/*! * UI development toolkit for HTML5 (OpenUI5) * (c) Copyright 2009-2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt. */ // Provides control sap.m.Popover. sap.ui.define([ './Bar', './Button', './InstanceManager', './library', 'sap/ui/core/Control', 'sap/ui/core/Popup', 'sap/ui/core/delegate/ScrollEnablement', 'sap/ui/core/theming/Parameters', 'sap/ui/Device', 'sap/ui/base/ManagedObject', 'sap/ui/core/library', 'sap/ui/core/Element', 'sap/ui/core/ResizeHandler', './PopoverRenderer', "sap/ui/dom/containsOrEquals", "sap/ui/thirdparty/jquery", "sap/ui/dom/getScrollbarSize", "sap/ui/events/KeyCodes", "sap/base/Log", "sap/ui/dom/jquery/Focusable", // jQuery Plugin "firstFocusableDomRef", lastFocusableDomRef "sap/ui/dom/jquery/rect", // jQuery Plugin "rect" "sap/ui/dom/jquery/control" // jQuery Plugin "control" ], function( Bar, Button, InstanceManager, library, Control, Popup, ScrollEnablement, Parameters, Device, ManagedObject, coreLibrary, Element, ResizeHandler, PopoverRenderer, containsOrEquals, jQuery, getScrollbarSize, KeyCodes, Log ) { "use strict"; // shortcut for sap.m.PopupHelper var PopupHelper = library.PopupHelper; // shortcut for sap.ui.core.OpenState var OpenState = coreLibrary.OpenState; // shortcut for sap.m.PlacementType var PlacementType = library.PlacementType; /** * Constructor for a new Popover. * * @param {string} [sId] ID for the new control, generated automatically if no ID is given * @param {object} [mSettings] Initial settings for the new control * * @class * Displays additional information for an object in a compact way. * *
* The popover can be resized when the resizable
property is enabled.
* beginButton
and endButton
, when available. But if a control other than these two buttons needs to get the focus, set the initialFocus
with the control which should be focused on.
* @since 1.15.0
initialFocus: {type: "sap.ui.core.Control", multiple: false},
* Association to controls / ids which label this control (see WAI-ARIA attribute aria-labelledby).
ariaLabelledBy : {type : "sap.ui.core.Control", multiple : true, singularName : "ariaLabelledBy"},
* Association to controls / ids which describe this control (see WAI-ARIA attribute aria-describedby).
ariaDescribedBy: {type: "sap.ui.core.Control", multiple: true, singularName: "ariaDescribedBy"}
events: {
* This event will be fired after the popover is opened.
afterOpen: {
parameters: {
* This refers to the control which opens the popover.
openBy: {type: "sap.ui.core.Control"}
* This event will be fired after the popover is closed.
afterClose: {
parameters: {
* This refers to the control which opens the popover.
openBy: {type: "sap.ui.core.Control"}
* This event will be fired before the popover is opened.
beforeOpen: {
parameters: {
* This refers to the control which opens the popover.
openBy: {type: "sap.ui.core.Control"}
* This event will be fired before the popover is closed.
beforeClose: {
parameters: {
* This refers to the control which opens the popover.
openBy: {type: "sap.ui.core.Control"}
designtime: "sap/m/designtime/Popover.designtime"
/* =========================================================== */
/* begin: lifecycle methods */
/* =========================================================== */
Popover._bIOS7 = Device.os.ios && Device.os.version >= 7 && Device.os.version < 8 && Device.browser.name === "sf";
* Initializes the popover control.
* @private
Popover.prototype.init = function () {
// The offset of the arrow must be more than _arrowOffsetThreshold from the border of the popover content
this._arrowOffsetThreshold = 4;
this._marginTopInit = false;
// The following 4 values are the margins which are used to avoid making the popover very near to the border of the screen
this._marginTop = 48; //This is the default value, and dynamic calculation will be done in afterRendering
this._marginLeft = 10;
this._marginRight = 10;
this._marginBottom = 10;
// By design Popover's min sizes are:
// min-width: 6.25rem;
// min-height: 2rem;
// This property is used to limit the resizing
this._minDimensions = {
width: 100,
height: 32
this._$window = jQuery(window);
this._initialWindowDimensions = {};
this.oPopup = new Popup();
this.oPopup.setAnimations(jQuery.proxy(this._openAnimation, this), jQuery.proxy(this._closeAnimation, this));
// This is data used to position the popover depending on the placement property
this._placements = [PlacementType.Top, PlacementType.Right, PlacementType.Bottom, PlacementType.Left,
PlacementType.Vertical, PlacementType.Horizontal, PlacementType.Auto,
PlacementType.VerticalPreferedTop, PlacementType.VerticalPreferedBottom,
PlacementType.HorizontalPreferedLeft, PlacementType.HorizontalPreferedRight,
PlacementType.VerticalPreferredTop, PlacementType.VerticalPreferredBottom,
PlacementType.HorizontalPreferredLeft, PlacementType.HorizontalPreferredRight,
PlacementType.PreferredRightOrFlip, PlacementType.PreferredLeftOrFlip,
PlacementType.PreferredTopOrFlip, PlacementType.PreferredBottomOrFlip];
this._myPositions = ["center bottom", "begin center", "center top", "end center"];
this._atPositions = ["center top", "end center", "center bottom", "begin center"];
this._offsets = ["0 -18", "18 0", "0 18", "-18 0"];
this._arrowOffset = 18;
this._followOfTolerance = 32;
// used to judge if enableScrolling needs to be disabled
this._scrollContentList = [sap.m.NavContainer, sap.m.Page, sap.m.ScrollContainer];
// Make this.oPopup call this._adjustPositionAndArrow each time after its position is changed
this._fnAdjustPositionAndArrow = jQuery.proxy(this._adjustPositionAndArrow, this);
// The orientationchange event listener
this._fnOrientationChange = jQuery.proxy(this._onOrientationChange, this);
// The handler to close popover when the size or position of the open by control changes
this._fnFollowOf = jQuery.proxy(function (mInfo) {
var oLastRect = mInfo.lastOfRect,
oRect = mInfo.currentOfRect;
// When runs on mobile device, Popover always follows the open by control.
// When runs on the other platforms, Popover is repositioned if the position change of openBy is smaller than the tolerance, otherwise popover is closed.
if (!Device.system.desktop
|| (Math.abs(oLastRect.top - oRect.top) <= this._followOfTolerance && Math.abs(oLastRect.left - oRect.left) <= this._followOfTolerance)
|| (Math.abs(oLastRect.top + oLastRect.height - oRect.top - oRect.height) <= this._followOfTolerance && Math.abs(oLastRect.left + oLastRect.width - oRect.left - oRect.width) <= this._followOfTolerance)) {
this.oPopup._applyPosition(this.oPopup._oLastPosition, true);
} else {
}, this);
//CSN 0001875244 2013: on desktop explicitly close popover if position of triggering
//element is moved. Make use of popup's 'followOf' feature. This ensures that popover is
//closed when a containing scroll container is scrolled, be it via scrollbar or using the
this._oRestoreFocusDelegate = {
onBeforeRendering: function () {
var $ActiveElement = jQuery(document.activeElement),
oActiveControl = $ActiveElement.control(0);
this._sFocusControlId = oActiveControl && oActiveControl.getId();
onAfterRendering: function () {
if (this._sFocusControlId && !containsOrEquals(this.getDomRef(), document.activeElement)) {
var that = this;
this.oPopup._applyPosition = function (oPosition, bFromResize) {
var eOpenState = this.getOpenState(),
// avoid calling on being closed or closed instances
if (eOpenState === OpenState.CLOSING || eOpenState === OpenState.CLOSED) {
if (bFromResize) {
// Save the current scroll position only when this method is called from resize handler
// otherwise it messes the initial scrolling setting of scrollenablement in RTL mode
//calculate the best placement of the popover if placementType is horizontal, vertical or auto
var iPlacePos = that._placements.indexOf(that.getPlacement());
if (iPlacePos > 3 && !that._bPosCalced) {
that._bPosCalced = false;
// update the "of" property on oPosition because parent can be already rerendered
if (that._oOpenBy instanceof Element) {
oPosition.of = that._getOpenByDomRef();
// if the openBy dom reference is null there's no need to continue the reposition the popover
if (!oPosition.of) {
Log.warning("sap.m.Popover: in function applyPosition, the openBy element doesn't have any DOM output. " + that);
// if the openBy dom reference is already detached from the document, try to get the dom reference with the same id from dom tree again
if (!containsOrEquals(document.documentElement, oPosition.of) && oPosition.of.id) {
oOf = jQuery(document.getElementById(oPosition.of.id));
if (oOf) {
oPosition.of = oOf;
} else {
Log.warning("sap.m.Popover: in function applyPosition, the openBy element's DOM is already detached from DOM tree and can't be found again by the same id. " + that);
var oRect = jQuery(oPosition.of).rect();
// if openBy Dom element is complete out of viewport after resize event, close the popover. But close it only if virtualkeyboard is not opened.
if (bFromResize
&& that._$window.height() == that._initialWindowDimensions.height
&& (oRect.top + oRect.height <= 0 || oRect.top >= that._$window.height() || oRect.left + oRect.width <= 0 || oRect.left >= that._$window.width())) {
var oScrollDomRef = that.getDomRef("scroll");
// some mobile browser changes the scrollLeft of window after firing resize event
// which caused the popover to be positioned at the wrong place.
if (!Device.system.desktop) {
//deregister the content resize handler before repositioning
Popup.prototype._applyPosition.call(this, oPosition);
//register the content resize handler
// when popup's close method is called by autoclose handler, the beforeClose event also needs to be fired.
