# This file is generated. See the contributing guide for more information:
# https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
require 'seahorse/client/plugins/content_length.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/credentials_configuration.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/logging.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/param_converter.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/param_validator.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/user_agent.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/helpful_socket_errors.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/retry_errors.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/global_configuration.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/regional_endpoint.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/response_paging.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/stub_responses.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/idempotency_token.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/jsonvalue_converter.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/signature_v4.rb'
require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/protocols/json_rpc.rb'
module Aws::Organizations
class Client < Seahorse::Client::Base
include Aws::ClientStubs
@identifier = :organizations
# @option options [required, Aws::CredentialProvider] :credentials
# Your AWS credentials. This can be an instance of any one of the
# following classes:
# * `Aws::Credentials` - Used for configuring static, non-refreshing
# credentials.
# * `Aws::InstanceProfileCredentials` - Used for loading credentials
# from an EC2 IMDS on an EC2 instance.
# * `Aws::SharedCredentials` - Used for loading credentials from a
# shared file, such as `~/.aws/config`.
# * `Aws::AssumeRoleCredentials` - Used when you need to assume a role.
# When `:credentials` are not configured directly, the following
# locations will be searched for credentials:
# * `Aws.config[:credentials]`
# * The `:access_key_id`, `:secret_access_key`, and `:session_token` options.
# * `~/.aws/credentials`
# * `~/.aws/config`
# * EC2 IMDS instance profile - When used by default, the timeouts are
# very aggressive. Construct and pass an instance of
# `Aws::InstanceProfileCredentails` to enable retries and extended
# timeouts.
# @option options [required, String] :region
# The AWS region to connect to. The configured `:region` is
# used to determine the service `:endpoint`. When not passed,
# a default `:region` is search for in the following locations:
# * `Aws.config[:region]`
# * `~/.aws/credentials`
# * `~/.aws/config`
# @option options [String] :access_key_id
# @option options [Boolean] :convert_params (true)
# When `true`, an attempt is made to coerce request parameters into
# the required types.
# @option options [String] :endpoint
# The client endpoint is normally constructed from the `:region`
# option. You should only configure an `:endpoint` when connecting
# to test endpoints. This should be avalid HTTP(S) URI.
# @option options [Aws::Log::Formatter] :log_formatter (Aws::Log::Formatter.default)
# The log formatter.
# @option options [Symbol] :log_level (:info)
# The log level to send messages to the `:logger` at.
# @option options [Logger] :logger
# The Logger instance to send log messages to. If this option
# is not set, logging will be disabled.
# @option options [String] :profile ("default")
# Used when loading credentials from the shared credentials file
# at HOME/.aws/credentials. When not specified, 'default' is used.
# @option options [Integer] :retry_limit (3)
# The maximum number of times to retry failed requests. Only
# ~ 500 level server errors and certain ~ 400 level client errors
# are retried. Generally, these are throttling errors, data
# checksum errors, networking errors, timeout errors and auth
# errors from expired credentials.
# @option options [String] :secret_access_key
# @option options [String] :session_token
# @option options [Boolean] :simple_json (false)
# Disables request parameter conversion, validation, and formatting.
# Also disable response data type conversions. This option is useful
# when you want to ensure the highest level of performance by
# avoiding overhead of walking request parameters and response data
# structures.
# When `:simple_json` is enabled, the request parameters hash must
# be formatted exactly as the DynamoDB API expects.
# @option options [Boolean] :stub_responses (false)
# Causes the client to return stubbed responses. By default
# fake responses are generated and returned. You can specify
# the response data to return or errors to raise by calling
# {ClientStubs#stub_responses}. See {ClientStubs} for more information.
# ** Please note ** When response stubbing is enabled, no HTTP
# requests are made, and retries are disabled.
# @option options [Boolean] :validate_params (true)
# When `true`, request parameters are validated before
# sending the request.
def initialize(*args)
# @!group API Operations
# Sends a response to the originator of a handshake agreeing to the
# action proposed by the handshake request.
# This operation can be called only by the following principals when
# they also have the relevant IAM permissions:
# * **Invitation to join** or **Approve all features request**
# handshakes: only a principal from the member account.
# The user who calls the API for an invitation to join must have the
# `organizations:AcceptHandshake` permission. If you enabled all
# features in the organization, then the user must also have the
# `iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole` permission so that Organizations can
# create the required service-linked role named
# *OrgsServiceLinkedRoleName*. For more information, see [AWS
# Organizations and Service-Linked Roles][1] in the *AWS Organizations
# User Guide*.
# * **Enable all features final confirmation** handshake: only a
# principal from the master account.
# For more information about invitations, see [Inviting an AWS Account
# to Join Your Organization][2] in the *AWS Organizations User Guide*.
# For more information about requests to enable all features in the
# organization, see [Enabling All Features in Your Organization][3] in
# the *AWS Organizations User Guide*.
# After you accept a handshake, it continues to appear in the results of
# relevant APIs for only 30 days. After that it is deleted.
# [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_integration_services.html#orgs_integration_service-linked-roles
# [2]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_accounts_invites.html
# [3]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_org_support-all-features.html
# @option params [required, String] :handshake_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the handshake that you want to accept.
# The [regex pattern][1] for handshake ID string requires "h-"
# followed by from 8 to 32 lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @return [Types::AcceptHandshakeResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::AcceptHandshakeResponse#handshake #handshake} => Types::Handshake
# @example Example: To accept a handshake from another account
# # Bill is the owner of an organization, and he invites Juan's account (222222222222) to join his organization. The
# # following example shows Juan's account accepting the handshake and thus agreeing to the invitation.
# resp = client.accept_handshake({
# handshake_id: "h-examplehandshakeid111",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# handshake: {
# action: "INVITE",
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:handshake/o-exampleorgid/invite/h-examplehandshakeid111",
# expiration_timestamp: Time.parse("20170228T1215Z"),
# id: "h-examplehandshakeid111",
# parties: [
# {
# id: "o-exampleorgid",
# },
# {
# id: "juan@example.com",
# type: "EMAIL",
# },
# ],
# requested_timestamp: Time.parse("20170214T1215Z"),
# resources: [
# {
# resources: [
# {
# type: "MASTER_EMAIL",
# value: "bill@amazon.com",
# },
# {
# type: "MASTER_NAME",
# value: "Org Master Account",
# },
# {
# value: "ALL",
# },
# ],
# value: "o-exampleorgid",
# },
# {
# type: "ACCOUNT",
# value: "222222222222",
# },
# ],
# state: "ACCEPTED",
# },
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.accept_handshake({
# handshake_id: "HandshakeId", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.handshake.id #=> String
# resp.handshake.arn #=> String
# resp.handshake.parties #=> Array
# resp.handshake.parties[0].id #=> String
# resp.handshake.parties[0].type #=> String, one of "ACCOUNT", "ORGANIZATION", "EMAIL"
# resp.handshake.state #=> String, one of "REQUESTED", "OPEN", "CANCELED", "ACCEPTED", "DECLINED", "EXPIRED"
# resp.handshake.requested_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.handshake.expiration_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.handshake.resources #=> Array
# resp.handshake.resources[0].value #=> String
# resp.handshake.resources[0].type #=> String, one of "ACCOUNT", "ORGANIZATION", "ORGANIZATION_FEATURE_SET", "EMAIL", "MASTER_EMAIL", "MASTER_NAME", "NOTES", "PARENT_HANDSHAKE"
# resp.handshake.resources[0].resources #=> Types::HandshakeResources
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/AcceptHandshake AWS API Documentation
# @overload accept_handshake(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def accept_handshake(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:accept_handshake, params)
