require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') require 'rubygems' gem 'actionmailer', '>= 2.2.2' require 'action_mailer' ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :test class AsynchTestMailer < ActionMailer::Base include Resque::Mailer def test_mail(from, to) @subject = 'subject' @body = 'mail body' @recipients = to @from = from @sent_on = @headers = {} end end describe AsynchTestMailer do before do Object.const_set 'RAILS_ENV', 'test' unless defined?(::RAILS_ENV) end describe 'deliver_test_mail' do before(:each) do @emails = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries @emails.clear @params = '', '' Resque.stub(:enqueue) end it 'should not deliver the email synchronously' do AsynchTestMailer.deliver_test_mail *@params @emails.size.should == 0 end it 'should place the deliver action one the Resque mailer queue' do Resque.should_receive(:enqueue).with(AsynchTestMailer, 'deliver_test_mail!', *@params) AsynchTestMailer.deliver_test_mail *@params end it 'should not send deliver action to queue for environments where asychronous delivery is disabled' do excluded_environments = [:cucumber, :foo, 'bar'] ::Resque::Mailer.excluded_environments = excluded_environments excluded_environments.each do |env| Object.send :remove_const, 'RAILS_ENV' Object.const_set 'RAILS_ENV', env.to_s Resque.should_not_receive(:enqueue) AsynchTestMailer.deliver_test_mail *@params end end end describe 'deliver_test_mail!' do it 'should deliver the mail' do emails = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries emails.clear AsynchTestMailer.deliver_test_mail! '', '' emails.size.should == 1 end end it 'should have a queue' do AsynchTestMailer.queue.should == :mailer end it 'should perform a queued mailer job' do AsynchTestMailer.should_receive("deliver_test_mail!").with(1, { :foo => 'bar' }) AsynchTestMailer.perform("deliver_test_mail!", 1, { :foo => 'bar' }) end end