// popup's close method has been inherited here in order to fire the beforeClose event for calling close on
// autoclose.
this.oPopup.close = function (bBeforeCloseFired) {
var bBooleanParam = typeof bBeforeCloseFired === "boolean";
var eOpenState = that.oPopup.getOpenState();
// Only when the given parameter is "true", the beforeClose event isn't fired here.
// Because it's already fired in the sap.m.Popover.prototype.close function.
// The event also should not be fired if the focus is still inside the Popup. This could occur when the
// autoclose mechanism is fired by the child Popup and is called throught the EventBus
// When Popup's destroy method is called without even being opened there should not be onBeforeClose event.
// When the Popover/Popoup is already closed or is closing, this should not be triggered.
if (bBeforeCloseFired !== true && (this.touchEnabled || !this._isFocusInsidePopup()) && this.isOpen() &&
!(eOpenState === OpenState.CLOSED || eOpenState === OpenState.CLOSING)) {
that.fireBeforeClose({openBy: that._oOpenBy});
Popup.prototype.close.apply(this, bBooleanParam ? [] : arguments);
* Required adaptations before rendering of the Popover.
* @private
Popover.prototype.onBeforeRendering = function () {
var oNavContent, oPageContent;
if (!this._initialWindowDimensions.width || !this._initialWindowDimensions.height) {
this._initialWindowDimensions = {
width: this._$window.width(),
height: this._$window.height()
// TODO: Nice to refactor scrolling related code - ambiguous
if (!this.getHorizontalScrolling() && !this.getVerticalScrolling()) {
// If both properties are false - we do not need scroll enablement for sure
this._forceDisableScrolling = true;
} else if (!this._bVScrollingEnabled && !this._bHScrollingEnabled && this._hasSingleScrollableContent()) {
// When scrolling isn't set manually and content has scrolling, disable scrolling automatically
this._forceDisableScrolling = true;
Log.info("VerticalScrolling and horizontalScrolling in sap.m.Popover with ID " + this.getId() + " has been disabled because there's scrollable content inside");
} else {
this._forceDisableScrolling = false;
if (!this._forceDisableScrolling) {
if (!this._oScroller) {
this._oScroller = new ScrollEnablement(this, this.getId() + "-scroll", {
horizontal: this.getHorizontalScrolling(),
vertical: this.getVerticalScrolling()
if (this._bContentChanged) {
this._bContentChanged = false;
oNavContent = this._getSingleNavContent();
oPageContent = this._getSinglePageContent();
//TODO: global jquery call found
if (oNavContent && !this.getModal() && !Device.support.touch && !jQuery.sap.simulateMobileOnDesktop) {
//gain the focus back to popover in order to prevent the autoclose of the popover
oNavContent.attachEvent("afterNavigate", function (oEvent) {
var oDomRef = this.getDomRef();
if (oDomRef && !oDomRef.contains(document.activeElement)) {
}, this);
if (oNavContent || oPageContent) {
oPageContent = oPageContent || oNavContent.getCurrentPage();
if (oPageContent && oPageContent._getAnyHeader) {
if (oNavContent) {
oNavContent.attachEvent("navigate", function (oEvent) {
var oPage = oEvent.getParameter("to");
if (oPage instanceof sap.m.Page) {
this.$().toggleClass("sapMPopoverWithHeaderCont", !!oPage._getAnyHeader());
}, this);
* Required adaptations after rendering of the Popover.
* @private
Popover.prototype.onAfterRendering = function () {
var $openedBy, $page, $header;
//calculate the height of the header in the current page
//only for the first time calling after rendering
if (!this._marginTopInit && this.getShowArrow()) {
this._marginTop = 2;
if (this._oOpenBy) {
$openedBy = jQuery(this._getOpenByDomRef());
//first check if the openedBy isn't inside a header
if (!($openedBy.closest("header.sapMIBar").length > 0)) {
$page = $openedBy.closest(".sapMPage");
if ($page.length > 0) {
$header = $page.children("header.sapMIBar");
if ($header.length > 0) {
this._marginTop += $header.outerHeight();
this._marginTopInit = true;
* Destroys all related objects to the Popover.
* @private
Popover.prototype.exit = function () {
this._oRestoreFocusDelegate = null;
if (this.oPopup) {
this.oPopup.detachClosed(this._handleClosed, this);
this.oPopup = null;
if (this._oScroller) {
this._oScroller = null;
if (this._internalHeader) {
this._internalHeader = null;
if (this._headerTitle) {
this._headerTitle = null;
/* =========================================================== */
/* end: lifecycle methods */
/* =========================================================== */
/* =========================================================== */
/* begin: API method */
/* =========================================================== */
* Opens the Popover and sets the Popover position according to the {@link #getPlacement() placement} property around the oControl
* @param {object} oControl This is the control to which the Popover will be placed. It can be not only a UI5 control, but also an existing DOM reference. The side of the placement depends on the placement property set in the Popover.
* @param {boolean} bSkipInstanceManager Indicates whether popover should be managed by InstanceManager or not
* @returns {sap.m.Popover} Reference to the control instance for chaining
* @public
* @ui5-metamodel This method also will be described in the UI5 (legacy) designtime metamodel
Popover.prototype.openBy = function (oControl, bSkipInstanceManager) {
// If already opened with the needed content then return
var oPopup = this.oPopup,
ePopupState = this.oPopup.getOpenState(),
// The control that needs to be focused after popover is open is calculated in following sequence:
// initialFocus, beginButton, endButton, and popover itself.
// focus has to be inside/on popover otherwise autoclose() will not work
sFocusId = this._getInitialFocusId(),
oParentDomRef, iPlacePos, bForceCompactArrowOffset, aCompactParents;
oParentDomRef = (oControl.getDomRef && oControl.getDomRef()) || oControl;
aCompactParents = jQuery(oParentDomRef).closest(".sapUiSizeCompact");
// A theme can force the usage of compact arrow offset in all content density modes, by setting sapMPopoverForceCompactArrowOffset variable.
// This is needed when a theme defines only a compact arrow for all modes.
bForceCompactArrowOffset = Parameters.get("_sap_m_Popover_ForceCompactArrowOffset") === "true";
// Determines if the Popover will be rendered in a compact mode
this._bSizeCompact = library._bSizeCompact || !!aCompactParents.length || this.hasStyleClass("sapUiSizeCompact");
this._bUseCompactArrow = this._bSizeCompact || bForceCompactArrowOffset;
if (ePopupState === OpenState.OPEN || ePopupState === OpenState.OPENING) {
if (this._oOpenBy === oControl) {
//if the popover is open, and is opening by the same control again, just return
return this;
} else {
//if the popover is open, and is opening by another control, then first close it and open later.
var afterClosed = function () {
oPopup.detachClosed(afterClosed, this);
oPopup.attachClosed(afterClosed, this);
return this;
if (!oControl) {
return this;
//bind the resize event to window
//CSN 2012 4216945
//binding should be registered here (very early) because when keyboard in android closes at the same time, resize event needs to be reacted in order to
//reposition the popover after the keyboard fully closes.
if (Device.support.touch) {
if (!this._oOpenBy || oControl !== this._oOpenBy) {
this._oOpenBy = oControl;
this.fireBeforeOpen({openBy: this._oOpenBy});
oPopup.attachOpened(this._handleOpened, this);
oPopup.attachClosed(this._handleClosed, this);
// Open popup
iPlacePos = this._placements.indexOf(this.getPlacement());
if (iPlacePos > -1) {
oParentDomRef = this._getOpenByDomRef();
if (!oParentDomRef) {
Log.error("sap.m.Popover id = " + this.getId() + ": is opened by a control which isn't rendered yet.");
return this;
// Set the oControl as autoclosearea regardless what the
// oParentDomRef is because clicking on the openBy control again
// should keep the popover open.
//if position has to be calculated wait until it is calculated with setting the position
if (iPlacePos <= 3) {
oPopup.setPosition(this._myPositions[iPlacePos], this._atPositions[iPlacePos], oParentDomRef, this._calcOffset(this._offsets[iPlacePos]), "fit");
} else {
oPopup._oPosition.of = oParentDomRef;
var that = this;
var fCheckAndOpen = function () {
if (oPopup.bIsDestroyed) {
if (oPopup.getOpenState() === OpenState.CLOSING) {
if (that._sOpenTimeout) {
that._sOpenTimeout = null;
that._sOpenTimeout = setTimeout(fCheckAndOpen, 150);
} else {
// Save current focused element to restore the focus after closing the dialog
that._oPreviousFocus = Popup.getCurrentFocusInfo();
// delegate must be added after calling open on popup because popup should position the content first and then focus can be reset
that.addDelegate(that._oRestoreFocusDelegate, that);
//if popover shouldn't be managed by Instance Manager
//e.g. SplitContainer in PopoverMode, the popover which contains the master area should be managed by the SplitContainer control
if (!bSkipInstanceManager) {
} else {
Log.error(this.getPlacement() + "is not a valid value! It can only be top, right, bottom or left");
return this;
* Closes the popover when it's already opened.
* @return {sap.m.Popover} Reference to the control instance for chaining
* @public
* @ui5-metamodel This method also will be described in the UI5 (legacy) designtime metamodel
Popover.prototype.close = function () {
var eOpenState = this.oPopup.getOpenState(),
bSameFocusElement, oActiveElement;
if (eOpenState === OpenState.CLOSED || eOpenState === OpenState.CLOSING) {
return this;
this.fireBeforeClose({openBy: this._oOpenBy});
// beforeCloseEvent is already fired here, the parameter true needs to be passed into the popup's close method.
if (this._oPreviousFocus) {
oActiveElement = document.activeElement || {};
// if the current focused control/element is the same as the focused control/element before popover is open, no need to restore focus.
bSameFocusElement = (this._oPreviousFocus.sFocusId === sap.ui.getCore().getCurrentFocusedControlId()) ||
(this._oPreviousFocus.sFocusId === oActiveElement.id);
// restore previous focus, if the current control isn't the same control as
if (!bSameFocusElement) {
this._oPreviousFocus = null;
return this;
* The method checks if the Popover is open. It returns true when the Popover is currently open (this includes opening and closing animations), otherwise it returns false.