# Attaches a policy to a root, an organizational unit, or an individual
# account. How the policy affects accounts depends on the type of
# policy:
# * **Service control policy (SCP)** - An SCP specifies what permissions
# can be delegated to users in affected member accounts. The scope of
# influence for a policy depends on what you attach the policy to:
# * If you attach an SCP to a root, it affects all accounts in the
# organization.
# * If you attach an SCP to an OU, it affects all accounts in that OU
# and in any child OUs.
# * If you attach the policy directly to an account, then it affects
# only that account.
# SCPs essentially are permission "filters". When you attach one SCP
# to a higher level root or OU, and you also attach a different SCP to
# a child OU or to an account, the child policy can further restrict
# only the permissions that pass through the parent filter and are
# available to the child. An SCP that is attached to a child cannot
# grant a permission that is not already granted by the parent. For
# example, imagine that the parent SCP allows permissions A, B, C, D,
# and E. The child SCP allows C, D, E, F, and G. The result is that
# the accounts affected by the child SCP are allowed to use only C, D,
# and E. They cannot use A or B because they were filtered out by the
# child OU. They also cannot use F and G because they were filtered
# out by the parent OU. They cannot be granted back by the child SCP;
# child SCPs can only filter the permissions they receive from the
# parent SCP.
# AWS Organizations attaches a default SCP named `"FullAWSAccess` to
# every root, OU, and account. This default SCP allows all services
# and actions, enabling any new child OU or account to inherit the
# permissions of the parent root or OU. If you detach the default
# policy, you must replace it with a policy that specifies the
# permissions that you want to allow in that OU or account.
# For more information about how Organizations policies permissions
# work, see [Using Service Control Policies][1] in the *AWS
# Organizations User Guide*.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_policies_scp.html
# @option params [required, String] :policy_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the policy that you want to attach to
# the target. You can get the ID for the policy by calling the
# ListPolicies operation.
# The [regex pattern][1] for a policy ID string requires "p-" followed
# by from 8 to 128 lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @option params [required, String] :target_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the root, OU, or account that you want
# to attach the policy to. You can get the ID by calling the ListRoots,
# ListOrganizationalUnitsForParent, or ListAccounts operations.
# The [regex pattern][1] for a target ID string requires one of the
# following:
# * Root: a string that begins with "r-" followed by from 4 to 32
# lower-case letters or digits.
# * Account: a string that consists of exactly 12 digits.
# * Organizational unit (OU): a string that begins with "ou-" followed
# by from 4 to 32 lower-case letters or digits (the ID of the root
# that the OU is in) followed by a second "-" dash and from 8 to 32
# additional lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Example: To attach a policy to an OU
# # The following example shows how to attach a service control policy (SCP) to an OU:
# resp = client.attach_policy({
# policy_id: "p-examplepolicyid111",
# target_id: "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111",
# })
# @example Example: To attach a policy to an account
# # The following example shows how to attach a service control policy (SCP) to an account:
# resp = client.attach_policy({
# policy_id: "p-examplepolicyid111",
# target_id: "333333333333",
# })
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.attach_policy({
# policy_id: "PolicyId", # required
# target_id: "PolicyTargetId", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/AttachPolicy AWS API Documentation
# @overload attach_policy(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def attach_policy(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:attach_policy, params)
# Cancels a handshake. Canceling a handshake sets the handshake state to
# This operation can be called only from the account that originated the
# handshake. The recipient of the handshake can't cancel it, but can
# use DeclineHandshake instead. After a handshake is canceled, the
# recipient can no longer respond to that handshake.
# After you cancel a handshake, it continues to appear in the results of
# relevant APIs for only 30 days. After that it is deleted.
# @option params [required, String] :handshake_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the handshake that you want to cancel.
# You can get the ID from the ListHandshakesForOrganization operation.
# The [regex pattern][1] for handshake ID string requires "h-"
# followed by from 8 to 32 lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @return [Types::CancelHandshakeResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::CancelHandshakeResponse#handshake #handshake} => Types::Handshake
# @example Example: To cancel a handshake sent to a member account
# # Bill previously sent an invitation to Susan's account to join his organization. He changes his mind and decides to
# # cancel the invitation before Susan accepts it. The following example shows Bill's cancellation:
# resp = client.cancel_handshake({
# handshake_id: "h-examplehandshakeid111",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# handshake: {
# action: "INVITE",
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:handshake/o-exampleorgid/invite/h-examplehandshakeid111",
# expiration_timestamp: Time.parse("20170228T1215Z"),
# id: "h-examplehandshakeid111",
# parties: [
# {
# id: "o-exampleorgid",
# },
# {
# id: "susan@example.com",
# type: "EMAIL",
# },
# ],
# requested_timestamp: Time.parse("20170214T1215Z"),
# resources: [
# {
# resources: [
# {
# type: "MASTER_EMAIL",
# value: "bill@example.com",
# },
# {
# type: "MASTER_NAME",
# value: "Master Account",
# },
# {
# },
# ],
# value: "o-exampleorgid",
# },
# {
# type: "ACCOUNT",
# value: "222222222222",
# },
# {
# type: "NOTES",
# value: "This is a request for Susan's account to join Bob's organization.",
# },
# ],
# state: "CANCELED",
# },
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.cancel_handshake({
# handshake_id: "HandshakeId", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.handshake.id #=> String
# resp.handshake.arn #=> String
# resp.handshake.parties #=> Array
# resp.handshake.parties[0].id #=> String
# resp.handshake.parties[0].type #=> String, one of "ACCOUNT", "ORGANIZATION", "EMAIL"
# resp.handshake.state #=> String, one of "REQUESTED", "OPEN", "CANCELED", "ACCEPTED", "DECLINED", "EXPIRED"
# resp.handshake.requested_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.handshake.expiration_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.handshake.resources #=> Array
# resp.handshake.resources[0].value #=> String
# resp.handshake.resources[0].type #=> String, one of "ACCOUNT", "ORGANIZATION", "ORGANIZATION_FEATURE_SET", "EMAIL", "MASTER_EMAIL", "MASTER_NAME", "NOTES", "PARENT_HANDSHAKE"
# resp.handshake.resources[0].resources #=> Types::HandshakeResources
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/CancelHandshake AWS API Documentation
# @overload cancel_handshake(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def cancel_handshake(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:cancel_handshake, params)
