## Change Log Below is a complete listing of changes for each revision of HighLine. ### 1.7.6 / 2015-09-17 * Fix a typo in a var name affecting solaris. (Danek Duvall (@dhduvall) and Abinoam P. Marques Jr. (@abinoam), #155, PR #156) ### 1.7.5 / 2015-09-14 * Support jruby9k for system extensions (Michael (@mmmries), PR #153) ### 1.7.4 / 2015-06-16 * Workaround on #55 for stty ### 1.7.3 / 2015-06-29 * Add HighLine::Simulator tests (Bala Paranj (@bparanj) and Abinoam Marques Jr. (@abinoam), #142, PR #143) ### 1.7.2 / 2015-04-19 #### Bug fixes * Fix #138 (a regression of #131). PR #139. ### 1.7.1 / 2015-02-24 #### Enhancements * Add travis CI configuration (Eli Young (@elyscape), #130) * Add Rubinius to Build Matrix with Allowed Failure (Brandon Fish (bjfish), #132) * Make some adjustments on tests (Abinoam Marques Jr., #133, #134) * Drop support for Ruby 1.8 (Abinoam Marques Jr., #134) #### Bug fixes * Fix IO.console.winsize returning reversed column and line values (Fission Xuiptz (@fissionxuiptz)), #131) ### 1.7.0 / 2015-02-18 #### Bug fixes * Fix correct encoding of statements to output encoding (Dāvis (davispuh), #110) * Fix character echoing when echo is false and multibyte character is typed (Abinoam Marques Jr., #117 #118) * Fix backspace support on Cyrillic (Abinoam Marques Jr., #115 #118) * Fix returning wrong encoding when echo is false (Abinoam Marques Jr., #116 #118) * Fix Question #limit and #realine incompatibilities (Abinoam Marques Jr. #113 #120) * Fix/improve string coercion on #say (Abinoam Marques Jr., #98 #122) * Fix #terminal_size returning nil in some terminals (Abinoam Marques Jr., #85 #123) #### Enhancements * Improve #format_statement String coercion (Michael Bishop (michaeljbishop), #104) * Update homepage url on gemspec (Rubyforge->GitHub) (Edward Anderson (nilbus), #107) * Update COPYING file (Vít Ondruch (voxik), #109) * Improve multi-byte encoding support (Abinoam Marques Jr., #115 #116 #117 #118) * Make :grey -> :gray and :light -> :bright aliases (Abinoam Marques Jr., #114 #119) * Return the default object (as it is) when no answer given (Abinoam Marques Jr., #112 #121) * Added test for Yaml serialization of HighLine::String (Abinoam Marques Jr., #69 #124) * Make improvements on Changelog and Rakefile (Abinoam Marques Jr., #126 #127 #128) ### 1.6.21 * Improved Windows integration (by Ronie Henrich). * Clarified menu choice error messages (by Keith Bennett). ### 1.6.20 * Fixed a bug with FFI::NCurses integration (by agentdave). * Improved StringExtensions performance (by John Leach). * Various JRuby fixes (by presidentbeef). ### 1.6.19 * Fixed `terminal_size()` with jline2 (by presidentbeef). ### 1.6.18 * Fixed a long supported interface that was accidentally broken with a recent change (by Rubem Nakamura Carneiro). ### 1.6.17 * Added encoding support to menus (by David Lyons). * Some minor fixes to SystemExtensions (by whiteleaf and presidentbeef). ### 1.6.16 * Added the new indention feature (by davispuh). * Separated auto-completion from the answer type (by davispuh). * Improved JRuby support (by rsutphin). * General code clean up (by stomar). * Made HighLine#say() a little smarter with regard to color escapes (by Kenneth Murphy). ### 1.6.15 * Added support for nil arguments in lists (by Eric Saxby). * Fixed HighLine's termios integration (by Jens Wille). ### 1.6.14 * Added JRuby 1.7 support (by Mina Nagy). * Take into account color escape sequences when wrapping text (by Mark J. Titorenko). ### 1.6.13 * Removed unneeded Shebang lines (by Scott Gonyea). * Protect the String passed to Question.new from modification (by michael). * Added a retype-to-verify setting (by michael). ### 1.6.12 * Silenced warnings (by James McEwan). ### 1.6.11 * Fixed a bad test. (Fix by Diego Elio Pettenò.) ### 1.6.10 * Fixed a regression that prevented asking for String arguments (by Jeffery Sman.) * Fixed a testing incompatibility (by Hans de Graaff.) ### 1.6.9 * The new list modes now properly ignore escapes when sizing. * Added a project gemspec file. * Fixed a bug that prevented the use of termios (by tomdz). * Switch to JLine to provide better echo support on JRuby (by tomdz). ### 1.6.8 * Fix missing ERASE_CHAR reference (by Aaron Gifford). ### 1.6.7 * Fixed bug introduced in 1.6.6 attempted fix (by Aaron Gifford). ### 1.6.6 * Fixed old style references causing HighLine::String errors (by Aaron Gifford). ### 1.6.5 * HighLine#list() now correctly handles empty lists (fix by Lachlan Dowding). * HighLine#list() now supports :uneven_columns_across and :uneven_columns_down modes. ### 1.6.4 * Add introspection methods to color_scheme: definition, keys, to_hash. * Add tests for new methods. ### 1.6.3 * Add color NONE. * Add RGB color capability. * Made 'color' available as a class