module Distribution # # Ruby version implements three methods on this module: # * Genz:: Used by default, with improvement to calculate p on rho > 0.95 # * Hull:: Port from a C++ code # * Jantaravareerat:: Iterative (slow and buggy) # module BivariateNormal module Ruby_ class << self SIDE=0.1 # :nodoc: LIMIT=5 # :nodoc: # Return the partial derivative of cdf over x, with y and rho constant # Reference: # * Tallis, 1962, p.346, cited by Olsson, 1979 def partial_derivative_cdf_x(x,y,rho) Distribution::Normal.pdf(x) * Distribution::Normal.cdf((y-rho*x).quo( Math::sqrt( 1 - rho**2 ))) end alias :pd_cdf_x :partial_derivative_cdf_x # Probability density function for a given x, y and rho value. # # Source: def pdf(x,y, rho, s1=1.0, s2=1.0) 1.quo(2 * Math::PI * s1 * s2 * Math::sqrt( 1 - rho**2 )) * (Math::exp(-(1.quo(2*(1-rho**2))) * ((x**2.quo(s1)) + (y**2.quo(s2)) - (2*rho*x*y).quo(s1*s2)))) end def f(x,y,aprime,bprime,rho) r=aprime*(2*x-aprime)+bprime*(2*y-bprime)+2*rho*(x-aprime)*(y-bprime) Math::exp(r) end # CDF for a given x, y and rho value. # Uses Genz algorithm (cdf_genz method). # def cdf(a,b,rho) cdf_genz(a,b,rho) end def sgn(x) if(x>=0) 1 else -1 end end # Normal cumulative distribution function (cdf) for a given x, y and rho. # Based on Hull (1993, cited by Arne, 2003) # # References: # * Arne, B.(2003). Financial Numerical Recipes in C ++. Available on def cdf_hull(a,b,rho) #puts "a:#{a} - b:#{b} - rho:#{rho}" if (a<=0 and b<=0 and rho<=0) # puts "ruta 1" aprime=a.quo(Math::sqrt(2.0*(1.0-rho**2))) bprime=b.quo(Math::sqrt(2.0*(1.0-rho**2))) aa=[0.3253030, 0.4211071, 0.1334425, 0.006374323] bb=[0.1337764, 0.6243247, 1.3425378, 2.2626645] sum=0 4.times do |i| 4.times do |j| sum+=aa[i]*aa[j] * f(bb[i], bb[j], aprime, bprime,rho) end end sum=sum*(Math::sqrt(1.0-rho**2).quo(Math::PI)) return sum elsif(a*b*rho<=0.0) #puts "ruta 2" if(a<=0 and b>=0 and rho>=0) return Distribution::Normal.cdf(a) - cdf(a,-b,-rho) elsif (a>=0.0 and b<=0.0 and rho>=0) return Distribution::Normal.cdf(b) - cdf(-a,b,-rho) elsif (a>=0.0 and b>=0.0 and rho<=0) return Distribution::Normal.cdf(a) + Distribution::Normal.cdf(b) - 1.0 + cdf(-a,-b,rho) end elsif (a*b*rho>=0.0) #puts "ruta 3" denum=Math::sqrt(a**2 - 2*rho*a*b + b**2) rho1=((rho*a-b)*sgn(a)).quo(denum) rho2=((rho*b-a)*sgn(b)).quo(denum) delta=(1.0-sgn(a)*sgn(b)).quo(4) #puts "#{rho1} - #{rho2}" return cdf(a, 0.0, rho1) + cdf(b, 0.0, rho2) - delta end raise "Should'nt be here! #{a} - #{b} #{rho}" end # CDF. Iterative method by Jantaravareerat (n/d) # # Reference: # * Jantaravareerat, M. & Thomopoulos, N. (n/d). Tables for standard bivariate normal distribution def cdf_jantaravareerat(x,y,rho,s1=1,s2=1) # Special cases return 1 if x>LIMIT and y>LIMIT return 0 if x<-LIMIT or y<-LIMIT return Distribution::Normal.cdf(y) if x>LIMIT return Distribution::Normal.cdf(x) if y>LIMIT #puts "x:#{x} - y:#{y}" x=-LIMIT if x<-LIMIT x=LIMIT if x>LIMIT y=-LIMIT if y<-LIMIT y=LIMIT if y>LIMIT x_squares=((LIMIT+x) / SIDE).to_i y_squares=((LIMIT+y) / SIDE).to_i sum=0 x_squares.times do |i| y_squares.times do |j| z1=-LIMIT+(i+1)*SIDE z2=-LIMIT+(j+1)*SIDE #puts " #{z1}-#{z2}" h=(pdf(z1,z2,rho,s1,s2)+pdf(z1-SIDE,z2,rho,s1,s2)+pdf(z1,z2-SIDE,rho,s1,s2) + pdf(z1-SIDE,z2-SIDE,rho,s1,s2)).quo(4) sum+= (SIDE**2)*h # area end end sum end # Normal cumulative distribution function (cdf) for a given x, y and rho. # Ported from Fortran code by Alan Genz # # Original documentation # DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION BVND( DH, DK, R ) # A function for computing bivariate normal probabilities. # # Alan Genz # Department of Mathematics # Washington State University # Pullman, WA 99164-3113 # Email : # # This function is based on the method described by # Drezner, Z and G.O. Wesolowsky, (1989), # On the computation of the bivariate normal integral, # Journal of Statist. Comput. Simul. 