# Creates an AWS account that is automatically a member of the
# organization whose credentials made the request. This is an
# asynchronous request that AWS performs in the background. If you want
# to check the status of the request later, you need the `OperationId`
# response element from this operation to provide as a parameter to the
# DescribeCreateAccountStatus operation.
# The user who calls the API for an invitation to join must have the
# `organizations:CreateAccount` permission. If you enabled all features
# in the organization, then the user must also have the
# `iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole` permission so that Organizations can
# create the required service-linked role named
# *OrgsServiceLinkedRoleName*. For more information, see [AWS
# Organizations and Service-Linked Roles][1] in the *AWS Organizations
# User Guide*.
# The user in the master account who calls this API must also have the
# `iam:CreateRole` permission because AWS Organizations preconfigures
# the new member account with a role (named
# `OrganizationAccountAccessRole`) that grants users in the master
# account administrator permissions in the new member account.
# Principals in the master account can assume the role. AWS
# Organizations clones the company name and address information for the
# new account from the organization's master account.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# For more information about creating accounts, see [Creating an AWS
# Account in Your Organization][2] in the *AWS Organizations User
# Guide*.
# When you create an account in an organization using the AWS
# Organizations console, API, or CLI commands, the information required
# for the account to operate as a standalone account, such as a payment
# method and signing the End User Licence Agreement (EULA) is *not*
# automatically collected. If you must remove an account from your
# organization later, you can do so only after you provide the missing
# information. Follow the steps at [ To leave an organization when all
# required account information has not yet been provided][3] in the *AWS
# Organizations User Guide*.
# When you create a member account with this operation, you can choose
# whether to create the account with the **IAM User and Role Access to
# Billing Information** switch enabled. If you enable it, IAM users and
# roles that have appropriate permissions can view billing information
# for the account. If you disable this, then only the account root user
# can access billing information. For information about how to disable
# this for an account, see [Granting Access to Your Billing Information
# and Tools][4].
# If you get an exception that indicates that you exceeded your account
# limits for the organization or that you can"t add an account because
# your organization is still initializing, please contact [ AWS Customer
# Support][5].
# [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_integration_services.html#orgs_integration_service-linked-roles
# [2]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_accounts_create.html
# [3]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_accounts_remove.html#leave-without-all-info
# [4]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/grantaccess.html
# [5]: https://console.aws.amazon.com/support/home#/
# @option params [required, String] :email
# The email address of the owner to assign to the new member account.
# This email address must not already be associated with another AWS
# account. You must use a valid email address to complete account
# creation. You cannot access the root user of the account or remove an
# account that was created with an invalid email address.
# @option params [required, String] :account_name
# The friendly name of the member account.
# @option params [String] :role_name
# (Optional)
# The name of an IAM role that Organizations automatically preconfigures
# in the new member account. This role trusts the master account,
# allowing users in the master account to assume the role, as permitted
# by the master account administrator. The role has administrator
# permissions in the new member account.
# If you do not specify this parameter, the role name defaults to
# `OrganizationAccountAccessRole`.
# For more information about how to use this role to access the member
# account, see [Accessing and Administering the Member Accounts in Your
# Organization][1] in the *AWS Organizations User Guide*, and steps 2
# and 3 in [Tutorial: Delegate Access Across AWS Accounts Using IAM
# Roles][2] in the *IAM User Guide*.
# The [regex pattern][3] that is used to validate this parameter is a
# string of characters that can consist of uppercase letters, lowercase
# letters, digits with no spaces, and any of the following characters:
# =,.@-
# [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_accounts_access.html#orgs_manage_accounts_create-cross-account-role
# [2]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/tutorial_cross-account-with-roles.html
# [3]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @option params [String] :iam_user_access_to_billing
# If set to `ALLOW`, the new account enables IAM users to access account
# billing information *if* they have the required permissions. If set to
# `DENY`, then only the root user of the new account can access account
# billing information. For more information, see [Activating Access to
# the Billing and Cost Management Console][1] in the *AWS Billing and
# Cost Management User Guide*.
# If you do not specify this parameter, the value defaults to ALLOW, and
# IAM users and roles with the required permissions can access billing
# information for the new account.
# [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/grantaccess.html#ControllingAccessWebsite-Activate
# @return [Types::CreateAccountResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::CreateAccountResponse#create_account_status #create_account_status} => Types::CreateAccountStatus
# @example Example: To create a new account that is automatically part of the organization
# # The owner of an organization creates a member account in the organization. The following example shows that when the
# # organization owner creates the member account, the account is preconfigured with the name "Production Account" and an
# # owner email address of susan@example.com. An IAM role is automatically created using the default name because the
# # roleName parameter is not used. AWS Organizations sends Susan a "Welcome to AWS" email:
# resp = client.create_account({
# account_name: "Production Account",
# email: "susan@example.com",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# create_account_status: {
# id: "car-examplecreateaccountrequestid111",
# state: "IN_PROGRESS",
# },
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.create_account({
# email: "Email", # required
# account_name: "AccountName", # required
# role_name: "RoleName",
# iam_user_access_to_billing: "ALLOW", # accepts ALLOW, DENY
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.create_account_status.id #=> String
# resp.create_account_status.account_name #=> String
# resp.create_account_status.state #=> String, one of "IN_PROGRESS", "SUCCEEDED", "FAILED"
# resp.create_account_status.requested_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.create_account_status.completed_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.create_account_status.account_id #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/CreateAccount AWS API Documentation
# @overload create_account(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def create_account(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:create_account, params)
# Creates an AWS organization. The account whose user is calling the
# CreateOrganization operation automatically becomes the [master
# account][1] of the new organization.
# This operation must be called using credentials from the account that
# is to become the new organization's master account. The principal
# must also have the relevant IAM permissions.
# By default (or if you set the `FeatureSet` parameter to `ALL`), the
# new organization is created with all features enabled and service
# control policies automatically enabled in the root. If you instead
# choose to create the organization supporting only the consolidated
# billing features by setting the `FeatureSet` parameter to
# `CONSOLIDATED_BILLING"`, then no policy types are enabled by default
# and you cannot use organization policies.
# [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/orgs_getting-started_concepts.html#account
# @option params [String] :feature_set
# Specifies the feature set supported by the new organization. Each
# feature set supports different levels of functionality.
# * *CONSOLIDATED\_BILLING*\: All member accounts have their bills
# consolidated to and paid by the master account. For more
# information, see [Consolidated Billing][1] in the *AWS Organizations
# User Guide*.
# * *ALL*\: In addition to all the features supported by the
# consolidated billing feature set, the master account can also apply
# any type of policy to any member account in the organization. For
# more information, see [All features][2] in the *AWS Organizations
# User Guide*.
# [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_getting-started_concepts.html#feature-set-cb-only
# [2]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_getting-started_concepts.html#feature-set-all
# @return [Types::CreateOrganizationResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::CreateOrganizationResponse#organization #organization} => Types::Organization
# @example Example: To create a new organization with all features enabled
# # Bill wants to create an organization using credentials from account 111111111111. The following example shows that the
# # account becomes the master account in the new organization. Because he does not specify a feature set, the new
# # organization defaults to all features enabled and service control policies enabled on the root:
# resp = client.create_organization({
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# organization: {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:organization/o-exampleorgid",
# available_policy_types: [
# {
# status: "ENABLED",
# },
# ],
# feature_set: "ALL",
# id: "o-exampleorgid",
# master_account_arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:account/o-exampleorgid/111111111111",
# master_account_email: "bill@example.com",
# master_account_id: "111111111111",
# },
# }
# @example Example: To create a new organization with consolidated billing features only
# # In the following example, Bill creates an organization using credentials from account 111111111111, and configures the
# # organization to support only the consolidated billing feature set:
# resp = client.create_organization({
# feature_set: "CONSOLIDATED_BILLING",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# organization: {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:organization/o-exampleorgid",
# available_policy_types: [
# ],
# feature_set: "CONSOLIDATED_BILLING",
# id: "o-exampleorgid",
# master_account_arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:account/o-exampleorgid/111111111111",
# master_account_email: "bill@example.com",
# master_account_id: "111111111111",
# },
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.create_organization({
# feature_set: "ALL", # accepts ALL, CONSOLIDATED_BILLING
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.organization.id #=> String
# resp.organization.arn #=> String
# resp.organization.feature_set #=> String, one of "ALL", "CONSOLIDATED_BILLING"
# resp.organization.master_account_arn #=> String
# resp.organization.master_account_id #=> String
# resp.organization.master_account_email #=> String
# resp.organization.available_policy_types #=> Array
# resp.organization.available_policy_types[0].type #=> String, one of "SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY"
# resp.organization.available_policy_types[0].status #=> String, one of "ENABLED", "PENDING_ENABLE", "PENDING_DISABLE"
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/CreateOrganization AWS API Documentation
# @overload create_organization(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def create_organization(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:create_organization, params)
