module AwsUtils class Orchestrator < Base def assume_role(role_arn) # resp = sts_client.assume_role( role_arn: role_arn, role_session_name: "#{NAMESPACE}.test", ) resp.credentials end def set_instance_profile(instance_id, instance_profile_name: AWS_AUTH_INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME, instance_profile_arn: nil ) clear_instance_profile(instance_id) deadline = + 30 begin ec2_client.associate_iam_instance_profile( iam_instance_profile: { name: instance_profile_name, arn: instance_profile_arn, }, instance_id: instance_id, ) rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::RequestLimitExceeded => e if >= deadline raise end STDERR.puts("AWS request limit exceeded: #{e.class}: #{e}, will retry") sleep 5 retry end end def clear_instance_profile(instance_id) assoc = detect_object(ec2_client.describe_iam_instance_profile_associations, :iam_instance_profile_associations, :instance_id, instance_id) if assoc deadline = + 30 begin ec2_client.disassociate_iam_instance_profile( association_id: assoc.association_id, ) rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::RequestLimitExceeded => e if >= deadline raise end STDERR.puts("AWS request limit exceeded: #{e.class}: #{e}, will retry") sleep 5 retry end end end def provision_auth_ec2_instance(key_pair_name: nil, public_key_path: nil, distro: 'ubuntu1604' ) security_group_id = ssh_security_group_id! reservations = ec2_client.describe_instances(filters: [ {name: 'tag:name', values: [AWS_AUTH_EC2_INSTANCE_NAME]}, ]).reservations instance = find_running_instance(reservations) if instance.nil? ami_name = AWS_AUTH_EC2_AMI_NAMES.fetch(distro) image = ec2_client.describe_images( filters: [{name: 'name', values: [ami_name]}], ).images.first if public_key_path public_key = user_data = Base64.encode64(<<-CMD) #!/bin/sh for user in `ls /home`; do cd /home/$user && mkdir -p .ssh && chmod 0700 .ssh && chown $user:$user .ssh && cat <<-EOT |tee -a .ssh/authorized_keys #{public_key} EOT done CMD end resp = ec2_client.run_instances( instance_type: 't3a.small', image_id: image.image_id, min_count: 1, max_count: 1, key_name: key_pair_name, user_data: user_data, tag_specifications: [{ resource_type: 'instance', tags: [{key: 'name', value: AWS_AUTH_EC2_INSTANCE_NAME}], }], monitoring: {enabled: false}, credit_specification: {cpu_credits: 'standard'}, security_group_ids: [security_group_id], metadata_options: { # This is required for Docker containers on the instance to be able # to use the instance metadata endpoints. http_put_response_hop_limit: 2, }, ).to_h instance_id = resp[:instances].first[:instance_id] reservations = ec2_client.describe_instances(instance_ids: [instance_id]).reservations instance = find_running_instance(reservations) end if instance.nil? raise "Instance should have been found here" end if == 'stopped' ec2_client.start_instances(instance_ids: [instance.instance_id]) end 10.times do if %w(stopped pending).include?( puts "Waiting for instance #{instance.instance_id} to start (current state: #{})" sleep 5 end reservations = ec2_client.describe_instances(instance_ids: [instance.instance_id]).reservations instance = find_running_instance(reservations) end puts "Found usable instance #{instance.instance_id} at #{instance.public_ip_address}" end def terminate_auth_ec2_instance ec2_client.describe_instances(filters: [ {name: 'tag:name', values: [AWS_AUTH_EC2_INSTANCE_NAME]}, ]).each do |resp| resp.reservations.each do |res| res.instances.each do |instance| puts "Terminating #{instance.instance_id}" ec2_client.terminate_instances(instance_ids: [instance.instance_id]) end end end end def provision_auth_ecs_task(public_key_path: nil, cluster_name: AWS_AUTH_ECS_CLUSTER_NAME, service_name: AWS_AUTH_ECS_SERVICE_NAME, security_group_id: nil, subnet_ids: nil, task_definition_ref: AWS_AUTH_ECS_TASK_FAMILY ) security_group_id ||= ssh_vpc_security_group_id! subnet_ids ||= [subnet_id!] # resp = ecs_client.describe_clusters( clusters: [cluster_name], ) cluster = detect_object(resp, :clusters, :cluster_name, cluster_name) if cluster.nil? raise 'No cluster found, please run `aws setup-resources`' end if public_key_path public_key = unless public_key =~ /\Assh-/ raise "The file at #{public_key_path} does not look like a public key" end entry_point = ['bash', '-c', <<-CMD] apt-get update && apt-get install -y openssh-server && cd /root && mkdir -p .ssh && chmod 0700 .ssh && cat >.ssh/authorized_keys <<-EOT && #{public_key} EOT service ssh start && sleep 10000000 #mkdir /run/sshd && /usr/sbin/sshd -d CMD else entry_point = nil end launch_type = if options[:ec2] 'EC2' else 'FARGATE' end # When testing in Evergreen, we are given the task definition ARN # and we always launch the tasks with that ARN. # When testing locally, we repace task definition every time we launch # the service. if task_definition_ref !