require 'digest/md5' require 'socket' require 'open4' require 'timeout' module Toaster # # Author: Waldemar Hummer ( # class Util # generate a UUID, for example: 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 def self.generate_uuid # For now, generate a pseudo-UUID here. Do not use the 'uuid' package # since it seems to conflict with some other gems installed on IWD instances. # Error message was: # FATAL: Gem::LoadError: Unable to activate macaddr-1.6.1, because systemu-2.2.0 conflicts with systemu (~> 2.5.0) uuid = rand_hex_string(16) + "-" + rand_hex_string(4) + "-" + rand_hex_string(4) + "-" + rand_hex_string(4) + "-" + rand_hex_string(12) return uuid end def self.get_machine_id() filename = File.join(get_home_dir(), ".toaster.testing.machine_id") return if File.exist?(filename) puts "Saving machine ID to file #{filename}", 'w') { |f| f.write(self.rand_hex_string(16)) } return end def self.get_home_dir() user = `whoami` return "/root/" if user.strip == "root" return Dir.home end def self.generate_short_uid() return rand_hex_string(16) end def self.empty?(value) return value.nil? || (value.to_s.strip == "") end def self.file_empty?(file) return true if !File.exist?(file) return self.empty?( end # generate a (pseudo-)random string of a given length def self.rand_hex_string(length) return (0..length){|a| rand(16).to_s(16)}.join end def self.ip_address?(str) return is_ip_address(str) end def self.is_ip_address(str) return false if !str str = str.to_s m = str.match(/([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}/) m = m.nil? ? "" : m.to_s return (m == str) end # check if the string representation of two objects is equal def self.str_eql?(o1, o2) return "#{o1}" == "#{o2}" end # compute the MD5 hash of a given string or file def self.md5(str_or_file, read_from_file = false) if read_from_file return nil if !File.exist?(str_or_file) file = File.expand_path(str_or_file) md5 = `md5sum #{file}` md5.gsub!(/^([a-zA-Z0-9]+) .*/,'\1') return md5 end return Digest::MD5.hexdigest(str_or_file) end def self.project_root_dir() return File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "..")) end def self.toaster_executable() return File.join(project_root_dir(), "bin", "toaster") end # compute the MD5 hash over the contents of a given file def self.file_md5(file) return md5(file, true) end def self.write(file, content, overwrite=false) if !overwrite && File.exist?(file) raise "File exists and no overwrite option provided: #{file}" end, 'w') {|f| f.write(content) } end #return local IP address def self.ipaddress() # turn off reverse DNS resolution temporarily orig, Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup, true ip = nil begin do |s| s.connect '', 1 ip = s.addr.last end ensure Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = orig end if !is_ip_address(ip) # TODO: IP lookup using ifconfig... end return ip end def self.print_backtrace(ex, max_lines = -1, start_line = 0) puts "#{ex}\n#{ex.backtrace[start_line..max_lines].join("\n")}\n..." end def self.match_any(str, pattern_list=[".*"]) pattern_list.each do |p| return true if str.match(/#{p}/) end return false end def return end def self.child_process_pids() pid = child_pids = `ps o pid= --ppid #{pid}` status = $? result = child_pids.strip.split(/\s+/) # the PID of the forked "ps" process is usually also # part of this list, hence remove it from the result result.delete("#{}") return result end # based on: # # added: functionality to kill external forked processes on timeout def self.exec_timeout(sec=10*60, klass=nil, kill_forked_processes=true, &block) return yield(sec) if sec == nil or exception = klass || children_before = child_process_pids() begin begin x = Thread.current y = Thread.start { begin sleep sec rescue => e x.raise e else # terminate all sub-processes # forked by the block execution if kill_forked_processes puts "DEBUG: child processes before task execution: #{children_before}" children_after = child_process_pids() puts "DEBUG: child processes during task execution, after timeout (#{sec}sec): #{children_after}" diff = children_after - children_before