# Creates an organizational unit (OU) within a root or parent OU. An OU
# is a container for accounts that enables you to organize your accounts
# to apply policies according to your business requirements. The number
# of levels deep that you can nest OUs is dependent upon the policy
# types enabled for that root. For service control policies, the limit
# is five.
# For more information about OUs, see [Managing Organizational Units][1]
# in the *AWS Organizations User Guide*.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_ous.html
# @option params [required, String] :parent_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the parent root or OU in which you want
# to create the new OU.
# The [regex pattern][1] for a parent ID string requires one of the
# following:
# * Root: a string that begins with "r-" followed by from 4 to 32
# lower-case letters or digits.
# * Organizational unit (OU): a string that begins with "ou-" followed
# by from 4 to 32 lower-case letters or digits (the ID of the root
# that the OU is in) followed by a second "-" dash and from 8 to 32
# additional lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The friendly name to assign to the new OU.
# @return [Types::CreateOrganizationalUnitResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::CreateOrganizationalUnitResponse#organizational_unit #organizational_unit} => Types::OrganizationalUnit
# @example Example: To create a new organization unit
# # The following example shows how to create an OU that is named AccountingOU. The new OU is directly under the root.:
# resp = client.create_organizational_unit({
# name: "AccountingOU",
# parent_id: "r-examplerootid111",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# organizational_unit: {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:ou/o-exampleorgid/ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111",
# id: "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111",
# name: "AccountingOU",
# },
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.create_organizational_unit({
# parent_id: "ParentId", # required
# name: "OrganizationalUnitName", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.organizational_unit.id #=> String
# resp.organizational_unit.arn #=> String
# resp.organizational_unit.name #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/CreateOrganizationalUnit AWS API Documentation
# @overload create_organizational_unit(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def create_organizational_unit(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:create_organizational_unit, params)
# Creates a policy of a specified type that you can attach to a root, an
# organizational unit (OU), or an individual AWS account.
# For more information about policies and their use, see [Managing
# Organization Policies][1].
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_policies.html
# @option params [required, String] :content
# The policy content to add to the new policy. For example, if you
# create a [service control policy][1] (SCP), this string must be JSON
# text that specifies the permissions that admins in attached accounts
# can delegate to their users, groups, and roles. For more information
# about the SCP syntax, see [Service Control Policy Syntax][2] in the
# *AWS Organizations User Guide*.
# [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_policies_scp.html
# [2]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_reference_scp-syntax.html
# @option params [required, String] :description
# An optional description to assign to the policy.
# @option params [required, String] :name
# The friendly name to assign to the policy.
# The [regex pattern][1] that is used to validate this parameter is a
# string of any of the characters in the ASCII character range.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @option params [required, String] :type
# The type of policy to create.
# In the current release, the only type of policy that you can create is
# a service control policy (SCP).
# @return [Types::CreatePolicyResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::CreatePolicyResponse#policy #policy} => Types::Policy
# @example Example: To create a service control policy
# # The following example shows how to create a service control policy (SCP) that is named AllowAllS3Actions. The JSON
# # string in the content parameter specifies the content in the policy. The parameter string is escaped with backslashes to
# # ensure that the embedded double quotes in the JSON policy are treated as literals in the parameter, which itself is
# # surrounded by double quotes:
# resp = client.create_policy({
# content: "{\\\"Version\\\":\\\"2012-10-17\\\",\\\"Statement\\\":{\\\"Effect\\\":\\\"Allow\\\",\\\"Action\\\":\\\"s3:*\\\"}}",
# description: "Enables admins of attached accounts to delegate all S3 permissions",
# name: "AllowAllS3Actions",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# policy: {
# content: "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":{\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Action\":\"s3:*\"}}",
# policy_summary: {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:policy/o-exampleorgid/service_control_policy/p-examplepolicyid111",
# description: "Allows delegation of all S3 actions",
# name: "AllowAllS3Actions",
# },
# },
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.create_policy({
# content: "PolicyContent", # required
# description: "PolicyDescription", # required
# name: "PolicyName", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.policy.policy_summary.id #=> String
# resp.policy.policy_summary.arn #=> String
# resp.policy.policy_summary.name #=> String
# resp.policy.policy_summary.description #=> String
# resp.policy.policy_summary.type #=> String, one of "SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY"
# resp.policy.policy_summary.aws_managed #=> Boolean
# resp.policy.content #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/CreatePolicy AWS API Documentation
# @overload create_policy(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def create_policy(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:create_policy, params)
# Declines a handshake request. This sets the handshake state to
# `DECLINED` and effectively deactivates the request.
# This operation can be called only from the account that received the
# handshake. The originator of the handshake can use CancelHandshake
# instead. The originator can't reactivate a declined request, but can
# re-initiate the process with a new handshake request.
# After you decline a handshake, it continues to appear in the results
# of relevant APIs for only 30 days. After that it is deleted.
# @option params [required, String] :handshake_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the handshake that you want to decline.
# You can get the ID from the ListHandshakesForAccount operation.
# The [regex pattern][1] for handshake ID string requires "h-"
# followed by from 8 to 32 lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @return [Types::DeclineHandshakeResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::DeclineHandshakeResponse#handshake #handshake} => Types::Handshake
# @example Example: To decline a handshake sent from the master account
# # The following example shows Susan declining an invitation to join Bill's organization. The DeclineHandshake operation
# # returns a handshake object, showing that the state is now DECLINED:
# resp = client.decline_handshake({
# handshake_id: "h-examplehandshakeid111",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# handshake: {
# action: "INVITE",
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:handshake/o-exampleorgid/invite/h-examplehandshakeid111",
# expiration_timestamp: Time.parse("2016-12-15T19:27:58Z"),
# id: "h-examplehandshakeid111",
# parties: [
# {
# id: "222222222222",
# type: "ACCOUNT",
# },
# {
# id: "o-exampleorgid",
# },
# ],
# requested_timestamp: Time.parse("2016-11-30T19:27:58Z"),
# resources: [
# {
# resources: [
# {
# type: "MASTER_EMAIL",
# value: "bill@example.com",
# },
# {
# type: "MASTER_NAME",
# value: "Master Account",
# },
# ],
# value: "o-exampleorgid",
# },
# {
# type: "ACCOUNT",
# value: "222222222222",
# },
# {
# type: "NOTES",
# value: "This is an invitation to Susan's account to join the Bill's organization.",
# },
# ],
# state: "DECLINED",
# },
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.decline_handshake({
# handshake_id: "HandshakeId", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.handshake.id #=> String
# resp.handshake.arn #=> String
# resp.handshake.parties #=> Array
# resp.handshake.parties[0].id #=> String
# resp.handshake.parties[0].type #=> String, one of "ACCOUNT", "ORGANIZATION", "EMAIL"
# resp.handshake.state #=> String, one of "REQUESTED", "OPEN", "CANCELED", "ACCEPTED", "DECLINED", "EXPIRED"
# resp.handshake.requested_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.handshake.expiration_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.handshake.resources #=> Array
# resp.handshake.resources[0].value #=> String
# resp.handshake.resources[0].type #=> String, one of "ACCOUNT", "ORGANIZATION", "ORGANIZATION_FEATURE_SET", "EMAIL", "MASTER_EMAIL", "MASTER_NAME", "NOTES", "PARENT_HANDSHAKE"
# resp.handshake.resources[0].resources #=> Types::HandshakeResources
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/DeclineHandshake AWS API Documentation
# @overload decline_handshake(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def decline_handshake(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:decline_handshake, params)
