dojo.provide(""); dojo.require(""); dojo.require("dojox.rpc.Client"); // Persevere supports this and it improves reliability if(dojox.rpc.OfflineRest){ dojo.require("dojox.json.query"); // this is so we can perform queries locally } // PersevereStore is an extension of JsonRestStore to handle Persevere's special features dojox.json.ref._useRefs = true; // Persevere supports referencing dojox.json.ref.serializeFunctions = true; // Persevere supports persisted functions dojo.declare("",,{ _toJsonQuery: function(args){ // performs conversion of Dojo Data query objects and sort arrays to JSONQuery strings if(args.query && typeof args.query == "object"){ // convert Dojo Data query objects to JSONQuery var jsonQuery = "[?(", first = true; for(var i in args.query){ if(args.query[i]!="*"){ // full wildcards can be ommitted jsonQuery += (first ? "" : "&") + "@[" + dojo._escapeString(i) + "]=" + dojox.json.ref.toJson(args.query[i]); first = false; } } if(!first){ // use ' instead of " for quoting in JSONQuery, and end with ] jsonQuery += ")]"; }else{ jsonQuery = ""; } args.queryStr = jsonQuery.replace(/\\"|"/g,function(t){return t == '"' ? "'" : t;}); }else if(!args.query || args.query == '*'){ args.query = ""; } var sort = args.sort; if(sort){ // if we have a sort order, add that to the JSONQuery expression args.queryStr = args.queryStr || (typeof args.query == 'string' ? args.query : ""); first = true; for(i = 0; i < sort.length; i++){ args.queryStr += (first ? '[' : ',') + (sort[i].descending ? '\\' : '/') + "@[" + dojo._escapeString(sort[i].attribute) + "]"; first = false; } if(!first){ args.queryStr += ']'; } } if(typeof args.queryStr == 'string'){ args.queryStr = args.queryStr.replace(/\\"|"/g,function(t){return t == '"' ? "'" : t;}); return args.queryStr; } return args.query; }, fetch: function(args){ this._toJsonQuery(args); return this.inherited(arguments); }, isUpdateable: function(){ if(!dojox.json.query){ return this.inherited(arguments); } return true; }, matchesQuery: function(item,request){ if(!dojox.json.query){ return this.inherited(arguments); } request._jsonQuery = request._jsonQuery || dojox.json.query(this._toJsonQuery(request)); return request._jsonQuery([item]).length; }, clientSideFetch: function(/*Object*/ request,/*Array*/ baseResults){ if(!dojox.json.query){ return this.inherited(arguments); } request._jsonQuery = request._jsonQuery || dojox.json.query(this._toJsonQuery(request)); return request._jsonQuery(baseResults); }, querySuperSet: function(argsSuper,argsSub){ if(!dojox.json.query){ return this.inherited(arguments); } if(!argsSuper.query){ return argsSub.query; } return this.inherited(arguments); } }); = function(/*String?*/path,/*Boolean?*/sync){ // summary: // Creates Dojo data stores for all the table/classes on a Persevere server // path: // URL of the Persevere server's root, this normally just "/" // which is the default value if the target is not provided // callback: // Allows the operation to happen asynchronously // return: // A map/object of datastores. The name of each property is a the name of a store, // and the value is the actual data store object. path = (path && (path.match(/\/$/) ? path : (path + '/'))) || '/'; if(path.match(/^\w*:\/\//)){ // if it is cross-domain, we will use for communication dojo.require("");,, true); } var rootService= dojox.rpc.Rest(path,true); var lastSync = dojox.rpc._sync; dojox.rpc._sync = sync; var dfd = rootService("root");//dojo.xhrGet({url: target, sync:!callback, handleAs:'json'}); var results; dfd.addBoth(function(schemas){ for(var i in schemas){ if(typeof schemas[i] == 'object'){ schemas[i] = new{target:new dojo._Url(path,i) + '',schema:schemas[i]}); } } return (results = schemas); }); dojox.rpc._sync = lastSync; return sync ? results : dfd; }; = function(){ // summary: // Invokes the XHR proxy plugin. Call this if you will be using x-site data. dojo.require(""); // also not necessary, but we can register that Persevere supports proxying"/proxy/"); };