# StateSelect `state_select` plugin allows you to easily create dropdown list of states for a country provided as an option. Default country is US. ## Usage state_select(object, method, country = "US", options = {}, html_options = {}) Currently it supports: * INDIA, * US, * UK, * CANADA, * AUSTRALIA, * SPAIN, * FRANCE, * UGANDA, * GERMANY, * NETHERLANDS, * MEXICO, * POLAND. ## Compatibility `state_select` works with Rails 2.3, 3.0 and 3.1. ## Contributors * Thanks [keith](http://rubygreenblue.com/) for Australian states * Thanks [Vicent](http://www.vicentgozalbes.com/) for Spanish states * Thanks Chuck Phillips for Ugandan states * Thanks Jonathan Tron for French states * Thanks [Gavin Morrice](http://handyrailstips.com/) for UK States * Thanks [Filip Tepper](http://tepper.pl/) for Polish States If you want to add other country please send me the list of states and I will add them, or you can fork and make a pull request. ## Author Akhil Bansal, [bansalakhil30.10@gmail.com](mailto:bansalakhil30.10@gmail.com), [http://webonrails.com/](http://webonrails.com/), New Delhi, India