using System; using System.Diagnostics; public static class RealNumberExtension { public static double Expreal(this int realNumber, RationalNumber r) { throw new NotImplementedException("You need to implement this extension method."); } } public struct RationalNumber { public RationalNumber(int numerator, int denominator) { } public RationalNumber Add(RationalNumber r) { throw new NotImplementedException("You need to implement this function."); } public static RationalNumber operator +(RationalNumber r1, RationalNumber r2) { throw new NotImplementedException("You need to implement this operator."); } public RationalNumber Sub(RationalNumber r) { throw new NotImplementedException("You need to implement this function."); } public static RationalNumber operator -(RationalNumber r1, RationalNumber r2) { throw new NotImplementedException("You need to implement this operator."); } public RationalNumber Mul(RationalNumber r) { throw new NotImplementedException("You need to implement this function."); } public static RationalNumber operator *(RationalNumber r1, RationalNumber r2) { throw new NotImplementedException("You need to implement this operator."); } public RationalNumber Div(RationalNumber r) { throw new NotImplementedException("You need to implement this function."); } public static RationalNumber operator /(RationalNumber r1, RationalNumber r2) { throw new NotImplementedException("You need to implement this operator."); } public RationalNumber Abs() { throw new NotImplementedException("You need to implement this function."); } public RationalNumber Reduce() { throw new NotImplementedException("You need to implement this function."); } public RationalNumber Exprational(int power) { throw new NotImplementedException("You need to implement this function."); } public double Expreal(int baseNumber) { throw new NotImplementedException("You need to implement this function."); } }