* @return {boolean} whether the Popover is currently opened
* @public
* @since 1.9.1
* @ui5-metamodel This method also will be described in the UI5 (legacy) designtime metamodel
Popover.prototype.isOpen = function () {
return this.oPopup && this.oPopup.isOpen();
* The followOf feature closes the Popover when the position of the control that opened the Popover changes by at least 32 pixels (on desktop browsers). This may lead to unwanted closing of the Popover.
* This function is for enabling/disabling the followOf feature.
* @param {boolean} bValue Enables the followOf feature
* @return {sap.m.Popover} Reference to the control instance for chaining
* @protected
* @since 1.16.8
Popover.prototype.setFollowOf = function (bValue) {
if (bValue) {
} else {
return this;
* Setter for property bounce
* Default value is empty
* @param {boolean} bBounce New value for property bounce
* @return {sap.m.Popover} Reference to the control instance for chaining
* @protected
* @name sap.m.Popover#setBounce
* @function
/* =========================================================== */
/* end: API method */
/* =========================================================== */
/* =========================================================== */
/* begin: event handlers */
/* =========================================================== */
Popover.prototype._clearCSSStyles = function () {
var oStyle = this.getDomRef().style,
$content = this.$("cont"),
$scrollArea = $content.children(".sapMPopoverScroll"),
oContentStyle = $content[0].style,
oScrollAreaStyle = $scrollArea[0].style,
sContentWidth = this.getContentWidth(),
sContentHeight = this.getContentHeight(),
$arrow = this.$("arrow"),
if (sContentWidth.indexOf("%") > 0) {
iWindowWidth = this._$window.width();
sContentWidth = PopupHelper.calcPercentageSize(sContentWidth, iWindowWidth);
if (sContentHeight.indexOf("%") > 0) {
iWindowHeight = this._$window.height();
sContentHeight = PopupHelper.calcPercentageSize(sContentHeight, iWindowHeight);
oContentStyle.width = sContentWidth || "";
oContentStyle.height = sContentHeight || "";
oContentStyle.maxWidth = "";
oContentStyle.maxHeight = "";
oStyle.left = "";
oStyle.right = "";
oStyle.top = "";
oStyle.bottom = "";
oStyle.width = "";
oStyle.height = "";
oStyle.overflow = "";
oScrollAreaStyle.width = "";
oScrollAreaStyle.display = "";
// clear arrow styles
$arrow.removeClass("sapMPopoverArrRight sapMPopoverArrLeft sapMPopoverArrDown sapMPopoverArrUp sapMPopoverCrossArr sapMPopoverFooterAlignArr sapMPopoverHeaderAlignArr sapContrast sapContrastPlus");
left: "",
top: ""
Popover.prototype._onOrientationChange = function () {
var ePopupState = this.oPopup.getOpenState();
if (!(ePopupState === OpenState.OPEN || ePopupState === OpenState.OPENING)) {
this.oPopup._applyPosition(this.oPopup._oLastPosition, true);
* Register the listener to close the Popover when user taps outside both of the Popover and the control that opens the Popover.
* @private
Popover.prototype._handleOpened = function () {
var that = this;
this.oPopup.detachOpened(this._handleOpened, this);
// recalculate the arrow position when the size of the popover changes.
if (!Device.support.touch) {
setTimeout(function () {
!that.bIsDestroyed && Device.resize.attachHandler(that._fnOrientationChange);
}, 0);
// Set focus to the first visible focusable element
var sFocusId = this._getInitialFocusId(),
oControl = sap.ui.getCore().byId(sFocusId),
oDomById = (sFocusId ? window.document.getElementById(sFocusId) : null);
if (oControl && oControl.getFocusDomRef()){
} else if (!oControl && oDomById){
this.fireAfterOpen({openBy: this._oOpenBy});
Popover.prototype._handleClosed = function () {
this.oPopup.detachClosed(this._handleClosed, this);
// If the popover is closed, the focused element has to be blurred on mobile device to close the on
// screen keyboard when the element isn't visible
if (!this.oPopup._bModal && !Device.system.desktop && document.activeElement && !jQuery(document.activeElement).is(":visible")) {
this.fireAfterClose({openBy: this._oOpenBy});
* Event handler for the focusin event.
* If it occurs on the focus handler elements at the beginning of the dialog, the focus is set to the end, and vice versa.
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object
* @private
Popover.prototype.onfocusin = function (oEvent) {
var oSourceDomRef = oEvent.target,
$this = this.$();
//If the invisible FIRST focusable element (suffix '-firstfe') has got focus, move focus to the last focusable element inside
if (oSourceDomRef.id === this.getId() + "-firstfe") {
// Search for anything focusable from bottom to top
var oLastFocusableDomref = $this.lastFocusableDomRef();
if (oLastFocusableDomref){
} else if (oSourceDomRef.id === this.getId() + "-lastfe") {
// Search for anything focusable from top to bottom
var oFirstFocusableDomref = $this.firstFocusableDomRef();
if (oFirstFocusableDomref){
* Event handler for the keydown event.
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object
* @private
Popover.prototype.onkeydown = function (oEvent) {
var oKC = KeyCodes,
iKC = oEvent.which || oEvent.keyCode,
bAlt = oEvent.altKey;
// Popover should be closed when ESCAPE key or ATL+F4 is pressed
if (iKC === oKC.ESCAPE || (bAlt && iKC === oKC.F4)) {
// if inner control has already handled the event, dialog doesn't process the event anymore
if (oEvent.originalEvent && oEvent.originalEvent._sapui_handledByControl) {
//event should not trigger any further actions
* Takes care of resizing the popover
* @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object
Popover.prototype.onmousedown = function (oEvent) {
var bRTL = sap.ui.getCore().getConfiguration().getRTL();
if (!oEvent.target.classList.contains("sapMPopoverResizeHandle")) {
var $d = jQuery(document);
var $popover = this.$();
var that = this;
var initial = {
x: oEvent.pageX,
y: oEvent.pageY,
width: $popover.width(),
height: $popover.height()
$d.on("mousemove.sapMPopover", function (e) {
var width, height;
if (bRTL) {
width = initial.width + initial.x - e.pageX;
height = initial.height + (initial.y - e.pageY);
} else {
width = initial.width + e.pageX - initial.x;
height = initial.height + (initial.y - e.pageY);
that.setContentWidth(Math.max(width, that._minDimensions.width) + 'px');
that.setContentHeight(Math.max(height, that._minDimensions.height) + 'px');
$d.on("mouseup.sapMPopover", function () {
$d.off("mouseup.sapMPopover, mousemove.sapMPopover");
/* =========================================================== */
/* end: event handlers */
/* =========================================================== */
/* =========================================================== */
/* begin: internal methods */
/* =========================================================== */
* This method detects if there's an sap.m.NavContainer instance added as a single child into Popover's content aggregation or through one or more sap.ui.mvc.View controls.
* If there is, sapMPopoverNav style class will be added to the root node of the control in order to apply some special css styles to the inner dom nodes.
* @returns {boolean} True is there is a single NavContainer within the Popover's content
Popover.prototype._hasSingleNavContent = function () {
return !!this._getSingleNavContent();
Popover.prototype._getSingleNavContent = function () {
var aContent = this._getAllContent();
while (aContent.length === 1 && aContent[0] instanceof sap.ui.core.mvc.View) {
aContent = aContent[0].getContent();
if (aContent.length === 1 && aContent[0] instanceof sap.m.NavContainer) {
return aContent[0];
} else {
return null;
Popover.prototype._getSinglePageContent = function () {
var aContent = this._getAllContent();
while (aContent.length === 1 && aContent[0] instanceof sap.ui.core.mvc.View) {
aContent = aContent[0].getContent();
if (aContent.length === 1 && aContent[0] instanceof sap.m.Page) {
return aContent[0];
} else {
return null;
* This method detects if there's an sap.m.Page instance added as a single child into popover's content aggregation or through one or more sap.ui.mvc.View controls.
* If there is, sapMPopoverPage style class will be added to the root node of the control in order to apply some special css styles to the inner dom nodes.
* @returns {boolean} True is there is a Page within the Popover's content
Popover.prototype._hasSinglePageContent = function () {
var aContent = this._getAllContent();
while (aContent.length === 1 && aContent[0] instanceof sap.ui.core.mvc.View) {
aContent = aContent[0].getContent();
if (aContent.length === 1 && aContent[0] instanceof sap.m.Page) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* If a scrollable control (sap.m.NavContainer, sap.m.ScrollContainer, sap.m.Page) is added to popover's content aggregation as a single child or through one or more sap.ui.mvc.View instances,
* the scrolling inside popover will be disabled in order to avoid wrapped scrolling areas.
* If more than one scrollable control is added to popover, the scrolling needs to be disabled manually.
* @returns {boolean} True if there is a scrollable element within the Popover's content
Popover.prototype._hasSingleScrollableContent = function () {
var aContent = this._getAllContent(), i;
while (aContent.length === 1 && aContent[0] instanceof sap.ui.core.mvc.View) {
aContent = aContent[0].getContent();
if (aContent.length === 1) {
for (i = 0; i < this._scrollContentList.length; i++) {
if (aContent[0] instanceof this._scrollContentList[i]) {
return true;
return false;
} else {
return false;
* Returns the offsetX value by negating the value when in RTL mode.
