module Beaker # The Beaker Logger class # This class handles message reporting for Beaker, it reports based upon a provided log level # to a given destination (be it a string or file) # class Logger #The results of the most recently run command attr_accessor :last_result NORMAL = "\e[00;00m" BRIGHT_NORMAL = "\e[00;01m" BLACK = "\e[00;30m" RED = "\e[00;31m" GREEN = "\e[00;32m" YELLOW = "\e[00;33m" BLUE = "\e[00;34m" MAGENTA = "\e[00;35m" CYAN = "\e[00;36m" WHITE = "\e[00;37m" GREY = "\e[01;30m" BRIGHT_RED = "\e[01;31m" BRIGHT_GREEN = "\e[01;32m" BRIGHT_YELLOW = "\e[01;33m" BRIGHT_BLUE = "\e[01;34m" BRIGHT_MAGENTA = "\e[01;35m" BRIGHT_CYAN = "\e[01;36m" BRIGHT_WHITE = "\e[01;37m" # The defined log levels. Each log level also reports messages at levels lower than itself LOG_LEVELS = { :trace => 6, :debug => 5, :verbose => 3, :info => 2, :notify => 1, :warn => 0, } attr_accessor :color, :log_level, :destinations # Initialization of the Logger class # @overload initialize(dests) # Initialize a Logger object that reports to the provided destinations, use default options # @param [Array] Array of IO and strings (assumed to be file paths) to be reported to # @overload initialize(dests, options) # Initialize a Logger object that reports to the provided destinations, use options from provided option hash # @param [Array] Array of IO and strings (assumed to be file paths) to be reported to # @param [Hash] options Hash of options # @option options [Boolean] :color (true) Print color code before log messages # @option options [Boolean] :quiet (false) Do not log messages to STDOUT # @option options [String] :log_level ("info") Log level (one of "debug" - highest level, "verbose", "info", # "notify" and "warn" - lowest level (see {LOG_LEVELS})) The log level indicates that messages at that # log_level and lower will be reported. def initialize(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} @color = options[:color] @sublog = nil case options[:log_level] when /trace/i, :trace @log_level = :trace when /debug/i, :debug @log_level = :debug when /verbose/i, :verbose @log_level = :verbose when /info/i, :info @log_level = :info when /notify/i, :notify @log_level = :notify when /warn/i, :warn @log_level = :warn else @log_level = :verbose end @last_result = nil @destinations = [] dests = args dests << STDOUT unless options[:quiet] dests.uniq! dests.each {|dest| add_destination(dest)} end # Turn on/off STDOUT logging # @param [Boolean] off If true, disable STDOUT logging, if false enable STDOUT logging def quiet(off = true) if off remove_destination(STDOUT) #turn off the noise! else remove_destination(STDOUT) #in case we are calling this in error and we are already noisy add_destination(STDOUT) end end # Construct an array of open steams for printing log messages to # @param [Array] dest Array of strings (each used as a file path) and IO steams that messages will be printed to def add_destination(dest) case dest when IO @destinations << dest when StringIO @destinations << dest when String @destinations <<, 'w') else raise "Unsuitable log destination #{dest.inspect}" end end # Remove a steam from the destinations array based upon it's name or file path # @param [String, IO] dest String representing a file path or IO stream def remove_destination(dest) case dest when IO @destinations.delete(dest) when StringIO @destinations.delete(dest) when String @destinations.delete_if {|d| d.respond_to?(:path) and d.path == dest} else raise "Unsuitable log destination #{dest.inspect}" end end # Are we at {LOG_LEVELS} trace? # @return [Boolean] true if 'trace' or higher, false if not 'trace' {LOG_LEVELS} or lower def is_trace? LOG_LEVELS[@log_level] >= LOG_LEVELS[:trace] end # Are we at {LOG_LEVELS} debug? # @return [Boolean] true if 'debug' or higher, false if not 'debug' {LOG_LEVELS} or lower def is_debug? LOG_LEVELS[@log_level] >= LOG_LEVELS[:debug] end # Are we at {LOG_LEVELS} verbose? # @return [Boolean] true if 'verbose' or higher, false if not 'verbose' {LOG_LEVELS} or lower def is_verbose? LOG_LEVELS[@log_level] >= LOG_LEVELS[:verbose] end # Are we at {LOG_LEVELS} warn? # @return [Boolean] true if 'warn' or higher, false if not 'warn' {LOG_LEVELS} or lower def is_warn? LOG_LEVELS[@log_level] >= LOG_LEVELS[:warn] end # Are we at {LOG_LEVELS} info? # @return [Boolean] true if 'info' or higher, false if not 'info' {LOG_LEVELS} or lower def is_info? LOG_LEVELS[@log_level] >= LOG_LEVELS[:info] end # Are we at {LOG_LEVELS} notify? # @return [Boolean] true if 'notify' or higher, false if not 'notify' {LOG_LEVELS} or lower def is_notify? LOG_LEVELS[@log_level] >= LOG_LEVELS[:notify] end # Remove invalid UTF-8 codes from provided string(s) # @param [String, Array] string The string(s) to remove invalid codes from def convert string if string.kind_of?(Array) do |s| convert s end else # Remove invalid and undefined UTF-8 character encodings string.to_s.force_encoding('UTF-8') return{|i| i.valid_encoding?