module Middleman::CoreExtensions::Rendering class << self def registered(app) # Autoload require "coffee_script" app.send :include, InstanceMethods # Activate custom renderers app.register Middleman::Renderers::Haml app.register Middleman::Renderers::Sass app.register Middleman::Renderers::Markdown app.register Middleman::Renderers::ERb app.register Middleman::Renderers::Liquid begin require "slim" rescue LoadError end end alias :included :registered end class TemplateNotFound < RuntimeError end module InstanceMethods def initialize super file_changed %r{^source/} do |file| path = File.expand_path(file, root) cache.remove(:raw_template, path) end end def render_template(path, locs={}, opts={}) extension = File.extname(path) engine = extension[1..-1].to_sym @current_engine, engine_was = engine, @current_engine # Use a dup of self as a context so that instance variables set within # the template don't persist for other templates. context = self.dup @current_locs = locs, @current_opts = opts while ::Tilt[path] content = render_individual_file(path, locs, opts, context) path = File.basename(path, File.extname(path)) cache.set([:raw_template, path], content) end needs_layout = !%w(.js .css .txt).include?(extension) if needs_layout && layout_path = fetch_layout(engine, opts) content = render_individual_file(layout_path, locs, opts, context) { content } end content ensure @current_engine = engine_was @content_blocks = nil @current_locs = nil @current_opts = nil end # Sinatra/Padrino render method signature. def render(engine, data, options={}, &block) data = data.to_s locals = options[:locals] found_partial = false engine = nil if sitemap.exists?(current_path) page = current_dir = File.dirname(page.source_file) engine = File.extname(page.source_file)[1..-1].to_sym if current_dir != self.source_dir relative_dir = File.join(current_dir.sub("#{self.source_dir}/", ""), data) found_partial, found_engine = resolve_template(relative_dir, :preferred_engine => engine) if !found_partial found_partial, found_engine = resolve_template(relative_dir) end end end if !found_partial && !engine.nil? found_partial, found_engine = resolve_template(data, :preferred_engine => engine) end if !found_partial found_partial, found_engine = resolve_template(data) end if found_partial render_individual_file(found_partial, locals, options, self, &block) else raise ::Middleman::CoreExtensions::Rendering::TemplateNotFound, "Could not locate partial: #{data}" end end # @private def render_individual_file(path, locs = {}, opts = {}, context = self, &block) path = path.to_s @_out_buf, _buf_was = "", @_out_buf body = cache.fetch(:raw_template, path) do end extension = File.extname(path) options = opts.merge(options_for_ext(extension)) options[:outvar] ||= '@_out_buf' template = cache.fetch(:compiled_template, options, body) do, 1, options) { body } end template.render(context, locs, &block) ensure @_out_buf = _buf_was end # @private def options_for_ext(ext) cache.fetch(:options_for_ext, ext) do options = {} extension_class = ::Tilt[ext] ::Tilt.mappings.each do |ext, engines| next unless engines.include? extension_class engine_options = respond_to?(ext.to_sym) ? send(ext.to_sym) : {} options.merge!(engine_options) end options end end # @private def fetch_layout(engine, opts) local_layout = opts.has_key?(:layout) ? opts[:layout] : layout return false unless local_layout engine_options = respond_to?(engine) ? send(engine) : {} layout_engine = if opts.has_key?(:layout_engine) opts[:layout_engine] elsif engine_options.has_key?(:layout_engine) engine_options[:layout_engine] else engine end # Automatic if local_layout == :_auto_layout # Look for :layout of any extension # If found, use it. If not, continue locate_layout(:layout, layout_engine) || false else # Look for specific layout # If found, use it. If not, error. if layout_path = locate_layout(local_layout, layout_engine) layout_path else raise ::Middleman::CoreExtensions::Rendering::TemplateNotFound, "Could not locate layout: #{local_layout}" end end end # @private def locate_layout(name, preferred_engine=nil) layout_path = false if !preferred_engine.nil? # Check root layout_path, layout_engine = resolve_template(name, :preferred_engine => preferred_engine) # Check layouts folder if !layout_path layout_path, layout_engine = resolve_template(File.join("layouts", name.to_s), :preferred_engine => preferred_engine) end end # Check root, no preference if !layout_path layout_path, layout_engine = resolve_template(name) end # Check layouts folder, no preference if !layout_path layout_path, layout_engine = resolve_template(File.join("layouts", name.to_s)) end layout_path end def wrap_layout(layout_name, &block) content = capture(&block) if block_given? layout_path = locate_layout(layout_name, current_engine) concat render_individual_file(layout_path, @current_locs || {}, @current_opts || {}, self) { content } end def current_engine @current_engine ||= nil end # @private def resolve_template(request_path, options={}) request_path = request_path.to_s cache.fetch(:resolve_template, request_path, options) do relative_path = request_path.sub(%r{^/}, "") on_disk_path = File.expand_path(relative_path, self.source_dir) preferred_engine = "*" if options.has_key?(:preferred_engine) extension_class = ::Tilt[options[:preferred_engine]] matched_exts = [] # TODO: Cache this ::Tilt.mappings.each do |ext, engines| next unless engines.include? extension_class matched_exts << ext end if matched_exts.length > 0 preferred_engine = "{" + matched_exts.join(",") + "}" else return false end end path_with_ext = on_disk_path + "." + preferred_engine found_path = Dir[path_with_ext].find do |path| ::Tilt[path] end if found_path || (File.exists?(on_disk_path) && ! engine = found_path ? File.extname(found_path)[1..-1].to_sym : nil [ found_path || on_disk_path, engine ] else false end end end end end