* @returns {number} OffsetX The offset value
* @private
Popover.prototype._getOffsetX = function () {
var oFlipPlacement = this.getPlacement(),
iFlipOffset = 0;
if (this._bHorizontalFlip) {
var oParent = this._getOpenByDomRef();
var bHasParent = oParent !== undefined;
var iParentWidth = bHasParent ? oParent.getBoundingClientRect().width : 0;
iFlipOffset = oFlipPlacement === PlacementType.PreferredRightOrFlip ? Math.abs(iParentWidth) : -Math.abs(iParentWidth);
var bRtl = sap.ui.getCore().getConfiguration().getRTL();
var iOffsetX = iFlipOffset * (bRtl ? -1 : 1) + this.getOffsetX() * (bRtl ? -1 : 1);
return iOffsetX;
* This is only a wrapper of getOffsetY for possible future usage.
* @returns {number} OffsetY
* @private
Popover.prototype._getOffsetY = function () {
var oFlipPlacement = this.getPlacement(),
iFlipOffset = 0;
if (this._bVerticalFlip) {
var oParent = this._getOpenByDomRef();
var bHasParent = oParent !== undefined;
var iParentHeight = bHasParent ? oParent.getBoundingClientRect().height : 0;
iFlipOffset = oFlipPlacement === "PreferredTopOrFlip" ? -Math.abs(iParentHeight) : Math.abs(iParentHeight);
return iFlipOffset + this.getOffsetY();
Popover.prototype._calcOffset = function (sOffset) {
var iOffsetX = this._getOffsetX(),
iOffsetY = this._getOffsetY();
var aParts = sOffset.split(" ");
var sOffset = (parseInt(aParts[0], 10) + iOffsetX) + " " + (parseInt(aParts[1], 10) + iOffsetY);
return sOffset;
Popover.prototype._calcPlacement = function () {
var oPlacement = this.getPlacement();
var oParentDomRef = this._getOpenByDomRef();
//calculate the position of the popover
switch (oPlacement) {
case PlacementType.Auto:
case PlacementType.Vertical:
case PlacementType.VerticalPreferedTop:
case PlacementType.VerticalPreferredTop:
case PlacementType.VerticalPreferedBottom:
case PlacementType.VerticalPreferredBottom:
case PlacementType.PreferredTopOrFlip:
case PlacementType.PreferredBottomOrFlip:
case PlacementType.Horizontal:
case PlacementType.HorizontalPreferedLeft:
case PlacementType.HorizontalPreferredLeft:
case PlacementType.HorizontalPreferedRight:
case PlacementType.HorizontalPreferredRight:
case PlacementType.PreferredRightOrFlip:
case PlacementType.PreferredLeftOrFlip:
//set flag to avoid calling _applyPosition
this._bPosCalced = true;
//set position of popover to calculated position
var iPlacePos = this._placements.indexOf(this._oCalcedPos);
this.oPopup.setPosition(this._myPositions[iPlacePos], this._atPositions[iPlacePos], oParentDomRef, this._calcOffset(this._offsets[iPlacePos]), "fit");
Popover.prototype._getDocHeight = function () {
var body = document.body,
html = document.documentElement;
return Math.max(body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, html.clientHeight, html.offsetHeight);
Popover.prototype._calcVertical = function () {
var $parent = jQuery(this._getOpenByDomRef());
var bHasParent = $parent[0] !== undefined;
var bPreferredPlacementTop = this.getPlacement() === PlacementType.VerticalPreferedTop || this.getPlacement() === PlacementType.VerticalPreferredTop;
var bPreferredPlacementBottom = this.getPlacement() === PlacementType.VerticalPreferedBottom || this.getPlacement() === PlacementType.VerticalPreferredBottom;
var bPreferredTopOrFlip = this.getPlacement() === PlacementType.PreferredTopOrFlip;
var bPreferredBottomOrFlip = this.getPlacement() === PlacementType.PreferredBottomOrFlip;
var iParentTop = bHasParent ? $parent[0].getBoundingClientRect().top : 0;
var iParentHeight = bHasParent ? $parent[0].getBoundingClientRect().height : 0;
var iOffsetY = this._getOffsetY();
var iTopSpace = iParentTop - this._marginTop + iOffsetY;
var iPopoverHeight = this.$().outerHeight();
var iBottomSpace = this._getDocHeight() - ($parent.offset().top + iParentHeight + this._marginBottom + iOffsetY);
if (bPreferredPlacementTop && iTopSpace > iPopoverHeight + this._arrowOffset) {
this._bVerticalFlip = false;
this._oCalcedPos = PlacementType.Top;
} else if (bPreferredTopOrFlip) {
if (iTopSpace > iPopoverHeight + this._arrowOffset) {
this._bVerticalFlip = false;
this._oCalcedPos = PlacementType.Top;
} else {
this._bVerticalFlip = true;
this._oCalcedPos = PlacementType.Bottom;
} else if (bPreferredPlacementBottom && iBottomSpace > iPopoverHeight + this._arrowOffset) {
this._oCalcedPos = PlacementType.Bottom;
this._bVerticalFlip = false;
} else if (bPreferredBottomOrFlip) {
if (iBottomSpace > iPopoverHeight + this._arrowOffset) {
this._bVerticalFlip = false;
this._oCalcedPos = PlacementType.Bottom;
} else {
this._bVerticalFlip = true;
this._oCalcedPos = PlacementType.Top;
} else if (iTopSpace > iBottomSpace) {
this._oCalcedPos = PlacementType.Top;
} else {
this._oCalcedPos = PlacementType.Bottom;
Popover.prototype._calcHorizontal = function () {
var $parent = jQuery(this._getOpenByDomRef());
var bHasParent = $parent[0] !== undefined;
var bPreferredPlacementLeft = this.getPlacement() === PlacementType.HorizontalPreferedLeft || this.getPlacement() === PlacementType.HorizontalPreferredLeft;
var bPreferredPlacementRight = this.getPlacement() === PlacementType.HorizontalPreferedRight || this.getPlacement() === PlacementType.HorizontalPreferredRight;
var iParentLeft = bHasParent ? $parent[0].getBoundingClientRect().left : 0;
var iParentWidth = bHasParent ? $parent[0].getBoundingClientRect().width : 0;
var iOffsetX = this._getOffsetX();
var iLeftSpace = iParentLeft - this._marginLeft + iOffsetX;
var iParentRight = iParentLeft + iParentWidth;
var iRightSpace = this._$window.width() - iParentRight - this._marginRight - iOffsetX;
var iPopoverWidth = this.$().outerWidth();
var bPreferredLeftOrFlip = this.getPlacement() === PlacementType.PreferredLeftOrFlip;
var bPreferredRightOrFlip = this.getPlacement() === PlacementType.PreferredRightOrFlip;
var bRtl = sap.ui.getCore().getConfiguration().getRTL();
if (bPreferredPlacementLeft && iLeftSpace > iPopoverWidth + this._arrowOffset) {
this._bHorizontalFlip = false;
this._oCalcedPos = bRtl ? PlacementType.Right : PlacementType.Left;
} else if (bPreferredLeftOrFlip) {
if (iLeftSpace > iPopoverWidth + this._arrowOffset) {
this._bHorizontalFlip = false;
this._oCalcedPos = bRtl ? PlacementType.Right : PlacementType.Left;
} else {
this._bHorizontalFlip = true;
this._oCalcedPos = bRtl ? PlacementType.Left : PlacementType.Right;
} else if (bPreferredPlacementRight && iRightSpace > iPopoverWidth + this._arrowOffset) {
this._bHorizontalFlip = false;
this._oCalcedPos = bRtl ? PlacementType.Left : PlacementType.Right;
} else if (bPreferredRightOrFlip) {
if (iRightSpace > iPopoverWidth + this._arrowOffset) {
this._bHorizontalFlip = false;
this._oCalcedPos = bRtl ? PlacementType.Left : PlacementType.Right;
} else {
this._bHorizontalFlip = true;
this._oCalcedPos = bRtl ? PlacementType.Right : PlacementType.Left;
} else if (iLeftSpace > iRightSpace) {
this._oCalcedPos = bRtl ? PlacementType.Right : PlacementType.Left;
} else {
this._oCalcedPos = bRtl ? PlacementType.Left : PlacementType.Right;
Popover.prototype._calcAuto = function () {
//calculate which position is the best
if (this._$window.width() > this._$window.height()) {
//in "landscape" mode horizontal is preferred, therefore it is checked first
if (this._checkHorizontal()) {
} else if (this._checkVertical()) {
} else {
} else {
if (this._checkVertical()) {
} else if (this._checkHorizontal()) {
} else {
Popover.prototype._checkHorizontal = function () {
//check if there is enough space
var $parent = jQuery(this._getOpenByDomRef());
var bHasParent = $parent[0] !== undefined;
var iParentLeft = bHasParent ? $parent[0].getBoundingClientRect().left : 0;
var iParentWidth = bHasParent ? $parent[0].getBoundingClientRect().width : 0;
var iOffsetX = this._getOffsetX();
var iLeftSpace = iParentLeft - this._marginLeft + iOffsetX;
var iParentRight = iParentLeft + iParentWidth;
var iRightSpace = this._$window.width() - iParentRight - this._marginRight - iOffsetX;
var $this = this.$();
var iWidth = $this.outerWidth() + this._arrowOffset;
if ((iWidth <= iLeftSpace) || (iWidth <= iRightSpace)) {
