module Surrounded module Context class Negotiator class << self # Return a class which has methods defined to forward the method to # the wrapped object delegating to the behavior module. # This prevents hits to method_missing. def for_role(mod) klass = mod.instance_methods(false).each do |meth| num = __LINE__; klass.class_eval %{ def #{meth}(*args, &block) @behaviors.instance_method(:#{meth}).bind(@object).call(*args, &block) end }, __FILE__, num end klass.send(:define_method, :__behaviors__) do mod end klass end end identity = %w[__send__ object_id equal?] method_access = %w[respond_to? method __behaviors__] reserved_methods = (identity + method_access).join('|') # Remove all methods except the identity methods instance_methods.reject{ |m| m.to_s =~ /#{reserved_methods}/ }.each do |meth| undef_method meth end private def initialize(object) @object, @behaviors = object, __behaviors__ end def method_missing(meth, *args, &block) @object.send(meth, *args, &block) end def respond_to_missing?(meth, include_private=false) @object.respond_to?(meth, include_private) end end # The method_missing definition from Surrounded will apply # before the one defined above. This allows the methods for # the objects in the context to work properly Negotiator.send(:prepend, Surrounded) end end