# Deletes the organization. You can delete an organization only by using
# credentials from the master account. The organization must be empty of
# member accounts, OUs, and policies.
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/DeleteOrganization AWS API Documentation
# @overload delete_organization(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def delete_organization(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_organization, params)
# Deletes an organizational unit from a root or another OU. You must
# first remove all accounts and child OUs from the OU that you want to
# delete.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [required, String] :organizational_unit_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the organizational unit that you want to
# delete. You can get the ID from the ListOrganizationalUnitsForParent
# operation.
# The [regex pattern][1] for an organizational unit ID string requires
# "ou-" followed by from 4 to 32 lower-case letters or digits (the ID
# of the root that contains the OU) followed by a second "-" dash and
# from 8 to 32 additional lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Example: To delete an organization unit
# # The following example shows how to delete an OU. The example assumes that you previously removed all accounts and other
# # OUs from the OU:
# resp = client.delete_organizational_unit({
# organizational_unit_id: "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111",
# })
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.delete_organizational_unit({
# organizational_unit_id: "OrganizationalUnitId", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/DeleteOrganizationalUnit AWS API Documentation
# @overload delete_organizational_unit(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def delete_organizational_unit(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_organizational_unit, params)
# Deletes the specified policy from your organization. Before you
# perform this operation, you must first detach the policy from all OUs,
# roots, and accounts.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [required, String] :policy_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the policy that you want to delete. You
# can get the ID from the ListPolicies or ListPoliciesForTarget
# operations.
# The [regex pattern][1] for a policy ID string requires "p-" followed
# by from 8 to 128 lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Example: To delete a policy
# # The following example shows how to delete a policy from an organization. The example assumes that you previously
# # detached the policy from all entities:
# resp = client.delete_policy({
# policy_id: "p-examplepolicyid111",
# })
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.delete_policy({
# policy_id: "PolicyId", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/DeletePolicy AWS API Documentation
# @overload delete_policy(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def delete_policy(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:delete_policy, params)
# Retrieves Organizations-related information about the specified
# account.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [required, String] :account_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the AWS account that you want
# information about. You can get the ID from the ListAccounts or
# ListAccountsForParent operations.
# The [regex pattern][1] for an account ID string requires exactly 12
# digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @return [Types::DescribeAccountResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::DescribeAccountResponse#account #account} => Types::Account
# @example Example: To get the details about an account
# # The following example shows a user in the master account (111111111111) asking for details about account 555555555555:
# resp = client.describe_account({
# account_id: "555555555555",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# account: {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:account/o-exampleorgid/555555555555",
# email: "anika@example.com",
# id: "555555555555",
# name: "Beta Account",
# },
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.describe_account({
# account_id: "AccountId", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.account.id #=> String
# resp.account.arn #=> String
# resp.account.email #=> String
# resp.account.name #=> String
# resp.account.status #=> String, one of "ACTIVE", "SUSPENDED"
# resp.account.joined_method #=> String, one of "INVITED", "CREATED"
# resp.account.joined_timestamp #=> Time
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/DescribeAccount AWS API Documentation
# @overload describe_account(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def describe_account(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:describe_account, params)
# Retrieves the current status of an asynchronous request to create an
# account.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [required, String] :create_account_request_id
# Specifies the `operationId` that uniquely identifies the request. You
# can get the ID from the response to an earlier CreateAccount request,
# or from the ListCreateAccountStatus operation.
# The [regex pattern][1] for an create account request ID string
# requires "car-" followed by from 8 to 32 lower-case letters or
# digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @return [Types::DescribeCreateAccountStatusResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::DescribeCreateAccountStatusResponse#create_account_status #create_account_status} => Types::CreateAccountStatus
# @example Example: To get information about a request to create an account
# # The following example shows how to request the status about a previous request to create an account in an organization.
# # This operation can be called only by a principal from the organization's master account. In the example, the specified
# # "createAccountRequestId" comes from the response of the original call to "CreateAccount":
# resp = client.describe_create_account_status({
# create_account_request_id: "car-exampleaccountcreationrequestid",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# create_account_status: {
# account_id: "333333333333",
# id: "car-exampleaccountcreationrequestid",
# state: "SUCCEEDED",
# },
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.describe_create_account_status({
# create_account_request_id: "CreateAccountRequestId", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.create_account_status.id #=> String
# resp.create_account_status.account_name #=> String
# resp.create_account_status.state #=> String, one of "IN_PROGRESS", "SUCCEEDED", "FAILED"
# resp.create_account_status.requested_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.create_account_status.completed_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.create_account_status.account_id #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/DescribeCreateAccountStatus AWS API Documentation
# @overload describe_create_account_status(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def describe_create_account_status(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:describe_create_account_status, params)
# Retrieves information about a previously requested handshake. The
# handshake ID comes from the response to the original
# InviteAccountToOrganization operation that generated the handshake.
# You can access handshakes that are ACCEPTED, DECLINED, or CANCELED for
# only 30 days after they change to that state. They are then deleted
# and no longer accessible.
# This operation can be called from any account in the organization.
# @option params [required, String] :handshake_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the handshake that you want information
# about. You can get the ID from the original call to
# InviteAccountToOrganization, or from a call to
# ListHandshakesForAccount or ListHandshakesForOrganization.
# The [regex pattern][1] for handshake ID string requires "h-"
# followed by from 8 to 32 lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @return [Types::DescribeHandshakeResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::DescribeHandshakeResponse#handshake #handshake} => Types::Handshake
# @example Example: To get information about a handshake
# # The following example shows you how to request details about a handshake. The handshake ID comes either from the
# # original call to "InviteAccountToOrganization", or from a call to "ListHandshakesForAccount" or
# # "ListHandshakesForOrganization":
# resp = client.describe_handshake({
# handshake_id: "h-examplehandshakeid111",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# handshake: {
# action: "INVITE",
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:handshake/o-exampleorgid/invite/h-examplehandshakeid111",
# expiration_timestamp: Time.parse("2016-11-30T17:24:58.046Z"),
# id: "h-examplehandshakeid111",
# parties: [
# {
# id: "o-exampleorgid",
# },
# {
# id: "333333333333",
# type: "ACCOUNT",
# },
# ],
# requested_timestamp: Time.parse("2016-11-30T17:24:58.046Z"),
# resources: [
# {
# resources: [
# {
# type: "MASTER_EMAIL",
# value: "bill@example.com",
# },
# {
# type: "MASTER_NAME",
# value: "Master Account",
# },
# ],
# value: "o-exampleorgid",
# },
# {
# type: "ACCOUNT",
# value: "333333333333",
# },
# ],
# state: "OPEN",
# },
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.describe_handshake({
# handshake_id: "HandshakeId", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.handshake.id #=> String
# resp.handshake.arn #=> String
# resp.handshake.parties #=> Array
# resp.handshake.parties[0].id #=> String
# resp.handshake.parties[0].type #=> String, one of "ACCOUNT", "ORGANIZATION", "EMAIL"
# resp.handshake.state #=> String, one of "REQUESTED", "OPEN", "CANCELED", "ACCEPTED", "DECLINED", "EXPIRED"
# resp.handshake.requested_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.handshake.expiration_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.handshake.resources #=> Array
# resp.handshake.resources[0].value #=> String
# resp.handshake.resources[0].type #=> String, one of "ACCOUNT", "ORGANIZATION", "ORGANIZATION_FEATURE_SET", "EMAIL", "MASTER_EMAIL", "MASTER_NAME", "NOTES", "PARENT_HANDSHAKE"
# resp.handshake.resources[0].resources #=> Types::HandshakeResources
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/DescribeHandshake AWS API Documentation
# @overload describe_handshake(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def describe_handshake(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:describe_handshake, params)
