis & Clark' => 'lewis-clark' }.each do |key, value| html = Capybara.string(geoblacklight_icon(key)) expect(html).to have_css ".geoblacklight-#{value}" end end end describe '#proper_case_format' do it 'returns a properly cased format' do expect(proper_case_format('GEOJSON')).to eq 'GeoJSON' end end describe '#download_text' do it 'returns download text concatenated with proper case format' do expect(download_text('GEOJSON')).to eq 'Download GeoJSON' end end describe '#geoblacklight_basemap' do let(:blacklight_config) { double } it 'without configuration' do expect(blacklight_config).to receive(:basemap_provider).and_return(nil) expect(geoblacklight_basemap).to eq 'positron' end it 'with custom configuration' do expect(blacklight_config).to receive(:basemap_provider).and_return('positron') expect(geoblacklight_basemap).to eq 'positron' end end describe '#iiif_jpg_url' do let(:document) { } let(:references_field) { Settings.FIELDS.REFERENCES } let(:document_attributes) do { references_field => { '' => '' }.to_json } end it 'returns JPG download URL when given URL to a IIIF info.json' do assign(:document, document) expect(helper.iiif_jpg_url).to eq '' end end describe '#snippit' do let(:document) { } let(:references_field) { Settings.FIELDS.REFERENCES } context 'as a String' do let(:document_attributes) do { value: 'This is a really long string that should get truncated when it gets rendered'\ 'in the index view to give a brief description of the contents of a particular document'\ 'indexed into Solr' } end it 'truncates longer strings to 150 characters' do expect(helper.snippit(document).length).to eq 150 end it 'truncated string ends with ...' do expect(helper.snippit(document)[-3..-1]).to eq '...' end end context 'as an Array' do let(:document_attributes) do { value: ['This is a really long string that should get truncated when it gets rendered'\ 'in the index view to give a brief description of the contents of a particular document'\ 'indexed into Solr'] } end it 'truncates longer strings to 150 characters' do expect(helper.snippit(document).length).to eq 150 end it 'truncated string ends with ...' do expect(helper.snippit(document)[-3..-1]).to eq '...' end end context 'as a multivalued Array' do let(:document_attributes) do { value: %w(short description) } end it 'uses both values' do expect(helper.snippit(document)).to eq 'short description' end it 'does not truncate' do expect(helper.snippit(document)[-3..-1]).not_to eq '...' end end end describe '#render_web_services' do let(:reference) { double(type: 'wms') } it 'with a reference to a defined partial' do expect(helper).to receive(:render) .with(partial: 'web_services_wms', locals: { reference: reference }) helper.render_web_services(reference) end it 'with a reference to a missing partial' do reference = double(type: 'iiif') # expect(helper).to receive(:render).and_raise ActionView::MissingTemplate expect(helper).to receive(:render) .with(partial: 'web_services_iiif', locals: { reference: reference }) .and_raise{}, '', '', '', '') expect(helper).to receive(:render) .with(partial: 'web_services_default', locals: { reference: reference }) helper.render_web_services(reference) end end describe '#leaflet_options' do it 'returns a hash of options for leaflet' do expect(leaflet_options[:VIEWERS][:WMS][:CONTROLS]).to eq(['Opacity']) end end describe '#render_value_as_truncate_abstract' do context 'with multiple values' do let(:document) { %w(short description)) } it 'wraps in correct DIV class' do expect(helper.render_value_as_truncate_abstract(document)).to eq '
short description
' end end end end