module Dpl module Providers class Bluemixcloudfoundry < Provider status :alpha full_name 'Bluemix Cloud Foundry' description sq(<<-str) tbd str env :cloudfoundry opt '--username USER', 'Bluemix username', required: true opt '--password PASS', 'Bluemix password', required: true, secret: true opt '--organization ORG', 'Bluemix organization', required: true opt '--space SPACE', 'Bluemix space', required: true opt '--region REGION', 'Bluemix region', default: 'ng', enum: %w(ng eu-gb eu-de au-syd) opt '--api URL', 'Bluemix api URL' opt '--app_name APP', 'Application name' opt '--buildpack PACK', 'Buildpack name or Git URL' opt '--manifest FILE', 'Path to the manifest' opt '--skip_ssl_validation', 'Skip SSL validation' opt '--logout', default: true, internal: true API = { 'ng': '', 'eu-gb': '', 'eu-de': '', 'au-syd': '' } cmds install: 'test $(uname) = "Linux" && rel="linux64-binary" || rel="macosx64"; wget "${rel}&source=github" -qO cf.tgz && tar -zxvf cf.tgz && rm cf.tgz', api: './cf api %{api} %{skip_ssl_validation_opt}', login: './cf login -u %{username} -p %{password}', target: './cf target -o %{organization} -s %{space}', push: './cf push %{push_args}', logout: './cf logout' errs install: 'Failed to install CLI tools', api: 'Failed to set api %{api}', login: 'Failed to login', target: 'Failed to target organization %{organization}, space %{space}', push: 'Failed to push app', logout: 'Failed to logout' msgs manifest_missing: 'Application must have a manifest.yml for unattended deployment' def install shell :install end def validate error :manifest_missing if manifest? && manifest_missing? end def login shell :api shell :login shell :target end def deploy shell :push end def finish shell :logout if logout? end private def push_args args = [] args << quote(app_name) if app_name? args << "-f #{manifest}" if manifest? args << "-b #{buildpack}" if buildpack? args.join(' ') end def skip_ssl_validation_opt '--skip-ssl-validation' if skip_ssl_validation? end def manifest_missing? !File.exists?(manifest) end def api super || API[region.to_sym] end end end end