module Mack # A holder for the session information. This objects gets stored using the Cachetastic system. # For more information about how Cachetastic works see the RDoc for that gem. # The session cookie name defaults to: _mack_session_id but can be changed using the application_configuration # system like such: # mack::session_id: _my_cool_app_sess_id class Session attr_reader :id # The id of the session. def initialize(id) @id = id @sess_hash = {} end # Finds what you're looking for in the session, if it exists. # If what you're looking for doesn't exist, it returns nil. def [](key) sess_hash[key.to_sym] end # Sets a value into the session. def []=(key, value) sess_hash[key.to_sym] = value end # Clears out the session. def reset! @sess_hash = {} end private attr_reader :sess_hash # :nodoc: end # Session end # Mack