return true;
Popover.prototype._checkVertical = function () {
//check if there is enough space
var $parent = jQuery(this._getOpenByDomRef());
var bHasParent = $parent[0] !== undefined;
var iParentTop = bHasParent ? $parent[0].getBoundingClientRect().top : 0;
var iParentHeight = bHasParent ? $parent[0].getBoundingClientRect().height : 0;
var iOffsetY = this._getOffsetY();
var iTopSpace = iParentTop - this._marginTop + iOffsetY;
var iBottomSpace = this._getDocHeight() - $parent.offset().top - iParentHeight - this._marginBottom - iOffsetY;
var $this = this.$();
var iHeight = $this.outerHeight() + this._arrowOffset;
if ((iHeight <= iTopSpace) || (iHeight <= iBottomSpace)) {
return true;
Popover.prototype._calcBestPos = function () {
// if all positions are not big enough, we calculate which position covers the most of the popover
var $this = this.$();
var iHeight = $this.outerHeight();
var iWidth = $this.outerWidth();
var bRtl = sap.ui.getCore().getConfiguration().getRTL();
var $parent = jQuery(this._getOpenByDomRef());
var bHasParent = $parent[0] !== undefined;
var iParentLeft = bHasParent ? $parent[0].getBoundingClientRect().left : 0;
var iParentTop = bHasParent ? $parent[0].getBoundingClientRect().top : 0;
var iParentWidth = bHasParent ? $parent[0].getBoundingClientRect().width : 0;
var iParentHeight = bHasParent ? $parent[0].getBoundingClientRect().height : 0;
var iOffsetX = this._getOffsetX();
var iOffsetY = this._getOffsetY();
var iTopSpace = iParentTop - this._marginTop + iOffsetY;
var iBottomSpace = this._getDocHeight() - $parent.offset().top - iParentHeight - this._marginBottom - iOffsetY;
var iLeftSpace = iParentLeft - this._marginLeft + iOffsetX;
var iParentRight = iParentLeft + iParentWidth;
var iRightSpace = this._$window.width() - iParentRight - this._marginRight - iOffsetX;
//calculation for every possible position how many percent of the popover can be covered
var fPopoverSize = iHeight * iWidth;
var fAvailableHeight;
var fAvaliableWidth;
if ((this._$window.height() - this._marginTop - this._marginBottom) >= iHeight) {
fAvailableHeight = iHeight;
} else {
fAvailableHeight = this._$window.height() - this._marginTop - this._marginBottom;
if ((this._$window.width() - this._marginLeft - this._marginRight) >= iWidth) {
fAvaliableWidth = iWidth;
} else {
fAvaliableWidth = this._$window.width() - this._marginLeft - this._marginRight;
var fLeftCoverage = (fAvailableHeight * (iLeftSpace)) / fPopoverSize;
var fRightCoverage = (fAvailableHeight * (iRightSpace)) / fPopoverSize;
var fTopCoverage = (fAvaliableWidth * (iTopSpace)) / fPopoverSize;
var fBottomCoverage = (fAvaliableWidth * (iBottomSpace)) / fPopoverSize;
//choosing of the position with the biggest coverage and setting of the associated position
var fMaxCoverageHorizontal = Math.max(fLeftCoverage, fRightCoverage);
var fMaxCoverageVertical = Math.max(fTopCoverage, fBottomCoverage);
if (fMaxCoverageHorizontal > fMaxCoverageVertical) {
if (fMaxCoverageHorizontal === fLeftCoverage) {
this._oCalcedPos = bRtl ? PlacementType.Right : PlacementType.Left;
} else if (fMaxCoverageHorizontal === fRightCoverage) {
this._oCalcedPos = bRtl ? PlacementType.Left : PlacementType.Right;
} else if (fMaxCoverageVertical > fMaxCoverageHorizontal) {
if (fMaxCoverageVertical === fTopCoverage) {
this._oCalcedPos = PlacementType.Top;
} else if (fMaxCoverageVertical === fBottomCoverage) {
this._oCalcedPos = PlacementType.Bottom;
} else if (fMaxCoverageVertical === fMaxCoverageHorizontal) {
if (this._$window.height() > this._$window.width()) {
// in portrait vertical is preferred
if (fMaxCoverageVertical === fTopCoverage) {
this._oCalcedPos = PlacementType.Top;
} else if (fMaxCoverageVertical === fBottomCoverage) {
this._oCalcedPos = PlacementType.Bottom;
} else {
// in landscape horizontal is preferred
if (fMaxCoverageHorizontal === fLeftCoverage) {
this._oCalcedPos = bRtl ? PlacementType.Right : PlacementType.Left;
} else if (fMaxCoverageHorizontal === fRightCoverage) {
this._oCalcedPos = bRtl ? PlacementType.Left : PlacementType.Right;
* Calculate outerWidth of the element; used as hook for SVG elements
* @param {HTMLElement} oElement An Element for which outerWidth will be calculated.
* @param {boolean} bIncludeMargin Determines if the margins should be included in the calculated outerWidth. Default value is false.
* @returns {number} The outer width of the element
* @protected
Popover.outerWidth = function (oElement, bIncludeMargin) {
if (typeof window.SVGElement !== "undefined" && oElement instanceof window.SVGElement) {
return oElement.getBoundingClientRect().width;
return jQuery(oElement).outerWidth(!!bIncludeMargin);
* Calculate outerHeight of the element; used as hook for SVG elements
* @param {HTMLElement} oElement An Element for which outerHeight will be calculated.
* @param {boolean} bIncludeMargin Determines if the margins should be included in the calculated outerHeight. Default value is false.
* * @returns {number} The outer height of the element
* @protected
Popover.outerHeight = function (oElement, bIncludeMargin) {
if (typeof window.SVGElement !== "undefined" && oElement instanceof window.SVGElement) {
return oElement.getBoundingClientRect().height;
return jQuery(oElement).outerHeight(!!bIncludeMargin);
Popover.prototype._getPositionParams = function ($popover, $arrow, $content, $scrollArea) {
var oComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle($popover[0]),
oContentComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle($content[0]),
fScrollWidth = this.getDomRef().clientHeight != this.getDomRef().scrollHeight ? getScrollbarSize().width : 0,
oPosParams = {};
oPosParams._$popover = $popover;
oPosParams._$parent = jQuery(this._getOpenByDomRef());
oPosParams._$arrow = $arrow;
oPosParams._$content = $content;
oPosParams._$scrollArea = $scrollArea;
oPosParams._$header = $popover.children(".sapMPopoverHeader");
oPosParams._$subHeader = $popover.children(".sapMPopoverSubHeader");
oPosParams._$footer = $popover.children(".sapMPopoverFooter");
oPosParams._fWindowTop = this._$window.scrollTop();
oPosParams._fWindowRight = this._$window.width();
oPosParams._fWindowBottom = (Popover._bIOS7 && Device.orientation.landscape && window.innerHeight) ? window.innerHeight : this._$window.height();
oPosParams._fWindowLeft = this._$window.scrollLeft();
oPosParams._fDocumentWidth = oPosParams._fWindowLeft + oPosParams._fWindowRight;
oPosParams._fDocumentHeight = oPosParams._fWindowTop + oPosParams._fWindowBottom;
oPosParams._fArrowHeight = $arrow.outerHeight(true);
oPosParams._fWidth = Popover.outerWidth($popover[0]);
oPosParams._fWidthInner = oPosParams._$scrollArea ? (oPosParams._$scrollArea.width() + fScrollWidth) : 0;
oPosParams._fHeight = Popover.outerHeight($popover[0]);
oPosParams._fHeaderHeight = oPosParams._$header.length > 0 ? oPosParams._$header.outerHeight(true) : 0;
oPosParams._fSubHeaderHeight = oPosParams._$subHeader.length > 0 ? oPosParams._$subHeader.outerHeight(true) : 0;
oPosParams._fFooterHeight = oPosParams._$footer.length > 0 ? oPosParams._$footer.outerHeight(true) : 0;
oPosParams._fOffset = $popover.offset();
oPosParams._fOffsetX = this._getOffsetX();
oPosParams._fOffsetY = this._getOffsetY();
oPosParams._fMarginTop = oPosParams._fWindowTop + this._marginTop;
oPosParams._fMarginRight = this._marginRight;
oPosParams._fMarginBottom = this._marginBottom;
oPosParams._fMarginLeft = oPosParams._fWindowLeft + this._marginLeft;
oPosParams._fPopoverBorderTop = parseFloat(oComputedStyle.borderTopWidth);
oPosParams._fPopoverBorderRight = parseFloat(oComputedStyle.borderRightWidth);
oPosParams._fPopoverBorderBottom = parseFloat(oComputedStyle.borderBottomWidth);
oPosParams._fPopoverBorderLeft = parseFloat(oComputedStyle.borderLeftWidth);
oPosParams._fContentMarginTop = parseFloat(oContentComputedStyle.marginTop);
oPosParams._fContentMarginBottom = parseFloat(oContentComputedStyle.marginBottom);
return oPosParams;
* Recalculate the margin offsets so the Popover will never cover the control that opens it.