# Retrieves information about the organization that the user's account
# belongs to.
# This operation can be called from any account in the organization.
# @return [Types::DescribeOrganizationResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::DescribeOrganizationResponse#organization #organization} => Types::Organization
# @example Example: To get information about an organization
# # The following example shows how to request information about the current user's organization:/n/n
# resp = client.describe_organization({
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# organization: {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:organization/o-exampleorgid",
# available_policy_types: [
# {
# status: "ENABLED",
# },
# ],
# feature_set: "ALL",
# id: "o-exampleorgid",
# master_account_arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:account/o-exampleorgid/111111111111",
# master_account_email: "bill@example.com",
# },
# }
# @example Response structure
# resp.organization.id #=> String
# resp.organization.arn #=> String
# resp.organization.feature_set #=> String, one of "ALL", "CONSOLIDATED_BILLING"
# resp.organization.master_account_arn #=> String
# resp.organization.master_account_id #=> String
# resp.organization.master_account_email #=> String
# resp.organization.available_policy_types #=> Array
# resp.organization.available_policy_types[0].type #=> String, one of "SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY"
# resp.organization.available_policy_types[0].status #=> String, one of "ENABLED", "PENDING_ENABLE", "PENDING_DISABLE"
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/DescribeOrganization AWS API Documentation
# @overload describe_organization(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def describe_organization(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:describe_organization, params)
# Retrieves information about an organizational unit (OU).
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [required, String] :organizational_unit_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the organizational unit that you want
# details about. You can get the ID from the
# ListOrganizationalUnitsForParent operation.
# The [regex pattern][1] for an organizational unit ID string requires
# "ou-" followed by from 4 to 32 lower-case letters or digits (the ID
# of the root that contains the OU) followed by a second "-" dash and
# from 8 to 32 additional lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @return [Types::DescribeOrganizationalUnitResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::DescribeOrganizationalUnitResponse#organizational_unit #organizational_unit} => Types::OrganizationalUnit
# @example Example: To get information about an organizational unit
# # The following example shows how to request details about an OU:/n/n
# resp = client.describe_organizational_unit({
# organizational_unit_id: "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# organizational_unit: {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:ou/o-exampleorgid/ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111",
# id: "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111",
# name: "Accounting Group",
# },
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.describe_organizational_unit({
# organizational_unit_id: "OrganizationalUnitId", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.organizational_unit.id #=> String
# resp.organizational_unit.arn #=> String
# resp.organizational_unit.name #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/DescribeOrganizationalUnit AWS API Documentation
# @overload describe_organizational_unit(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def describe_organizational_unit(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:describe_organizational_unit, params)
# Retrieves information about a policy.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [required, String] :policy_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the policy that you want details about.
# You can get the ID from the ListPolicies or ListPoliciesForTarget
# operations.
# The [regex pattern][1] for a policy ID string requires "p-" followed
# by from 8 to 128 lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @return [Types::DescribePolicyResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::DescribePolicyResponse#policy #policy} => Types::Policy
# @example Example: To get information about a policy
# # The following example shows how to request information about a policy:/n/n
# resp = client.describe_policy({
# policy_id: "p-examplepolicyid111",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# policy: {
# content: "{\\n \\\"Version\\\": \\\"2012-10-17\\\",\\n \\\"Statement\\\": [\\n {\\n \\\"Effect\\\": \\\"Allow\\\",\\n \\\"Action\\\": \\\"*\\\",\\n \\\"Resource\\\": \\\"*\\\"\\n }\\n ]\\n}",
# policy_summary: {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:policy/o-exampleorgid/service_control_policy/p-examplepolicyid111",
# aws_managed: false,
# description: "Enables admins to delegate S3 permissions",
# id: "p-examplepolicyid111",
# name: "AllowAllS3Actions",
# },
# },
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.describe_policy({
# policy_id: "PolicyId", # required
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.policy.policy_summary.id #=> String
# resp.policy.policy_summary.arn #=> String
# resp.policy.policy_summary.name #=> String
# resp.policy.policy_summary.description #=> String
# resp.policy.policy_summary.type #=> String, one of "SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY"
# resp.policy.policy_summary.aws_managed #=> Boolean
# resp.policy.content #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/DescribePolicy AWS API Documentation
# @overload describe_policy(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def describe_policy(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:describe_policy, params)
# Detaches a policy from a target root, organizational unit, or account.
# If the policy being detached is a service control policy (SCP), the
# changes to permissions for IAM users and roles in affected accounts
# are immediate.
# **Note:** Every root, OU, and account must have at least one SCP
# attached. If you want to replace the default `FullAWSAccess` policy
# with one that limits the permissions that can be delegated, then you
# must attach the replacement policy before you can remove the default
# one. This is the authorization strategy of [whitelisting][1]. If you
# instead attach a second SCP and leave the `FullAWSAccess` SCP still
# attached, and specify `"Effect": "Deny"` in the second SCP to override
# the `"Effect": "Allow"` in the `FullAWSAccess` policy (or any other
# attached SCP), then you are using the authorization strategy of
# [blacklisting][2].
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_policies_about-scps.html#orgs_policies_whitelist
# [2]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_policies_about-scps.html#orgs_policies_blacklist
# @option params [required, String] :policy_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the policy you want to detach. You can
# get the ID from the ListPolicies or ListPoliciesForTarget operations.
# The [regex pattern][1] for a policy ID string requires "p-" followed
# by from 8 to 128 lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @option params [required, String] :target_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the root, OU, or account from which you
# want to detach the policy. You can get the ID from the ListRoots,
# ListOrganizationalUnitsForParent, or ListAccounts operations.
# The [regex pattern][1] for a target ID string requires one of the
# following:
# * Root: a string that begins with "r-" followed by from 4 to 32
# lower-case letters or digits.
# * Account: a string that consists of exactly 12 digits.
# * Organizational unit (OU): a string that begins with "ou-" followed
# by from 4 to 32 lower-case letters or digits (the ID of the root
# that the OU is in) followed by a second "-" dash and from 8 to 32
# additional lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Example: To detach a policy from a root, OU, or account
# # The following example shows how to detach a policy from an OU:/n/n
# resp = client.detach_policy({
# policy_id: "p-examplepolicyid111",
# target_id: "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111",
# })
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.detach_policy({
# policy_id: "PolicyId", # required
# target_id: "PolicyTargetId", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/DetachPolicy AWS API Documentation
# @overload detach_policy(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def detach_policy(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:detach_policy, params)
# Disables an organizational control policy type in a root. A policy of
# a certain type can be attached to entities in a root only if that type
# is enabled in the root. After you perform this operation, you no
# longer can attach policies of the specified type to that root or to
# any OU or account in that root. You can undo this by using the
# EnablePolicyType operation.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [required, String] :root_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the root in which you want to disable a
