require_relative "evaluator" require_relative "evaluation" require_relative "auth_service" require_relative "client_callback" require_relative "update_processor" require_relative "polling_processor" require_relative "metrics_processor" require_relative "storage_repository" require_relative "inner_client_updater" require_relative "inner_client_metrics_callback" require_relative "inner_client_repository_callback" require_relative "inner_client_flag_evaluate_callback" require_relative "../connector/harness_connector" require_relative "../common/sdk_codes" class InnerClient < ClientCallback def initialize(api_key = nil, config = nil, connector = nil) if api_key == nil || api_key == "" SdkCodes::raise_missing_sdk_key config.logger end if config == nil @config = else unless config.kind_of?(Config) raise "The 'config' parameter must be of '" + Config.to_s + "' data type" end @config = config end @config.logger.debug "Ruby SDK version: " + Ff::Ruby::Server::Sdk::VERSION if connector == nil @connector =, config = @config, on_unauthorized = self) else unless connector.kind_of?(Connector) raise "The 'connector' parameter must be of '" + Connector.to_s + "' data type" end @connector = connector end @condition = @closing = false @failure = false @initialized = false @poller_ready = false @stream_ready = false @metrics_ready = false @my_mutex = @repository_callback = setup end def bool_variation(identifier, target, default_value) unless @initialized log_sdk_not_initialized_warning(identifier, default_value) return default_value end @evaluator.bool_variation(identifier, target, default_value, @evaluator_callback) end def string_variation(identifier, target, default_value) unless @initialized log_sdk_not_initialized_warning(identifier, default_value) return default_value end @evaluator.string_variation(identifier, target, default_value, @evaluator_callback) end def number_variation(identifier, target, default_value) unless @initialized log_sdk_not_initialized_warning(identifier, default_value) return default_value end @evaluator.number_variation(identifier, target, default_value, @evaluator_callback) end def json_variation(identifier, target, default_value) unless @initialized log_sdk_not_initialized_warning(identifier, default_value) return default_value end @evaluator.json_variation(identifier, target, default_value, @evaluator_callback) end def on_auth_success SdkCodes::info_sdk_auth_ok @config.logger if @closing return end @poll_processor.start if @config.stream_enabled @update_processor.start end if @config.analytics_enabled @metrics_processor.start end end def on_auth_failed SdkCodes::warn_auth_failed_srv_defaults @config.logger @initialized = true @condition.signal end def close "Closing the client: " + self.to_s @closing = true off @auth_service.close @repository.close @poll_processor.close @update_processor.close @metrics_processor.close @connector.close end def is_closing @closing end def off # TODO: Implement - Reactivity support end def on_unauthorized if @closing return end @poll_processor.stop if @config.stream_enabled @update_processor.stop end if @config.analytics_enabled @metrics_processor.stop end @auth_service.start_async end def on_poller_ready(poller) on_processor_ready(poller) end def on_poller_error(e) @config.logger.error "Poller error: " + e.to_s end def on_poller_iteration(poller) @config.logger.debug "Poller iterated" + poller.to_s end def update(message, manual) if @config.stream_enabled && manual @config.logger.warn "You run the update method manually with the stream enabled. Please turn off the stream in this case." end @update_processor.update(message) end def on_update_processor_ready on_processor_ready(@update_processor) end def on_metrics_processor_ready on_processor_ready(@metrics_processor) end def on_processor_ready(processor) @my_mutex.synchronize do if @closing return end if processor == @poll_processor @poller_ready = true @config.logger.debug "PollingProcessor ready" end if processor == @update_processor @stream_ready = true @config.logger.debug "Updater ready" end if processor == @metrics_processor @metrics_ready = true @config.logger.debug "Metrics ready" end if (@config.stream_enabled && !@stream_ready) || (@config.analytics_enabled && !@metrics_ready) || !@poller_ready return end SdkCodes.info_sdk_init_ok @config.logger @condition.signal @initialized = true end end def wait_for_initialization(timeout: nil) SdkCodes::info_sdk_waiting_to_initialize(@config.logger, timeout) return if @initialized @my_mutex.synchronize do start_time = remaining = timeout ? timeout / 1000.0 : nil # Convert timeout to seconds until @initialized # Break if timeout has elapsed if remaining && remaining <= 0 @config.logger.warn "The SDK has timed out waiting to initialize with supplied timeout #{timeout} ms. The SDK will continue to initialize in the background. Default variations will be served until the SDK initializes." break end # Wait for the signal or timeout @condition.wait(@my_mutex, remaining) # Recalculate the remaining time after the wait if timeout elapsed = - start_time remaining = (timeout / 1000.0) - elapsed end end @config.logger.debug "Waiting for initialization has completed" if @initialized end end protected def handle_initialization_failure @auth_service.close @poll_processor.stop @update_processor.stop @metrics_processor.stop on_auth_failed end def setup @repository =, @repository_callback,, @config.logger) @metrics_callback =, @config.logger) @metrics_processor = @metrics_processor.init(@connector, @config, @metrics_callback) @evaluator =, logger = @config.logger) if @config.analytics_enabled @evaluator_callback =, logger = @config.logger) end @auth_service = connector = @connector, callback = self, logger = @config.logger ) @poll_processor = @poll_processor.init( connector = @connector, repository = @repository, poll_interval_in_sec = @config.poll_interval_in_seconds, callback = self, logger = @config.logger ) @updater = poll_processor = @poll_processor, client_callback = self, logger = @config.logger ) @update_processor = @update_processor.init( connector = @connector, repository = @repository, callback = @updater, logger = @config.logger ) @auth_service.start_async end private def log_sdk_not_initialized_warning(identifier, default_value) @config.logger.warn "SDKCODE:6001: SDK is not initialized; serving default variation for bool variation: identifier=#{identifier}, default=#{default_value}" end end