# Template setup of the GVC, roughly corresponding to a Heroku app kind: gvc name: {{APP_NAME}} spec: # For using templates for test apps, put ENV values here, stored in git repo. # Production apps will have values configured manually after app creation. env: - name: DATABASE_URL # Password does not matter because host postgres.{{APP_NAME}}.cpln.local can only be accessed # locally within CPLN GVC, and postgres running on a CPLN workload is something only for a # test app that lacks persistence. value: 'postgres://the_user:the_password@postgres.{{APP_NAME}}.cpln.local:5432/{{APP_NAME}}' - name: RAILS_ENV value: production - name: RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES value: 'true' # Part of standard configuration staticPlacement: locationLinks: - {{APP_LOCATION_LINK}}