puts "INFO: Killing forked subprocesses: #{diff}" if !diff.empty? diff.each do |kill_pid| puts "DEBUG: Command of process #{kill_pid}: '#{get_process_details(kill_pid)['cmd']}'" end kill_processes(diff) end x.raise exception, "execution expired" end } return yield(sec) ensure if y y.kill y.join # make sure y is dead. end end rescue exception => e rej = /\A#{Regexp.quote(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__-4}\z/ (bt = e.backtrace).reject! {|m| rej =~ m} level = -caller(Timeout::CALLER_OFFSET).size while Timeout::THIS_FILE =~ bt[level] bt.delete_at(level) level += 1 end raise if klass # if exception class is specified, it # would be expected outside. raise RuntimeError, e.message, e.backtrace end end def self.build_file_hash_for_ohai(paths, hash_to_fill = nil) files = hash_to_fill ? hash_to_fill : {} paths.each do |path| if File.exist?(path) fileObj = statObj = files[path] = { "mode" => statObj.mode, "bytes" => fileObj.size, "ctime" => fileObj.ctime.to_i, "mtime" => fileObj.mtime.to_i, "owner" => "#{statObj.uid}:#{statObj.gid}" } if File.symlink?(path) files[path]["symlink_to"] = File.readlink(path) end if entries = Dir.entries(path).size - 2 entries = 0 if entries < 0 entries_rec = -1 if path != "" && !path.match(/^\/+((dev)|(etc)|(lib)|(lib32)|(lib64)|(proc)|(opt)|(run)|(sys)|(usr)|(var))\/*$/) # find number of descendants (recursively) entries_rec = `find #{path} | wc -l`.strip end files[path]["type"] = "dir" files[path]["num_entries"] = entries files[path]["entries_recursive"] = entries_rec else md5 = Toaster::Util.file_md5(path) files[path]["hash"] = md5.strip if md5 end else # nil indicates that the file does not exist.. files[path] = nil end end return files end def self.diff_dirs(dir1, dir2) require "diffy" out = "" + "" return out end def self.kill_processes(pids) pids = [pids] if !pids.kind_of?(Array) pids.each do |pid| kill(pid) end end def self.kill(pid) `kill #{pid}` max_wait = 5 (1..max_wait).each do if !process_alive?(pid) return end sleep 1 end # process is still alive --> kill with SIGKILL `kill -sigkill #{pid}` end def self.process_alive?(pid) `ps --pid #{pid}` code = $? return code.exitstatus == 0 end def self.get_process_details(pid) cmd = `ps o cmd= --pid #{pid}`.strip return { "cmd" => cmd } end def self.exec_in_parallel(collection, &block) num_threads = 0 result_queue = results = [] collection.each do |c| num_threads += 1 Thread.start { begin result_queue << rescue Object => ex result_queue << ex end } end (1..num_threads).each do results << result_queue.pop end return results end def self.exec_with_output_timestamps(cmd) pid, stdin, stdout, stderr = Open4::popen4(cmd) start_time = last_time = start_time output = "" stdout.each_line do |line| now = diff1 = now - start_time diff2 = now - last_time last_time = now output += "[#{'%.3f' % diff1},#{'%.4f' % diff2}] #{line}" end return output end def self.mktmpfile(relative_to="/tmp/", &block) name = "" begin name = `mktemp`.strip File.delete(name) if File.exist?(name) name = File.basename(name) name = "#{relative_to}#{name}" end while File.exist?(name) # we have determined the file name. now run the block. `touch #{name}` if block begin ensure File.delete(name) end else return name end end # Dir.mktmpdir fails under certain JRuby versions, hence we # provide our own simple implementation here.. # see, e.g., def self.mktmpdir(&block) file ='toaster_tmp_dir') path = file.path file.unlink Dir.mkdir(path) begin ensure FileUtils.rm_rf(path) end end def self.starts_with?(string, prefix) prefix = prefix.to_s string[0, prefix.length] == prefix end def self.latest_timestamp_item(list, pattern) latest = 0 latest_item = nil list.each do |item| if item.to_s.match(pattern).to_s == item.to_s time = item.to_s.gsub(pattern, '\1') time = time.to_f if time > latest latest = time latest_item = item end end end return latest_item end def self.latest_timestamp(list, pattern) latest = 0 list.each do |item| if item.to_s.match(pattern).to_s == item.to_s time = item.to_s.gsub(pattern, '\1') time = time.to_f if time > latest latest = time end end end return latest end end end