* @param {sap.m.PlacementType} sCalculatedPlacement Calculated placement of the Popover
* @param {object} oPosParams used to calculate actual values for the screen margins, so the Popover will never cover the Opener control or goes outside of the viewport
* @private
Popover.prototype._recalculateMargins = function (sCalculatedPlacement, oPosParams) {
var bRtl = sap.ui.getCore().getConfiguration().getRTL();
//make the popover never cover the control or dom node that opens the popover
switch (sCalculatedPlacement) {
case PlacementType.Left:
if (bRtl) {
oPosParams._fMarginLeft = oPosParams._$parent.offset().left + Popover.outerWidth(oPosParams._$parent[0], false) + this._arrowOffset - oPosParams._fOffsetX;
} else {
oPosParams._fMarginRight = oPosParams._fDocumentWidth - oPosParams._$parent.offset().left + this._arrowOffset - oPosParams._fOffsetX;
case PlacementType.Right:
if (bRtl) {
oPosParams._fMarginRight = oPosParams._fDocumentWidth - Popover.outerWidth(oPosParams._$parent[0], false) - oPosParams._$parent.offset().left + this._arrowOffset;
} else {
oPosParams._fMarginLeft = oPosParams._$parent.offset().left + Popover.outerWidth(oPosParams._$parent[0], false) + this._arrowOffset + oPosParams._fOffsetX;
case PlacementType.Top:
oPosParams._fMarginBottom = oPosParams._fDocumentHeight - oPosParams._$parent.offset().top + this._arrowOffset - oPosParams._fOffsetY;
case PlacementType.Bottom:
oPosParams._fMarginTop = oPosParams._$parent.offset().top + Popover.outerHeight(oPosParams._$parent[0], false) + this._arrowOffset + oPosParams._fOffsetY;
* Gets the styles for positioning the Popover.
* @param {object} oPosParams used to calculate actual values for the Popover's top, left, right and bottom properties
* @returns {object} Values for positioning the Popover
* @private
Popover.prototype._getPopoverPositionCss = function (oPosParams) {
var iLeft,
iPosToRightBorder = oPosParams._fDocumentWidth - oPosParams._fOffset.left - oPosParams._fWidth,
iPosToBottomBorder = oPosParams._fDocumentHeight - oPosParams._fOffset.top - oPosParams._fHeight,
bExceedHorizontal = (oPosParams._fDocumentWidth - oPosParams._fMarginRight - oPosParams._fMarginLeft) < oPosParams._fWidth,
bExceedVertical = (oPosParams._fDocumentHeight - oPosParams._fMarginTop - oPosParams._fMarginBottom) < oPosParams._fHeight,
bOverLeft = oPosParams._fOffset.left < oPosParams._fMarginLeft,
//Include Scrollbar's width in these calculations
fScrollbarSize = this.getVerticalScrolling() && (oPosParams._fWidth !== oPosParams._fWidthInner) ?
getScrollbarSize().width : 0,
bOverRight = iPosToRightBorder < (oPosParams._fMarginRight + fScrollbarSize),
bOverTop = oPosParams._fOffset.top < oPosParams._fMarginTop,
bOverBottom = iPosToBottomBorder < oPosParams._fMarginBottom,
bRtl = sap.ui.getCore().getConfiguration().getRTL();
if (bExceedHorizontal) {
iLeft = oPosParams._fMarginLeft;
iRight = oPosParams._fMarginRight;
} else {
if (bOverLeft) {
iLeft = oPosParams._fMarginLeft;
if (bRtl) {
// when only one side of the popover goes beyond the defined border make sure that
// only one from the iLeft and iRight is set because Popover has a fixed size and
// can't react to content size change when both are set
iRight = "";
} else if (bOverRight) {
iRight = oPosParams._fMarginRight;
// when only one side of the popover goes beyond the defined border make sure that
// only one from the iLeft and iRight is set because Popover has a fixed size and
// can't react to content size change when both are set
iLeft = "";
if (bExceedVertical) {
iTop = oPosParams._fMarginTop;
iBottom = oPosParams._fMarginBottom;
} else {
if (bOverTop) {
iTop = oPosParams._fMarginTop;
} else if (bOverBottom) {
iBottom = oPosParams._fMarginBottom;
// when only one side of the popover goes beyond the defined border make sure that
// only one from the iLeft and iRight is set because Popover has a fixed size and
// can't react to content size change when both are set
iTop = "";
var mPosition = {
top: iTop,
bottom: iBottom - oPosParams._fWindowTop,
left: iLeft,
right: typeof iRight === "number" ? iRight - oPosParams._fWindowLeft : iRight
return mPosition;
* Gets styles for the content area.
* @param {object} oPosParams used to calculate the content dimension (width, height, max-height) values
* @returns {object} Calculated styles for content area
* @private
Popover.prototype._getContentDimensionsCss = function (oPosParams) {
var oCSS = {},
iActualContentHeight = oPosParams._$content.height(),
iMaxContentWidth = this._getMaxContentWidth(oPosParams),
iMaxContentHeight = this._getMaxContentHeight(oPosParams);
//make sure iMaxContentHeight is NEVER less than 0
iMaxContentHeight = Math.max(iMaxContentHeight, 0);
oCSS["max-width"] = iMaxContentWidth + "px";
// When Popover can fit into the current screen size, don't set the height on the content div.
// This can fix the flashing scroll bar problem when content size gets bigger after it's opened.
// When position: absolute is used on the scroller div, the height has to be kept otherwise content div has 0 height.
if (this.getContentHeight() || (iActualContentHeight > iMaxContentHeight)) {
oCSS["height"] = Math.min(iMaxContentHeight, iActualContentHeight) + "px";
} else {
oCSS["height"] = "";
oCSS["max-height"] = iMaxContentHeight + "px";
return oCSS;
* Gets max content width.
* @param {object} oPosParams Parameters used from the method to calculate the right values
* @returns {number} Calculated max content width
* @private
Popover.prototype._getMaxContentWidth = function (oPosParams) {
return oPosParams._fDocumentWidth - oPosParams._fMarginLeft - oPosParams._fMarginRight - oPosParams._fPopoverBorderLeft - oPosParams._fPopoverBorderRight;
* Gets max content height.
* @param {object} oPosParams Parameters used from the method to calculate the right values
* @returns {number} Calculated max content height
* @private
Popover.prototype._getMaxContentHeight = function (oPosParams) {
return oPosParams._fDocumentHeight - oPosParams._fMarginTop - oPosParams._fMarginBottom - oPosParams._fHeaderHeight - oPosParams._fSubHeaderHeight - oPosParams._fFooterHeight - oPosParams._fContentMarginTop - oPosParams._fContentMarginBottom - oPosParams._fPopoverBorderTop - oPosParams._fPopoverBorderBottom;
* Determines whether the horizontal scrollbar is needed.
* @param {object} oPosParams Parameters used from the method to calculate the right values.
* @returns {boolean} Whether the horizontal scrollbar is needed.
* @private
Popover.prototype._isHorizontalScrollbarNeeded = function (oPosParams) {
// disable the horizontal scrolling when content inside can fit the container
return this.getHorizontalScrolling() && (oPosParams._$scrollArea.outerWidth(true) <= oPosParams._$content.width());
* Gets arrow offset styles.
* @param {sap.m.PlacementType} sCalculatedPlacement Calculated placement of the Popover
* @param {object} oPosParams Parameters used from the method to calculate the right values
* @returns {object} Correct position type and value
* @private
Popover.prototype._getArrowOffsetCss = function (sCalculatedPlacement, oPosParams) {
var iPosArrow,
bRtl = sap.ui.getCore().getConfiguration().getRTL();
// Recalculate Popover width and height because they can be changed after position adjustments
oPosParams._fWidth = oPosParams._$popover.outerWidth();
oPosParams._fHeight = oPosParams._$popover.outerHeight();
// Set arrow offset
if (sCalculatedPlacement === PlacementType.Left || sCalculatedPlacement === PlacementType.Right) {
iPosArrow = oPosParams._$parent.offset().top - oPosParams._$popover.offset().top - oPosParams._fPopoverBorderTop + oPosParams._fOffsetY + 0.5 * (Popover.outerHeight(oPosParams._$parent[0], false) - oPosParams._$arrow.outerHeight(false));
iPosArrow = Math.max(iPosArrow, this._arrowOffsetThreshold);
iPosArrow = Math.min(iPosArrow, oPosParams._fHeight - this._arrowOffsetThreshold - oPosParams._$arrow.outerHeight());
return {"top": iPosArrow};
} else if (sCalculatedPlacement === PlacementType.Top || sCalculatedPlacement === PlacementType.Bottom) {
if (bRtl) {
iPosArrow = oPosParams._$popover.offset().left + Popover.outerWidth(oPosParams._$popover[0], false) - (oPosParams._$parent.offset().left + Popover.outerWidth(oPosParams._$parent[0], false)) + oPosParams._fPopoverBorderRight + oPosParams._fOffsetX + 0.5 * (Popover.outerWidth(oPosParams._$parent[0], false) - oPosParams._$arrow.outerWidth(false));
iPosArrow = Math.max(iPosArrow, this._arrowOffsetThreshold);
iPosArrow = Math.min(iPosArrow, oPosParams._fWidth - this._arrowOffsetThreshold - oPosParams._$arrow.outerWidth(false));
return {"right": iPosArrow};
} else {
iPosArrow = oPosParams._$parent.offset().left - oPosParams._$popover.offset().left - oPosParams._fPopoverBorderLeft + oPosParams._fOffsetX + 0.5 * (Popover.outerWidth(oPosParams._$parent[0], false) - oPosParams._$arrow.outerWidth(false));
iPosArrow = Math.max(iPosArrow, this._arrowOffsetThreshold);
iPosArrow = Math.min(iPosArrow, oPosParams._fWidth - this._arrowOffsetThreshold - oPosParams._$arrow.outerWidth(false));
return {"left": iPosArrow};
* Gets the CSS class for positioning the arrow.
