Feature: Profiles In order to save time and prevent carpal tunnel syndrome Cucumber users can save and reuse commonly used cucumber flags in a 'cucumber.yml' file. These named arguments are called profiles and the yml file should be in the root of your project. Any cucumber argument is valid in a profile. To see all the available flags type 'cucumber --help' For more information about profiles please see the wiki: http://wiki.github.com/cucumber/cucumber/cucumber.yml Background: Basic App Given a standard Cucumber project directory structure And a file named "features/sample.feature" with: """ Feature: Sample Scenario: this is a test Given I am just testing stuff """ And a file named "features/support/env.rb" And a file named "features/support/super_env.rb" And the following profiles are defined: """ default: features/sample.feature --require features/support/env.rb -v super: features/sample.feature --require features/support/super_env.rb -v """ Scenario: Explicitly defining a profile to run When I run cucumber features/sample.feature --profile super Then the output should contain """ Using the super profile... """ And exactly these files should be loaded: features/support/super_env.rb Scenario: Explicitly defining a profile defined in an ERB formatted file Given the following profiles are defined: """ <% requires = "--require features/support/super_env.rb" %> super: <%= "features/sample.feature #{requires} -v" %> """ When I run cucumber features/sample.feature --profile super Then the output should contain """ Using the super profile... """ And exactly these files should be loaded: features/support/super_env.rb Scenario: Defining multiple profiles to run When I run cucumber features/sample.feature --profile default --profile super Then the output should contain """ Using the default and super profiles... """ And exactly these files should be loaded: features/support/env.rb, features/support/super_env.rb Scenario: Arguments passed in but no profile specified When I run cucumber -v Then the default profile should be used And exactly these files should be loaded: features/support/env.rb Scenario: Trying to use a missing profile When I run cucumber -p foo Then STDERR should be """ Could not find profile: 'foo' Defined profiles in cucumber.yml: * default * super """ Scenario Outline: Disabling the default profile When I run cucumber -v features/ Then the output should contain """ Disabling profiles... """ And exactly these files should be loaded: features/support/env.rb, features/support/super_env.rb Examples: | Flag | | -P | | --no-profile | Scenario: Overriding the profile's features to run Given a file named "features/another.feature" with: """ Feature: Just this one should be ran """ When I run cucumber -p default features/another.feature Then exactly these features should be ran: features/another.feature Scenario: Overriding the profile's formatter You will most likely want to define a formatter in your default formatter. However, you often want to run your features with a different formatter yet still use the other the other arguments in the profile. Cucumber will allow you to do this by giving precedence to the formatter specified on the command line and override the one in the profile. Given the following profiles are defined: """ default: features/sample.feature --require features/support/env.rb -v --format profile """ When I run cucumber features --format pretty And the output should contain """ Feature: Sample """ Scenario Outline: Showing profiles when listing failing scenarios Given a file named "features/step_definitions/steps.rb" with: """ Given /^I am just testing stuff$/ do raise 'BANG' end """ When I run cucumber -q -p super -p default -f features/sample.feature --require features/step_definitions/steps.rb Then it should fail And the output should contain """ cucumber -p super features/sample.feature:2 # Scenario: this is a test """ Examples: | format | | pretty | | progress|