# policy type. You can get the ID from the ListRoots operation.
# The [regex pattern][1] for a root ID string requires "r-" followed
# by from 4 to 32 lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @option params [required, String] :policy_type
# The policy type that you want to disable in this root.
# @return [Types::DisablePolicyTypeResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::DisablePolicyTypeResponse#root #root} => Types::Root
# @example Example: To disable a policy type in a root
# # The following example shows how to disable the service control policy (SCP) policy type in a root. The response shows
# # that the PolicyTypes response element no longer includes SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY:/n/n
# resp = client.disable_policy_type({
# policy_type: "SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY",
# root_id: "r-examplerootid111",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# root: {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:root/o-exampleorgid/r-examplerootid111",
# id: "r-examplerootid111",
# name: "Root",
# policy_types: [
# ],
# },
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.disable_policy_type({
# root_id: "RootId", # required
# policy_type: "SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY", # required, accepts SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.root.id #=> String
# resp.root.arn #=> String
# resp.root.name #=> String
# resp.root.policy_types #=> Array
# resp.root.policy_types[0].type #=> String, one of "SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY"
# resp.root.policy_types[0].status #=> String, one of "ENABLED", "PENDING_ENABLE", "PENDING_DISABLE"
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/DisablePolicyType AWS API Documentation
# @overload disable_policy_type(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def disable_policy_type(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:disable_policy_type, params)
# Enables all features in an organization. This enables the use of
# organization policies that can restrict the services and actions that
# can be called in each account. Until you enable all features, you have
# access only to consolidated billing, and you can't use any of the
# advanced account administration features that AWS Organizations
# supports. For more information, see [Enabling All Features in Your
# Organization][1] in the *AWS Organizations User Guide*.
# This operation is required only for organizations that were created
# explicitly with only the consolidated billing features enabled, or
# that were migrated from a Consolidated Billing account family to
# Organizations. Calling this operation sends a handshake to every
# invited account in the organization. The feature set change can be
# finalized and the additional features enabled only after all
# administrators in the invited accounts approve the change by accepting
# the handshake.
# After all invited member accounts accept the handshake, you finalize
# the feature set change by accepting the handshake that contains
# `"Action": "ENABLE_ALL_FEATURES"`. This completes the change.
# After you enable all features in your organization, the master account
# in the organization can apply policies on all member accounts. These
# policies can restrict what users and even administrators in those
# accounts can do. The master account can apply policies that prevent
# accounts from leaving the organization. Ensure that your account
# administrators are aware of this.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_org_support-all-features.html
# @return [Types::EnableAllFeaturesResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::EnableAllFeaturesResponse#handshake #handshake} => Types::Handshake
# @example Example: To enable all features in an organization
# # This example shows the administrator asking all the invited accounts in the organization to approve enabling all
# # features in the organization. AWS Organizations sends an email to the address that is registered with every invited
# # member account asking the owner to approve the change by accepting the handshake that is sent. After all invited member
# # accounts accept the handshake, the organization administrator can finalize the change to enable all features, and those
# # with appropriate permissions can create policies and apply them to roots, OUs, and accounts:/n/n
# resp = client.enable_all_features({
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# handshake: {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:handshake/o-exampleorgid/enable_all_features/h-examplehandshakeid111",
# expiration_timestamp: Time.parse("2017-02-28T09:35:40.05Z"),
# id: "h-examplehandshakeid111",
# parties: [
# {
# id: "o-exampleorgid",
# },
# ],
# requested_timestamp: Time.parse("2017-02-13T09:35:40.05Z"),
# resources: [
# {
# value: "o-exampleorgid",
# },
# ],
# state: "REQUESTED",
# },
# }
# @example Response structure
# resp.handshake.id #=> String
# resp.handshake.arn #=> String
# resp.handshake.parties #=> Array
# resp.handshake.parties[0].id #=> String
# resp.handshake.parties[0].type #=> String, one of "ACCOUNT", "ORGANIZATION", "EMAIL"
# resp.handshake.state #=> String, one of "REQUESTED", "OPEN", "CANCELED", "ACCEPTED", "DECLINED", "EXPIRED"
# resp.handshake.requested_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.handshake.expiration_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.handshake.resources #=> Array
# resp.handshake.resources[0].value #=> String
# resp.handshake.resources[0].type #=> String, one of "ACCOUNT", "ORGANIZATION", "ORGANIZATION_FEATURE_SET", "EMAIL", "MASTER_EMAIL", "MASTER_NAME", "NOTES", "PARENT_HANDSHAKE"
# resp.handshake.resources[0].resources #=> Types::HandshakeResources
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/EnableAllFeatures AWS API Documentation
# @overload enable_all_features(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def enable_all_features(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:enable_all_features, params)
# Enables a policy type in a root. After you enable a policy type in a
# root, you can attach policies of that type to the root, any OU, or
# account in that root. You can undo this by using the DisablePolicyType
# operation.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [required, String] :root_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the root in which you want to enable a
# policy type. You can get the ID from the ListRoots operation.
# The [regex pattern][1] for a root ID string requires "r-" followed
# by from 4 to 32 lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @option params [required, String] :policy_type
# The policy type that you want to enable.
# @return [Types::EnablePolicyTypeResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::EnablePolicyTypeResponse#root #root} => Types::Root
# @example Example: To enable a policy type in a root
# # The following example shows how to enable the service control policy (SCP) policy type in a root. The output shows a
# # root object with a PolicyTypes response element showing that SCPs are now enabled:/n/n
# resp = client.enable_policy_type({
# policy_type: "SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY",
# root_id: "r-examplerootid111",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# root: {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:root/o-exampleorgid/r-examplerootid111",
# id: "r-examplerootid111",
# name: "Root",
# policy_types: [
# {
# status: "ENABLED",
# },
# ],
# },
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.enable_policy_type({
# root_id: "RootId", # required
# policy_type: "SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY", # required, accepts SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.root.id #=> String
# resp.root.arn #=> String
# resp.root.name #=> String
# resp.root.policy_types #=> Array
# resp.root.policy_types[0].type #=> String, one of "SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY"
# resp.root.policy_types[0].status #=> String, one of "ENABLED", "PENDING_ENABLE", "PENDING_DISABLE"
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/EnablePolicyType AWS API Documentation
# @overload enable_policy_type(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def enable_policy_type(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:enable_policy_type, params)
# Sends an invitation to another account to join your organization as a
# member account. Organizations sends email on your behalf to the email
# address that is associated with the other account's owner. The
# invitation is implemented as a Handshake whose details are in the
# response.
# You can invite AWS accounts only from the same seller as the master
# account. For example, if your organization's master account was
# created by Amazon Internet Services Pvt. Ltd (AISPL), an AWS seller in
# India, then you can only invite other AISPL accounts to your
# organization. You can't combine accounts from AISPL and AWS, or any
# other AWS seller. For more information, see [Consolidated Billing in
# India][1].
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# If you get an exception that indicates that you exceeded your account