35, pp. 101-107, # with major modifications for double precision, and for |R| close to 1. # # Original location: # * def cdf_genz(x,y,rho) dh=-x dk=-y r=rho twopi = 6.283185307179586 w=11.times.collect {[nil]*4}; x=11.times.collect {[nil]*4} data=[ 0.1713244923791705E+00, -0.9324695142031522E+00, 0.3607615730481384E+00, -0.6612093864662647E+00, 0.4679139345726904E+00, -0.2386191860831970E+00] (1..3).each {|i| w[i][1]=data[(i-1)*2] x[i][1]=data[(i-1)*2+1] } data=[ 0.4717533638651177E-01,-0.9815606342467191E+00, 0.1069393259953183E+00,-0.9041172563704750E+00, 0.1600783285433464E+00,-0.7699026741943050E+00, 0.2031674267230659E+00,-0.5873179542866171E+00, 0.2334925365383547E+00,-0.3678314989981802E+00, 0.2491470458134029E+00,-0.1252334085114692E+00] (1..6).each {|i| w[i][2]=data[(i-1)*2] x[i][2]=data[(i-1)*2+1] } data=[ 0.1761400713915212E-01,-0.9931285991850949E+00, 0.4060142980038694E-01,-0.9639719272779138E+00, 0.6267204833410906E-01,-0.9122344282513259E+00, 0.8327674157670475E-01,-0.8391169718222188E+00, 0.1019301198172404E+00,-0.7463319064601508E+00, 0.1181945319615184E+00,-0.6360536807265150E+00, 0.1316886384491766E+00,-0.5108670019508271E+00, 0.1420961093183821E+00,-0.3737060887154196E+00, 0.1491729864726037E+00,-0.2277858511416451E+00, 0.1527533871307259E+00,-0.7652652113349733E-01] (1..10).each {|i| w[i][3]=data[(i-1)*2] x[i][3]=data[(i-1)*2+1] } if ( r.abs < 0.3 ) ng = 1 lg = 3 elsif ( r.abs < 0.75 ) ng = 2 lg = 6 else ng = 3 lg = 10 end h = dh k = dk hk = h*k bvn = 0 if ( r.abs < 0.925 ) if ( r.abs > 0 ) hs = ( h*h + k*k ).quo(2) asr = Math::asin(r) (1..lg).each do |i| [-1,1].each do |is| sn = Math::sin(asr*(is* x[i][ng]+1).quo(2) ) bvn = bvn + w[i][ng] * Math::exp( ( sn*hk-hs ).quo( 1-sn*sn ) ) end # do end # do bvn = bvn*asr.quo( 2*twopi ) end # if bvn = bvn + Distribution::Normal.cdf(-h) * Distribution::Normal.cdf(-k) else # r.abs if ( r < 0 ) k = -k hk = -hk end if ( r.abs < 1 ) as = ( 1 - r )*( 1 + r ) a = Math::sqrt(as) bs = ( h - k )**2 c = ( 4 - hk ).quo(8) d = ( 12 - hk ).quo(16) asr = -( bs.quo(as) + hk ).quo(2) if ( asr > -100 ) bvn = a*Math::exp(asr) * ( 1 - c*( bs - as )*( 1 - d*bs.quo(5) ).quo(3) + c*d*as*as.quo(5) ) end if ( -hk < 100 ) b = Math::sqrt(bs) bvn = bvn - Math::exp( -hk.quo(2) ) * Math::sqrt(twopi)*Distribution::Normal.cdf(-b.quo(a))*b * ( 1 - c*bs*( 1 - d*bs.quo(5) ).quo(3) ) end a = a.quo(2) (1..lg).each do |i| [-1,1].each do |is| xs = (a*( is*x[i][ng] + 1 ) )**2 rs = Math::sqrt( 1 - xs ) asr = -( bs/xs + hk ).quo(2) if ( asr > -100 ) bvn = bvn + a*w[i][ng] * Math::exp( asr ) * ( Math::exp( -hk*( 1 - rs ).quo(2*( 1 + rs ) ) ) .quo(rs) - ( 1 + c*xs*( 1 + d*xs ) ) ) end end end bvn = -bvn/twopi end if ( r > 0 ) bvn = bvn + Distribution::Normal.cdf(-[h,k].max) else bvn = -bvn if ( k > h ) bvn = bvn + Distribution::Normal.cdf(k) - Distribution::Normal.cdf(h) end end end bvn end private :f, :sgn end end end end