module Agilix module Buzz module Commands module Authentication # This is handled automatically by instantiation of a base Agilix::Buzz::Api instance. It wouldn't need to be called manually unless using for other users or making calls on their behalf # api.login username: 'my-username', password: 'my-password', domain: 'my-domain' def login2(username: , password: , domain: ) post cmd: "login2", username: "#{domain}/#{username}", password: password end alias_method :login, :login2 # api.logout def logout response = authenticated_get cmd: "logout" @token = nil @token_expiration = nil response end # This is handled automatically by instantiation of a base Agilix::Buzz::Api instance and on subsequent calls to the api through the check_authentication method # api.extend_session def extend_session response = authenticated_post cmd: "extendsession", bypass_authentication_check: true @token_expiration = set_token_expiration(response.dig("response", "session", "authenticationexpirationminutes")) authenticate! if response['code'] == 'NoAuthentication' response end # api.force_password_change userid: 57181 def force_password_change(options = {}) options = argument_cleaner(required_params: %i( userid ), optional_params: %i( ), options: options ) authenticated_post cmd: "forcepasswordchange", **options end # api.get_password_login_attempt_history userid: 57181 # api.get_password_login_attempt_history userid: 57181, earliestrecordtoreturn: '2018-01-01' def get_password_login_attempt_history(options = {}) options = argument_cleaner(required_params: %i( userid ), optional_params: %i( earliestrecordtoreturn ), options: options ) authenticated_get cmd: "getpasswordloginattempthistory", **options end # api.get_password_policy # api.get_password_policy domainid: 57031 def get_password_policy(options = {}) options = argument_cleaner(required_params: %i( ), optional_params: %i( domainid bypasscache ), options: options ) authenticated_get cmd: "getpasswordpolicy", **options end # api.get_password_question username: "auto-tests/BuzzUserUp1" def get_password_question(options = {}) options = argument_cleaner(required_params: %i( username ), optional_params: %i( ), options: options ) authenticated_get cmd: "getpasswordquestion", **options end # ISSUE: This works with a GET call # api.update_password_question_answer userid: 57181, passwordquestion: "Where is your favorite vacation place?", passwordanswer: "Hawaii" def update_password_question_answer(options = {}) options = argument_cleaner(required_params: %i( userid passwordquestion passwordanswer ), optional_params: %i( oldpassword ), options: options ) authenticated_post cmd: "updatepasswordquestionanswer", **options end # api.proxy userid: 57181 def proxy(options = {}) options = argument_cleaner(required_params: %i( userid ), optional_params: %i( noazt ), options: options ) options[:noazt] ||= true authenticated_post cmd: "proxy", **options end # proxy_api = api.proxy_api userid: 57181 # proxy_api.unproxy userid: 57181 def unproxy(options = {}) options = argument_cleaner(required_params: %i( userid ), optional_params: %i( noazt ), options: options ) authenticated_post cmd: "unproxy", **options end # proxy_api = api.proxy_api userid: 57181 def proxy_api(userid: ) response = proxy userid: userid username: response.dig('response', 'user', 'username'), token: response.dig('response', 'user', 'token'), domain: response.dig('response', 'user', 'userspace'), token_expiration: set_token_expiration(response.dig('response', 'user', 'authenticationexpirationminutes')) end # :skip_test_coverage: # api.proxy_sso_link userid: 57181 def proxy_sso_link(userid: ) response = proxy userid: userid sso = { "customization": { "authentication": { "provider": { "server": "" } } } } self.update_domains [ {domainid: response.dig('response', 'user', 'domainid'), data: sso}] # userspace = response.dig('response', 'user', 'userspace') "{response.dig('response', 'user', 'domainid')}&url=/home&token=#{response.dig('response', 'user', 'token')}" end # :skip_test_coverage: # api.reset_lockout userid: 57181 def reset_lockout(options = {}) options = argument_cleaner(required_params: %i( userid ), optional_params: %i( ), options: options ) authenticated_post cmd: "resetlockout", **options end # def reset_password(options = {}) options = argument_cleaner(required_params: %i( username ), optional_params: %i( answer ), options: options ) authenticated_get cmd: "resetpassword", **options end # api.update_password userid: 57181, password: "IChanged123" def update_password(options = {}) options = argument_cleaner(required_params: %i( userid password ), optional_params: %i( token oldpassword ), options: options ) authenticated_get cmd: "updatepassword", **options end # ISSUE: This should be a POST method as it's storing data # api.put_key entityid: 57031, name: 'secret_key_1', value: "Super Secret" def put_key(options = {}) options = argument_cleaner(required_params: %i( entityid name value ), optional_params: %i( ), options: options ) authenticated_get cmd: "putkey", **options end # api.get_key entityid: 57031, name: 'secret_key_1' def get_key(options = {}) options = argument_cleaner(required_params: %i( entityid name ), optional_params: %i( ), options: options ) authenticated_get cmd: "getkey", **options end # This requires a key to exist with the given keyname, see putkey # not sure what its used for yet # api.compute_hmac def compute_hmac(options = {}) options = argument_cleaner(required_params: %i( domainid keyname message ), optional_params: %i( algorithm format ), options: options ) options[:message] = "$VAR_USERID#{options[:message]}$VAR_SECRETTime$VAR_TIME" authenticated_get cmd: "computeHMAC", **options end private def set_token_expiration(minutes) + (minutes.to_i * 60 ) end end end end end