* @param {sap.m.PlacementType} sCalculatedPlacement Calculated placement of the Popover
* @returns {string} CSS class for positioning the arrow
* @private
Popover.prototype._getArrowPositionCssClass = function (sCalculatedPlacement) {
switch (sCalculatedPlacement) {
case PlacementType.Left:
return "sapMPopoverArrRight";
case PlacementType.Right:
return "sapMPopoverArrLeft";
case PlacementType.Top:
return "sapMPopoverArrDown";
case PlacementType.Bottom:
return "sapMPopoverArrUp";
* Gets the CSS class for arrow if it crosses header or footer.
* @param {object} oPosParams Parameters used from the method to calculate the right values
* @returns {string|undefined} Correct CSS class or undefined if the Arrow do not cross Header or Footer
* @private
Popover.prototype._getArrowStyleCssClass = function (oPosParams) {
//cross header or cross footer detection
var oArrowPos = oPosParams._$arrow.position(),
oFooterPos = oPosParams._$footer.position(),
oNavContent = this._getSingleNavContent(),
oPageContent = this._getSinglePageContent(),
iPageHeaderHeight = 0;
if (oNavContent || oPageContent) {
oPageContent = oPageContent || oNavContent.getCurrentPage();
if (oPageContent) {
iPageHeaderHeight = oPageContent._getAnyHeader().$().outerHeight();
if ((oArrowPos.top + oPosParams._fArrowHeight) < (oPosParams._fHeaderHeight + oPosParams._fSubHeaderHeight) || ((oArrowPos.top + oPosParams._fArrowHeight) < iPageHeaderHeight)) {
return "sapMPopoverHeaderAlignArr";
} else if ((oArrowPos.top < (oPosParams._fHeaderHeight + oPosParams._fSubHeaderHeight)) || (oArrowPos.top < iPageHeaderHeight) || (oPosParams._$footer.length && ((oArrowPos.top + oPosParams._fArrowHeight) > oFooterPos.top) && (oArrowPos.top < oFooterPos.top))) {
return "sapMPopoverCrossArr";
} else if (oPosParams._$footer.length && (oArrowPos.top > oFooterPos.top)) {
return "sapMPopoverFooterAlignArr";
* Gets the calculated placement of the Popover.
* @returns {sap.m.PlacementType} The placement of the popover
* @private
Popover.prototype._getCalculatedPlacement = function () {
return this._oCalcedPos || this.getPlacement();
* Rearrange the arrow and the popover position.
* @private
Popover.prototype._adjustPositionAndArrow = function () {
var ePopupState = this.oPopup.getOpenState();
if (!(ePopupState === OpenState.OPEN || ePopupState === OpenState.OPENING)) {
var $popover = this.$(),
$arrow = this.$("arrow"),
$content = this.$("cont"),
$scrollArea = this.$("scroll"),
sCalculatedPlacement = this._getCalculatedPlacement(),
oPosParams = this._getPositionParams($popover, $arrow, $content, $scrollArea);
this._recalculateMargins(sCalculatedPlacement, oPosParams);
var oPopoverPosition = this._getPopoverPositionCss(oPosParams),
oContentSize = this._getContentDimensionsCss(oPosParams),
bHorizontalScrollbarNeeded = this._isHorizontalScrollbarNeeded(oPosParams);
// Reposition popover
// Resize popover content, if necessary
// Enable the scrollbar, if necessary
if (bHorizontalScrollbarNeeded) {
$scrollArea.css("display", "block");
if (this.getShowArrow()) {
// Set the arrow next to the opener
var iArrowOffset = this._getArrowOffsetCss(sCalculatedPlacement, oPosParams),
sArrowPositionClass = this._getArrowPositionCssClass(sCalculatedPlacement),
sArrowStyleClass, bUseContrastContainer;
// Remove old position of the arrow and add the new one
// Add position class to the arrow
// Use contrast container if the arrow is placed down and the footer exists.
if (sCalculatedPlacement === PlacementType.Top && oPosParams._$footer && oPosParams._$footer.size()) {
bUseContrastContainer = true;
// Style the arrow according to the header/footer/content if it is to the left or right
if (sCalculatedPlacement === PlacementType.Left || sCalculatedPlacement === PlacementType.Right) {
sArrowStyleClass = this._getArrowStyleCssClass(oPosParams);
if (sArrowStyleClass) {
// Use contrast container if there is a footer and the arrow is around it.
if (sArrowStyleClass === "sapMPopoverFooterAlignArr") {
bUseContrastContainer = true;
// Add the contrast container classes when a contrast container should be used.
if (bUseContrastContainer) {
$arrow.addClass("sapContrast sapContrastPlus");
// Prevent the popover from hiding the arrow
$popover.css("overflow", "visible");
* Adapt position and offsets variables if the Popover is used without arrow.
* @private
Popover.prototype._adaptPositionParams = function () {
if (this.getShowArrow()) {
this._marginLeft = 10;
this._marginRight = 10;
this._marginBottom = 10;
this._arrowOffset = 18;
this._offsets = ["0 -18", "18 0", "0 18", "-18 0"];
if (this._bUseCompactArrow) {
this._arrowOffset = 9;
this._offsets = ["0 -9", "9 0", "0 9", "-9 0"];
this._myPositions = ["center bottom", "begin center", "center top", "end center"];
this._atPositions = ["center top", "end center", "center bottom", "begin center"];
} else {
this._marginTop = 0;
this._marginLeft = 0;
this._marginRight = 0;
this._marginBottom = 0;
this._arrowOffset = 0;
this._offsets = ["0 0", "0 0", "0 0", "0 0"];
this._myPositions = ["begin bottom", "begin center", "begin top", "end center"];
this._atPositions = ["begin top", "end center", "begin bottom", "begin center"];
* Hook called after adjusment of the Popover position.
* @protected
Popover.prototype._afterAdjustPositionAndArrowHook = function () {
* Determine if the oDomNode
is inside the Popover or inside the control that opens the Popover.
* @returns {boolean} Whether the DOM node is inside the popover or its opening control
* @private
Popover.prototype._isPopupElement = function (oDOMNode) {
var oParentDomRef = this._getOpenByDomRef();
return !!(jQuery(oDOMNode).closest(sap.ui.getCore().getStaticAreaRef()).length) || !!(jQuery(oDOMNode).closest(oParentDomRef).length);
* If customHeader is set, this will return the customHeaer. Otherwise it creates a header and put the
* title and buttons if needed inside, and finally return this newly create header.
* @returns {object} The created header
* @protected
Popover.prototype._getAnyHeader = function () {
if (this.getCustomHeader()) {
return this.getCustomHeader();
} else {
if (this.getShowHeader()) {
return this._internalHeader;
Popover.prototype._createInternalHeader = function () {
if (!this._internalHeader) {
var that = this;
this._internalHeader = new Bar(this.getId() + "-intHeader");
this.setAggregation("_internalHeader", this._internalHeader);
onAfterRendering: function () {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Popover.prototype._animation = function (fnAnimationCb, $Ref) {
var vTimeout = null;
var fnTransitionEnd = function () {
$Ref.off("webkitTransitionEnd transitionend");
setTimeout(function () {
$Ref.on("webkitTransitionEnd transitionend", fnTransitionEnd);
vTimeout = setTimeout(fnTransitionEnd, this._getAnimationDuration());
* Returns the duration for the Popover's closing animation
* @sap-restricted sap.ui.dt.plugin.MiniMenu
* @private
Popover.prototype._getAnimationDuration = function () {
return 300;
Popover.prototype._openAnimation = function ($Ref, iRealDuration, fnOpened) {
var that = this;
setTimeout(function () {
$Ref.css("display", "block");
that._animation(function () {
if (!that.oPopup || that.oPopup.getOpenState() !== OpenState.OPENING) {
}, $Ref);
}, Device.browser.firefox ? 50 : 0);
Popover.prototype._closeAnimation = function ($Ref, iRealDuration, fnClosed) {
this._animation(function () {
}, $Ref);
Popover.prototype._getInitialFocusId = function () {
return this.getInitialFocus()
|| this._getFirstVisibleButtonId()
|| this._getFirstFocusableContentElementId()
|| this.getId();
Popover.prototype._getFirstVisibleButtonId = function () {
var oBeginButton = this.getBeginButton(),
oEndButton = this.getEndButton(),
sButtonId = "";
if (oBeginButton && oBeginButton.getVisible()) {
sButtonId = oBeginButton.getId();
} else if (oEndButton && oEndButton.getVisible()) {
sButtonId = oEndButton.getId();
return sButtonId;
Popover.prototype._getFirstFocusableContentElementId = function () {
var sResult = "";
var $popoverContent = this.$("cont");
var oFirstFocusableDomRef = $popoverContent.firstFocusableDomRef();
if (oFirstFocusableDomRef) {
sResult = oFirstFocusableDomRef.id;
return sResult;
Popover.prototype._restoreFocus = function () {
if (this.isOpen()) {
//restore the focus after rendering when popover is already open
var sFocusId = this._getInitialFocusId(),
oControl = sap.ui.getCore().byId(sFocusId),
oDomById = (sFocusId ? window.document.getElementById(sFocusId) : null);
if (oControl && oControl.getFocusDomRef()){
} else if (!oControl && oDomById){
Popover.prototype._registerContentResizeHandler = function(oScrollDomRef) {
if (!this._sResizeListenerId) {
this._sResizeListenerId = ResizeHandler.register(oScrollDomRef || this.getDomRef("scroll"), this._fnOrientationChange);
Popover.prototype._deregisterContentResizeHandler = function () {
if (this._sResizeListenerId) {
this._sResizeListenerId = null;
Popover.prototype._storeScrollPosition = function () {
var $content = this.$("cont");
if ($content.length > 0) {
this._oScrollPosDesktop = {x: $content.scrollLeft(), y: $content.scrollTop()};
Popover.prototype._restoreScrollPosition = function () {
if (!this._oScrollPosDesktop) {
var $content = this.$("cont");
if ($content.length > 0) {
this._oScrollPosDesktop = null;
Popover.prototype._repositionOffset = function () {
var ePopupState = this.oPopup.getOpenState(),
oLastPosition, iPlacePos;
//if popup isn't open, just return
if (!(ePopupState === OpenState.OPEN)) {
return this;
//popup is open
oLastPosition = this.oPopup._oLastPosition;
iPlacePos = this._placements.indexOf(this.getPlacement());
if (iPlacePos === -1) {
return this;
if (iPlacePos < 4) {
oLastPosition.offset = this._calcOffset(this._offsets[iPlacePos]);
} else {
return this;
Popover.prototype._getOpenByDomRef = function () {
if (!this._oOpenBy) {
return null;
// attach popup to:
// - the given DOM element or
// - the specified anchor DOM reference provided by function getPopupAnchorDomRef
// - focusDomRef when getPopupAnchorDomRef isn't implemented
if (this._oOpenBy instanceof Element) {
return (this._oOpenBy.getPopupAnchorDomRef && this._oOpenBy.getPopupAnchorDomRef()) || this._oOpenBy.getFocusDomRef();
} else {
return this._oOpenBy;
* Provides the accessibility options of the control.
