import API from 'foremanReact/API'; import { addToast } from 'foremanReact/redux/actions/toasts'; import { translate as __ } from 'foremanReact/common/I18n'; import { TOAST_TYPES } from '../common/ToastTypesConstants'; import { TASKS_RESUME_REQUEST, TASKS_RESUME_SUCCESS, TASKS_RESUME_FAILURE, TASKS_CANCEL_REQUEST, TASKS_CANCEL_SUCCESS, TASKS_CANCEL_FAILURE, BULK_CANCEL_PATH, BULK_RESUME_PATH, } from './TasksTableConstants'; import { reloadPage } from './TasksTableActions'; import { convertDashboardQuery, resumeToastInfo, cancelToastInfo, toastDispatch, } from './TasksTableActionHelpers'; export const bulkByIdRequest = (resumeTasks, path) => { const ids = =>; const url = `/foreman_tasks/api/tasks/${path}`; const data = { task_ids: ids }; return, data); }; export const bulkBySearchRequest = ({ query, parentTaskID, path }) => { const url = `/foreman_tasks/api/tasks/${path}`; if (parentTaskID) { = ? ` ${} and parent_task_id=${parentTaskID}` : `parent_task_id=${parentTaskID}`; } const searchParam = { search: convertDashboardQuery(query) }; return, searchParam); }; const handleErrorResume = (error, dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: TASKS_RESUME_FAILURE, error }); dispatch( addToast({ type: TOAST_TYPES.ERROR, message: `${__(`Cannot resume tasks at the moment`)} ${error}`, }) ); }; export const bulkResumeById = ({ selected, url, parentTaskID, }) => async dispatch => { const resumeTasks = selected.filter(task => task.isResumable); if (resumeTasks.length < selected.length) dispatch( addToast({ type: TOAST_TYPES.WARNING, message: __('Not all the selected tasks can be resumed'), }) ); if (resumeTasks.length) { dispatch({ type: TASKS_RESUME_REQUEST }); try { const { data } = await bulkByIdRequest(resumeTasks, BULK_RESUME_PATH); dispatch({ type: TASKS_RESUME_SUCCESS }); ['resumed', 'failed', 'skipped'].forEach(type => { data[type] && data[type].forEach(task => { toastDispatch({ type, name: task.action, toastInfo: resumeToastInfo, dispatch, }); }); }); if (data.resumed) { reloadPage(url, parentTaskID, dispatch); } } catch (error) { handleErrorResume(error, dispatch); } } }; export const bulkResumeBySearch = ({ query, parentTaskID, }) => async dispatch => { dispatch({ type: TASKS_RESUME_REQUEST }); dispatch( addToast({ type: 'info', message: __('Resuming selected tasks, this might take a while'), }) ); await bulkBySearchRequest({ query, path: BULK_RESUME_PATH, parentTaskID }); }; const handleErrorCancel = (error, dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: TASKS_CANCEL_FAILURE, error }); dispatch( addToast({ type: TOAST_TYPES.ERROR, message: `${__(`Cannot cancel tasks at the moment`)} ${error}`, }) ); }; export const bulkCancelBySearch = ({ query, parentTaskID, }) => async dispatch => { dispatch({ type: TASKS_CANCEL_REQUEST }); dispatch( addToast({ type: 'info', message: __('Canceling selected tasks, this might take a while'), }) ); await bulkBySearchRequest({ query, path: BULK_CANCEL_PATH, parentTaskID }); }; export const bulkCancelById = ({ selected, url, parentTaskID, }) => async dispatch => { const cancelTasks = selected.filter(task => task.isCancellable); if (cancelTasks.length < selected.length) dispatch( addToast({ type: TOAST_TYPES.WARNING, message: __('Not all the selected tasks can be cancelled'), }) ); if (cancelTasks.length) { dispatch({ type: TASKS_CANCEL_REQUEST }); try { const { data } = await bulkByIdRequest(cancelTasks, BULK_CANCEL_PATH); dispatch({ type: TASKS_CANCEL_SUCCESS }); ['cancelled', 'skipped'].forEach(type => { data[type] && data[type].forEach(task => { toastDispatch({ type, name: task.action, toastInfo: cancelToastInfo, dispatch, }); }); }); if (data.cancelled) { reloadPage(url, parentTaskID, dispatch); } } catch (error) { handleErrorCancel(error, dispatch); } } };