or instance method of HighLine, for instance: HighLine.color("foo", :blue)) or highline_obj.color("foo", :blue) are now both possible and equivalent. * Add HighLine::String class with convenience methods: #color (alias #foreground), #on (alias #background), colors, and styles. See lib/string_extensions.rb. * Add (optional) ability to extend String with the same convenience methods from HighLine::String, using Highline.colorize_strings. ### 1.6.2 * Correctly handle STDIN being closed before we receive any data (fix by mleinart). * Try if msvcrt, if we can't load crtdll on Windows (fix by pepijnve). * A fix for nil_on_handled not running the action (reported by Andrew Davey). ### 1.6.1 * Fixed raw_no_echo_mode so that it uses stty -icanon rather than cbreak as cbreak does not appear to be the posixly correct argument. It fails on Solaris if cbreak is used. * Fixed an issue that kept Menu from showing the correct choices for disambiguation. * Removed a circular require that kept Ruby 1.9.2 from loading HighLine. * Fixed a bug that caused infinite looping when wrapping text without spaces. * Fixed it so that :auto paging accounts for the two lines it adds. * On JRuby, improved error message about ffi-ncurses. Before 1.5.3, HighLine was silently swallowing error messages when ffi-ncurses gem was installed without ncurses present on the system. * Reverted Aaron Simmons's patch to allow redirecting STDIN on Windows. This is the only way we could find to restore HighLine's character reading to working order. ### 1.5.2 * Added support for using the ffi-ncurses gem which is supported in JRuby. * Added gem build instructions. ### 1.5.1 * Fixed the long standing echo true bug. (reported by Lauri Tuominen) * Improved Windows API calls to support the redirection of STDIN. (patch by Aaron Simmons) * Updated gem specification to avoid a deprecated call. * Made a minor documentation clarification about character mode support. * Worked around some API changes in Ruby's standard library in Ruby 1.9. (patch by Jake Benilov) ### 1.5.0 * Fixed a bug that would prevent Readline from showing all completions. (reported by Yaohan Chen) * Added the ability to pass a block to HighLine#agree(). (patch by Yaohan Chen) ### 1.4.0 * Made the code grabbing terminal size a little more cross-platform by adding support for Solaris. (patch by Ronald Braswell and Coey Minear) ### 1.2.9 * Additional work on the backspacing issue. (patch by Jeremy Hinegardner) * Fixed Readline prompt bug. (patch by Jeremy Hinegardner) ### 1.2.8 * Fixed backspacing past the prompt and interrupting a prompt bugs. (patch by Jeremy Hinegardner) ### 1.2.7 * Fixed the stty indent bug. * Fixed the echo backspace bug. * Added HighLine::track_eof=() setting to work are threaded eof?() calls. ### 1.2.6 Patch by Jeremy Hinegardner: * Added ColorScheme support. * Added HighLine::Question.overwrite mode. * Various documentation fixes. ### 1.2.5 * Really fixed the bug I tried to fix in 1.2.4. ### 1.2.4 * Fixed a crash causing bug when using menus, reported by Patrick Hof. ### 1.2.3 * Treat Cygwin like a Posix OS, instead of a native Windows environment. ### 1.2.2 * Minor documentation corrections. * Applied Thomas Werschleiln's patch to fix termio buffering on Solaris. * Applied Justin Bailey's patch to allow canceling paged output. * Fixed a documentation bug in the description of character case settings. * Added a notice about termios in HighLine::Question#echo. * Finally working around the infamous "fast typing" bug ### 1.2.1 * Applied Justin Bailey's fix for the page_print() infinite loop bug. * Made a SystemExtensions module to expose OS level functionality other libraries may want to access. * Publicly exposed the get_character() method, per user requests. * Added terminal_size(), output_cols(), and output_rows() methods. * Added :auto setting for warp_at=() and page_at=(). ### 1.2.0 * Improved RubyForge and gem spec project descriptions. * Added basic examples to README. * Added a VERSION constant. * Added support for hidden menu commands. * Added Object.or_ask() when using highline/import. ### 1.0.4 * Moved the HighLine project to Subversion. * HighLine's color escapes can now be disabled. * Fixed EOF bug introduced in the last release. * Updated HighLine web page. * Moved to a forked development/stable version numbering. ### 1.0.2 * Removed old and broken help tests. * Fixed test case typo found by David A. Black. * Added ERb escapes processing to lists, for coloring list items. Color escapes do not add to list element size. * HighLine now throws EOFError when input is exhausted. ### 1.0.1 * Minor bug fix: Moved help initialization to before response building, so help would show up in the default responses. ### 1.0.0 * Fixed documentation typo