* @private
Popover.prototype._getAccessibilityOptions = function() {
var aAriaLabels, mAccOptions = {};
mAccOptions.role = "dialog";
if (this.getShowHeader() && this._getAnyHeader()) {
// If we have a header/title, we add a reference to it in the beginning of the aria-labelledby attribute
aAriaLabels = Array.prototype.concat(this._getAnyHeader().getId(), this.getAssociation("ariaLabelledBy", []));
mAccOptions.labelledby = aAriaLabels.join(' ');
return mAccOptions;
* Getter for property bounce
* Default value is empty
* @returns {boolean} the value of property bounce
* @private
* @name sap.m.Popover#getBounce
* @function
/* =========================================================== */
/* end: internal methods */
/* =========================================================== */
/* ==================================================== */
/* begin: Setters */
/* ==================================================== */
* Set the placement of the Popover.
* @param {sap.m.PlacementType} sPlacement The position of the Popover
* @returns {sap.m.Popover} Reference to the control instance for chaining
* @public
Popover.prototype.setPlacement = function (sPlacement) {
this.setProperty("placement", sPlacement, true);
this._bVerticalFlip = false;
this._bHorizontalFlip = false;
var iPlacePos = this._placements.indexOf(sPlacement);
if (iPlacePos <= 3) {
// this variable is internal used for the placement of the popover
this._oCalcedPos = sPlacement;
return this;
* The setter of the title property.
* If you want to show a header in the popover, don't forget to set the
* {@link #setShowHeader showHeader} property to true.
* @param {string} sTitle The title to be set
* @returns {sap.m.Popover} Reference to the control instance for chaining
* @public
Popover.prototype.setTitle = function (sTitle) {
this.setProperty("title", sTitle, true);
if (this._headerTitle) {
} else {
this._headerTitle = new sap.m.Title(this.getId() + "-title", {
text: this.getTitle(),
level: "H2"
return this;
Popover.prototype.setBeginButton = function (oButton) {
var oOldBeginButton = this.getBeginButton();
if (oOldBeginButton === oButton) {
return this;
//this is used in the getAggregation method
this._beginButton = oButton;
if (oButton) {
if (oOldBeginButton) {
this._internalHeader.removeAggregation("contentLeft", oOldBeginButton, true);
this._internalHeader.addAggregation("contentLeft", oButton);
} else {
return this;
Popover.prototype.setEndButton = function (oButton) {
var oOldEndButton = this.getEndButton();
if (oOldEndButton === oButton) {
return this;
//this is used in the getAggregation method
this._endButton = oButton;
if (oButton) {
if (oOldEndButton) {
this._internalHeader.removeAggregation("contentRight", oOldEndButton, true);
this._internalHeader.insertAggregation("contentRight", oButton, 1, true);
} else {
return this;
Popover.prototype.setLeftButton = function (vButton) {
if (!(vButton instanceof Button)) {
vButton = sap.ui.getCore().byId(vButton);
//setting leftButton also sets the beginButton
return this.setAssociation("leftButton", vButton);
Popover.prototype.setRightButton = function (vButton) {
if (!(vButton instanceof Button)) {
vButton = sap.ui.getCore().byId(vButton);
//setting rightButton also sets the endButton
return this.setAssociation("rightButton", vButton);
Popover.prototype.setShowHeader = function (bValue) {
if (bValue === this.getShowHeader() || this.getCustomHeader()) {
return this;
if (bValue) {
//when internal header is created, show header
//if not, the header will be created when setting title, beginButton, or endButton
//the latest time of the header creation before it's rendered is in the renderer, calling get any header.
if (this._internalHeader) {
} else {
if (this._internalHeader) {
//skip the rerendering
this.setProperty("showHeader", bValue, true);
return this;
* Setter for property modal
* This overwrites the default setter of the property modal
to avoid rerendering the whole popover control.
* Default value is false
* @param {boolean} bModal New value for property modal
* @param {string} [sModalCSSClass] A CSS class (or space-separated list of classes) that should be added to the block layer.
* @return {sap.m.Popover} Reference to the control instance for chaining
* @public
Popover.prototype.setModal = function (bModal, sModalCSSClass) {
if (bModal === this.getModal()) {
return this;
this.oPopup.setModal(bModal, jQuery.trim("sapMPopoverBLayer " + (sModalCSSClass || "")));
// suppress re-rendering
this.setProperty("modal", bModal, true);
return this;
Popover.prototype.setOffsetX = function (iValue) {
this.setProperty("offsetX", iValue, true);
return this._repositionOffset();
Popover.prototype.setOffsetY = function (iValue) {
this.setProperty("offsetY", iValue, true);
return this._repositionOffset();
Popover.prototype.setEnableScrolling = function (bValue) {
//map deprecated property to new properties
var oldValue = this.getEnableScrolling();
if (oldValue === bValue) {
return this;
this.setProperty("enableScrolling", bValue, true);
return this;
Popover.prototype.setVerticalScrolling = function (bValue) {
// Mark that vertical scrolling is manually set
this._bVScrollingEnabled = bValue;
var oldValue = this.getVerticalScrolling();
if (oldValue === bValue) {
return this;
this.$().toggleClass("sapMPopoverVerScrollDisabled", !bValue);
this.setProperty("verticalScrolling", bValue, true);
if (this._oScroller) {
return this;
Popover.prototype.setHorizontalScrolling = function (bValue) {
// Mark that horizontal scrolling is manually set
this._bHScrollingEnabled = bValue;
var oldValue = this.getHorizontalScrolling();
if (oldValue === bValue) {
return this;
this.$().toggleClass("sapMPopoverHorScrollDisabled", !bValue);
this.setProperty("horizontalScrolling", bValue, true);
if (this._oScroller) {
return this;
Popover.prototype.setResizable = function (bValue) {
if (!Device.system.desktop) {
bValue = false;
return this.setProperty("resizable", bValue, true);
* Returns the sap.ui.core.ScrollEnablement delegate which is used with this control.
* @returns {sap.ui.core.ScrollEnablement} The scroll delegate
* @private
Popover.prototype.getScrollDelegate = function () {
return this._oScroller;
/* ==================================================== */
/* end: Setters */
/* ==================================================== */
// beginButton and endButton are managed inside the internal header therefore the following three functions need to be overwritten.
// beginButton and endButton are singular aggregation, overwritting those three functions are enough.
Popover.prototype.setAggregation = function (sAggregationName, oObject, bSuppressInvalidate) {
if (sAggregationName === "beginButton" || sAggregationName === "endButton") {
var sFunctionName = "set" + sAggregationName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + sAggregationName.slice(1);
return this[sFunctionName](oObject);
} else {
return Control.prototype.setAggregation.apply(this, arguments);
Popover.prototype.getAggregation = function (sAggregationName, oDefaultForCreation) {
if (sAggregationName === "beginButton" || sAggregationName === "endButton") {
var sButton = this["_" + sAggregationName];
return sButton || oDefaultForCreation || null;
} else {
return Control.prototype.getAggregation.apply(this, arguments);
Popover.prototype.destroyAggregation = function (sAggregationName, bSuppressInvalidate) {
var oActiveControl = jQuery(document.activeElement).control(0);
if (sAggregationName === "beginButton" || sAggregationName === "endButton") {
var sButton = this["_" + sAggregationName];
if (sButton) {
this["_" + sAggregationName] = null;
} else {
Control.prototype.destroyAggregation.apply(this, arguments);
oActiveControl && oActiveControl.getDomRef() ? oActiveControl.focus() : this.focus();
return this;
Popover.prototype.invalidate = function (oOrigin) {
if (this.isOpen()) {
Control.prototype.invalidate.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
Popover.prototype.addAggregation = function (sAggregationName, oObject, bSuppressInvalidate) {
if (sAggregationName === "content") {
this._bContentChanged = true;
Control.prototype.addAggregation.apply(this, arguments);
* A hook for controls that extend popover to determine how the controls array is formed
* @returns {sap.ui.core.Control[]} Control instance for method chaining
* @private
Popover.prototype._getAllContent = function () {
return this.getContent();
* Popup controls should not propagate contextual width
* @returns {sap.m.Popover} Control instance for method chaining
* @private
Popover.prototype._applyContextualSettings = function () {
ManagedObject.prototype._applyContextualSettings.call(this, ManagedObject._defaultContextualSettings);
return Popover;