~ /^arn:/ execution_role = detect_object(iam_client.list_roles, :roles, :role_name, AWS_AUTH_ECS_EXECUTION_ROLE_NAME) if execution_role.nil? raise 'Execution role not configured' end task_role = detect_object(iam_client.list_roles, :roles, :role_name, AWS_AUTH_ECS_TASK_ROLE_NAME) if task_role.nil? raise 'Task role not configured' end task_definition = ecs_client.register_task_definition( family: AWS_AUTH_ECS_TASK_FAMILY, container_definitions: [{ name: 'ssh', essential: true, entry_point: entry_point, image: 'debian:9', port_mappings: [{ container_port: 22, protocol: 'tcp', }], log_configuration: { log_driver: 'awslogs', options: { 'awslogs-group' => AWS_AUTH_ECS_LOG_GROUP, 'awslogs-region' => region, 'awslogs-stream-prefix' => AWS_AUTH_ECS_LOG_STREAM_PREFIX, }, }, }], requires_compatibilities: [launch_type], network_mode: 'awsvpc', cpu: '512', memory: '2048', # This is the ECS task role used for AWS auth testing task_role_arn: task_role.arn, # The execution role is required to support awslogs (logging to # CloudWatch). execution_role_arn: execution_role.arn, ).task_definition task_definition_ref = AWS_AUTH_ECS_TASK_FAMILY end service = ecs_client.describe_services( cluster: cluster_name, services: [service_name], ).services.first if service && service.status.downcase == 'draining' puts "Waiting for #{service_name} to drain" ecs_client.wait_until( :services_inactive, { cluster: cluster.cluster_name, services: [service_name], }, delay: 5, max_attempts: 36, ) puts "... done." service = nil end if service && service.status.downcase == 'inactive' service = nil end if service puts "Updating service with status #{service.status}" service = ecs_client.update_service( cluster: cluster_name, service: service_name, task_definition: task_definition_ref, ).service else puts "Creating a new service" vpc_config = {} unless options[:ec2] vpc_config[:assign_public_ip] = 'ENABLED' end service = ecs_client.create_service( desired_count: 1, service_name: service_name, task_definition: task_definition_ref, cluster: cluster_name, launch_type: launch_type, network_configuration: { awsvpc_configuration: vpc_config.merge( subnets: subnet_ids, security_groups: [security_group_id], ), }, ).service end end def wait_for_ecs_ready( cluster_name: AWS_AUTH_ECS_CLUSTER_NAME, service_name: AWS_AUTH_ECS_SERVICE_NAME, timeout: 20 ) deadline = + timeout # The AWS SDK waiter seems to immediately fail sometimes right after # the service is created, so wait for the service to become active # manually and then use the waiter to wait for the service to become # stable. # # The failure may be due to the fact that apparently, it is possible for # describe_services to not return an existing service for some time. # Therefore, allow the lack of service to be a transient error. loop do service = ecs_client.describe_services( cluster: cluster_name, services: [service_name], ).services.first if service.nil? puts "Service #{service_name} in cluster #{cluster_name} does not exist (yet?)" status = 'MISSING' elsif service.status.downcase == 'active' break else status = service.status end now = if now >= deadline raise "Service #{service_name} in cluster #{cluster_name} did not become ready in #{timeout} seconds (current status: #{status})" end puts "Wating for service #{service_name} in cluster #{cluster_name} to become ready (#{'%2.1f' % (deadline - now)} seconds remaining, current status: #{status})" sleep 5 end puts "Wating for service #{service_name} in cluster #{cluster_name} to become stable" ecs_client.wait_until( :services_stable, { cluster: cluster_name, services: [service_name], }, delay: 5, max_attempts: 36, ) end def terminate_auth_ecs_task ecs_client.describe_services( cluster: AWS_AUTH_ECS_CLUSTER_NAME, services: [AWS_AUTH_ECS_SERVICE_NAME], ).each do |resp| do |service| puts "Terminating #{service.service_name}" begin ecs_client.update_service( cluster: AWS_AUTH_ECS_CLUSTER_NAME, service: service.service_name, desired_count: 0, ) rescue Aws::ECS::Errors::ServiceNotActiveException # No action needed end ecs_client.delete_service( cluster: AWS_AUTH_ECS_CLUSTER_NAME, service: service.service_name, ) end end end private def find_running_instance(reservations) instance = nil reservations.each do |reservation| instance = reservation.instances.detect do |instance| %w(pending running stopped).include?( end break if instance end instance end end end