pointed out by Gavin Kistner. * Added gather = ... option to question for fetching entire Arrays or Hashes filled with answers. You can set +gather+ to a count of answers to collect, a String or Regexp matching the end of input, or a Hash where each key can be used in a new question. * Added File support to HighLine.ask(). You can specify a _directory_ and a _glob_ pattern that combine into a list of file choices the user can select from. You can choose to receive the user's answer as an open filehandle or as a Pathname object. * Added Readline support for history and editing. * Added tab completion for menu and file selection selection (requires Readline). * Added an optional character limit for input. * Added a complete help system to HighLine's shell menu creation tools. ### 0.6.1 * Removed termios dependancy in gem, to fix Windows' install. ### 0.6.0 * Implemented HighLine.choose() for menu handling. * Provided shortcut choose(item1, item2, ...) for simple menus. * Allowed Ruby code to be attached to each menu item, to create a complete menu solution. * Provided for total customization of the menu layout. * Allowed for menu selection by index, name or both. * Added a _shell_ mode to allow menu selection with additional details following the name. * Added a list() utility method that can be invoked just like color(). It can layout Arrays for you in any output in the modes :columns_across, :columns_down, :inline and :rows * Added support for echo = "*" style settings. User code can now choose the echo character this way. * Modified HighLine to user the "termios" library for character input, if available. Will return to old behavior (using "stty"), if "termios" cannot be loaded. * Improved "stty" state restoring code. * Fixed "stty" code to handle interrupt signals. * Improved the default auto-complete error message and exposed this message through the +responses+ interface as :no_completion. ### 0.5.0 * Implemented echo = false for HighLine::Question objects, primarily to make fetching passwords trivial. * Fixed an auto-complete bug that could cause a crash when the user gave an answer that didn't complete to any valid choice. * Implemented +case+ for HighLine::Question objects to provide character case conversions on given answers. Can be set to :up, :down, or :capitalize. * Exposed @answer to the response system, to allow response that are aware of incorrect input. * Implemented +confirm+ for HighLine::Question objects to allow for verification for sensitive user choices. If set to +true+, user will have to answer an "Are you sure? " question. Can also be set to the question to confirm with the user. ### 0.4.0 * Added @wrap_at and @page_at settings and accessors to HighLine, to control text flow. * Implemented line wrapping with adjustable limit. * Implemented paged printing with adjustable limit. ### 0.3.0 * Added support for installing with setup.rb. * All output is now treated as an ERb sequence, allowing Ruby code to be embedded in output strings. * Added support for ANSI color sequences in say(). (And everything else by extension.) * Added whitespace handling for answers. Can be set to :strip, :chomp, :collapse, :strip_and_collapse, :chomp_and_collapse, :remove, or :none. * Exposed question details to ERb completion through @question, to allow for intelligent responses. * Simplified HighLine internals using @question. * Added support for fetching single character input either with getc() or HighLine's own cross-platform terminal input routine. * Improved type conversion to handle user defined classes. ### 0.2.0 * Added Unit Tests to cover an already fixed output bug in the future. * Added Rakefile and setup test action (default). * Renamed HighLine::Answer to HighLine::Question to better illustrate its role. * Renamed fetch_line() to get_response() to better define its goal. * Simplified explain_error in terms of the Question object. * Renamed accept?() to in_range?() to better define purpose. * Reworked valid?() into valid_answer?() to better fit Question object. * Reworked @member into @in, to make it easier to remember and switched implementation to include?(). * Added range checks for @above and @below. * Fixed the bug causing ask() to swallow NoMethodErrors. * Rolled ask_on_error() into responses. * Redirected imports to Kernel from Object. * Added support for validate = lambda { ... }. * Added default answer support. * Fixed bug that caused ask() to die with an empty question. * Added complete documentation. * Improve the implemetation of agree() to be the intended "yes" or "no" only question. * Added Rake tasks for documentation and packaging. * Moved project to RubyForge. ### 0.1.0 * Initial release as the solution to {Ruby Quiz #29}[http://www.rubyquiz.com/quiz29.html].