}.join end end # Custom reporting for messages generated by host SUTs. # Will not print unless we are at {LOG_LEVELS} 'verbose' or higher. # Strips any color codes already in the provided messages, then adds logger color codes before reporting # @param args[Array] Strings to be reported def host_output *args return unless is_verbose? strings = strip_colors_from args string = strings.join optionally_color GREY, string, false end # Custom reporting for performance/sysstat messages # Will not print unless we are at {LOG_LEVELS} 'debug' or higher. # @param args[Array] Strings to be reported def perf_output *args return unless is_debug? strings = strip_colors_from args string = strings.join optionally_color MAGENTA, string, false end # Report a trace message. # Will not print unless we are at {LOG_LEVELS} 'trace' or higher. # @param args[Array] Strings to be reported def trace *args return unless is_trace? optionally_color CYAN, *args end # Report a debug message. # Will not print unless we are at {LOG_LEVELS} 'debug' or higher. # @param args[Array] Strings to be reported def debug *args return unless is_verbose? optionally_color WHITE, *args end # Report a warning message. # Will not print unless we are at {LOG_LEVELS} 'warn' or higher. # Will pre-pend the message with "Warning: ". # @param args[Array] Strings to be reported def warn *args return unless is_warn? strings = {|msg| "Warning: #{msg}" } optionally_color YELLOW, strings end # Report an info message. # Will not print unless we are at {LOG_LEVELS} 'info' or higher. # @param args[Array] Strings to be reported def info *args return unless is_info? optionally_color BLUE, *args end # Report a success message. # Will always be reported. # @param args[Array] Strings to be reported def success *args optionally_color GREEN, *args end # Report a notify message. # Will not print unless we are at {LOG_LEVELS} 'notify' or higher. # @param args[Array] Strings to be reported def notify *args return unless is_notify? optionally_color BRIGHT_WHITE, *args end # Report an error message. # Will always be reported. # @param args[Array] Strings to be reported def error *args optionally_color BRIGHT_RED, *args end # Strip any color codes from provided string(s) # @param [String] lines A single or array of lines to removed color codes from # @return [Array] An array of strings that do not have color codes def strip_colors_from lines Array( lines ).map do |line| Logger.strip_color_codes(convert(line)) end end # Print the provided message to the set destination streams, using color codes if appropriate # @param [String] color_code The color code to pre-pend to the message # @param [String] msg The message to be reported # @param [Boolean] add_newline (true) Add newlines between the color codes and the message def optionally_color color_code, msg, add_newline = true print_statement = add_newline ? :puts : :print @destinations.each do |to| to.print color_code if @color to.send print_statement, convert( msg ) to.print NORMAL if @color end end # Utility method to get the current call stack and format it # to a human-readable string (which some IDEs/editors # will recognize as links to the line numbers in the trace). # Beaker associated files will be purged from backtrace unless log level is 'debug' or higher # @param [String] backtrace (caller(1)) The backtrace to format # @return [String] The formatted backtrace def pretty_backtrace backtrace = caller(1) trace = is_debug? ? backtrace : purge_harness_files_from( backtrace ) expand_symlinks( trace ).join "\n" end # Create a new StringIO log to track the current output def start_sublog if @sublog remove_destination(@sublog) end @sublog = add_destination(@sublog) end # Return the contents of the sublog def get_sublog @sublog.rewind end # Utility method to centralize dated log folder generation # # @param [String] base_dir Path of the directory for the dated log folder to live in # @param [String] log_prefix Prefix to use for the log files # @param [Time] timestamp Timestamp that should be used to generate the dated log folder # # @example base_dir = 'junit', log_prefix = 'pants', timestamp = '2015-03-04 10:35:37 -0800' # returns 'junit/pants/2015-03-04_10_35_37' # # @note since this uses 'mkdir -p', log_prefix can be a number of nested directories # # @return [String] the path of the dated log folder generated def Logger.generate_dated_log_folder(base_dir, log_prefix, timestamp) log_dir = File.join(base_dir, log_prefix, timestamp.strftime("%F_%H_%M_%S")) FileUtils.mkdir_p(log_dir) unless log_dir end #Remove color codes from provided string. Color codes are of the format /(\e\[\d\d;\d\dm)+/. #@param [String] text The string to remove color codes from #@return [String] The text without color codes def Logger.strip_color_codes(text) text.gsub(/(\e|\^\[)\[(\d*;)*\d*m/, '') end private # Expand each symlink found to its full path # Lines are assumed to be in the format "String : Integer" # @param [String] backtrace The string to search and expand symlinks in # @return [String] The backtrace with symlinks expanded def expand_symlinks backtrace backtrace.collect do |line| file_path, line_num = line.split( ":" ) expanded_path = expand_symlink File.expand_path( file_path ) expanded_path.to_s + ":" + line_num.to_s end end # Remove Beaker associated lines from a given String # @param [String] backtrace The string to remove Beaker associated lines from # @return [String] The cleaned backtrace def purge_harness_files_from backtrace mostly_purged = backtrace.reject do |line| # LOADED_FEATURES is an array of anything `require`d, i.e. everything # but the test in question $LOADED_FEATURES.any? do |require_path| line.include? require_path end end # And remove lines that contain our program name in them completely_purged = mostly_purged.reject {|line| line.include? $0 } end # Utility method that takes a path as input, checks each component # of the path to see if it is a symlink, and expands # it if it is. # @param [String] file_path The path to be examined # @return [String] The fully expanded file_path def expand_symlink file_path file_path.split( "/" ).inject do |full_path, next_dir| next_path = full_path + "/" + next_dir if File.symlink? next_path link = File.readlink next_path next_path = case link when /^\// then link else File.expand_path( full_path + "/" + link ) end end next_path end end end end