# limits for the organization or that you can"t add an account because
# your organization is still initializing, please contact [ AWS Customer
# Support][2].
# [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/useconsolidatedbilliing-India.html
# [2]: https://console.aws.amazon.com/support/home#/
# @option params [required, Types::HandshakeParty] :target
# The identifier (ID) of the AWS account that you want to invite to join
# your organization. This is a JSON object that contains the following
# elements:
# `\{ "Type": "ACCOUNT", "Id": "< account id number >" \}`
# If you use the AWS CLI, you can submit this as a single string,
# similar to the following example:
# `--target Id=123456789012,Type=ACCOUNT`
# If you specify `"Type": "ACCOUNT"`, then you must provide the AWS
# account ID number as the `Id`. If you specify `"Type": "EMAIL"`, then
# you must specify the email address that is associated with the
# account.
# `--target Id=bill@example.com,Type=EMAIL`
# @option params [String] :notes
# Additional information that you want to include in the generated email
# to the recipient account owner.
# @return [Types::InviteAccountToOrganizationResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::InviteAccountToOrganizationResponse#handshake #handshake} => Types::Handshake
# @example Example: To invite an account to join an organization
# # The following example shows the admin of the master account owned by bill@example.com inviting the account owned by
# # juan@example.com to join an organization.
# resp = client.invite_account_to_organization({
# notes: "This is a request for Juan's account to join Bill's organization",
# target: {
# id: "juan@example.com",
# type: "EMAIL",
# },
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# handshake: {
# action: "INVITE",
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:handshake/o-exampleorgid/invite/h-examplehandshakeid111",
# expiration_timestamp: Time.parse("2017-02-16T09:36:05.02Z"),
# id: "h-examplehandshakeid111",
# parties: [
# {
# id: "o-exampleorgid",
# },
# {
# id: "juan@example.com",
# type: "EMAIL",
# },
# ],
# requested_timestamp: Time.parse("2017-02-01T09:36:05.02Z"),
# resources: [
# {
# resources: [
# {
# type: "MASTER_EMAIL",
# value: "bill@amazon.com",
# },
# {
# type: "MASTER_NAME",
# value: "Org Master Account",
# },
# {
# value: "FULL",
# },
# ],
# value: "o-exampleorgid",
# },
# {
# type: "EMAIL",
# value: "juan@example.com",
# },
# ],
# state: "OPEN",
# },
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.invite_account_to_organization({
# target: { # required
# id: "HandshakePartyId", # required
# type: "ACCOUNT", # required, accepts ACCOUNT, ORGANIZATION, EMAIL
# },
# notes: "HandshakeNotes",
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.handshake.id #=> String
# resp.handshake.arn #=> String
# resp.handshake.parties #=> Array
# resp.handshake.parties[0].id #=> String
# resp.handshake.parties[0].type #=> String, one of "ACCOUNT", "ORGANIZATION", "EMAIL"
# resp.handshake.state #=> String, one of "REQUESTED", "OPEN", "CANCELED", "ACCEPTED", "DECLINED", "EXPIRED"
# resp.handshake.requested_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.handshake.expiration_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.handshake.resources #=> Array
# resp.handshake.resources[0].value #=> String
# resp.handshake.resources[0].type #=> String, one of "ACCOUNT", "ORGANIZATION", "ORGANIZATION_FEATURE_SET", "EMAIL", "MASTER_EMAIL", "MASTER_NAME", "NOTES", "PARENT_HANDSHAKE"
# resp.handshake.resources[0].resources #=> Types::HandshakeResources
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/InviteAccountToOrganization AWS API Documentation
# @overload invite_account_to_organization(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def invite_account_to_organization(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:invite_account_to_organization, params)
# Removes a member account from its parent organization. This version of
# the operation is performed by the account that wants to leave. To
# remove a member account as a user in the master account, use
# RemoveAccountFromOrganization instead.
# This operation can be called only from a member account in the
# organization.
# * The master account in an organization with all features enabled can
# set service control policies (SCPs) that can restrict what
# administrators of member accounts can do, including preventing them
# from successfully calling `LeaveOrganization` and leaving the
# organization.
# * You can leave an organization as a member account only if the
# account is configured with the information required to operate as a
# standalone account. When you create an account in an organization
# using the AWS Organizations console, API, or CLI commands, the
# information required of standalone accounts is *not* automatically
# collected. For each account that you want to make standalone, you
# must accept the End User License Agreement (EULA), choose a support
# plan, provide and verify the required contact information, and
# provide a current payment method. AWS uses the payment method to
# charge for any billable (not free tier) AWS activity that occurs
# while the account is not attached to an organization. Follow the
# steps at [ To leave an organization when all required account
# information has not yet been provided][1] in the *AWS Organizations
# User Guide*.
# * You can leave an organization only after you enable IAM user access
# to billing in your account. For more information, see [Activating
# Access to the Billing and Cost Management Console][2] in the *AWS
# Billing and Cost Management User Guide*.
# [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_accounts_remove.html#leave-without-all-info
# [2]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/grantaccess.html#ControllingAccessWebsite-Activate
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Example: To leave an organization as a member account
# # TThe following example shows how to remove your member account from an organization:
# resp = client.leave_organization({
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/LeaveOrganization AWS API Documentation
# @overload leave_organization(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def leave_organization(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:leave_organization, params)
# Lists all the accounts in the organization. To request only the
# accounts in a root or OU, use the ListAccountsForParent operation
# instead.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# Use this parameter if you receive a `NextToken` response in a previous
# request that indicates that there is more output available. Set it to
# the value of the previous call's `NextToken` response to indicate
# where the output should continue from.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# (Optional) Use this to limit the number of results you want included
# in the response. If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to
# a value that is specific to the operation. If additional items exist
# beyond the maximum you specify, the `NextToken` response element is
# present and has a value (is not null). Include that value as the
# `NextToken` request parameter in the next call to the operation to get
# the next part of the results. Note that Organizations might return
# fewer results than the maximum even when there are more results
# available. You should check `NextToken` after every operation to
# ensure that you receive all of the results.
# @return [Types::ListAccountsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListAccountsResponse#accounts #accounts} => Array<Types::Account>
# * {Types::ListAccountsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# @example Example: To retrieve a list of all of the accounts in an organization
# # The following example shows you how to request a list of the accounts in an organization:
# resp = client.list_accounts({
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# accounts: [
# {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:account/o-exampleorgid/111111111111",
# email: "bill@example.com",
# id: "111111111111",
# joined_method: "INVITED",
# joined_timestamp: Time.parse("20161215T193015Z"),
# name: "Master Account",
# status: "ACTIVE",
# },
# {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:account/o-exampleorgid/222222222222",
# email: "alice@example.com",
# id: "222222222222",
# joined_method: "INVITED",
# joined_timestamp: Time.parse("20161215T210221Z"),
# name: "Developer Account",
# status: "ACTIVE",
# },
# {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:account/o-exampleorgid/333333333333",
# email: "juan@example.com",
# id: "333333333333",
# joined_method: "INVITED",
# joined_timestamp: Time.parse("20161215T210347Z"),
# name: "Test Account",
# status: "ACTIVE",
# },
# {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:account/o-exampleorgid/444444444444",
# email: "anika@example.com",
# id: "444444444444",
# joined_method: "INVITED",
# joined_timestamp: Time.parse("20161215T210332Z"),
# name: "Production Account",
# status: "ACTIVE",
# },
# ],
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_accounts({
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.accounts #=> Array
# resp.accounts[0].id #=> String
# resp.accounts[0].arn #=> String
# resp.accounts[0].email #=> String
# resp.accounts[0].name #=> String
# resp.accounts[0].status #=> String, one of "ACTIVE", "SUSPENDED"
# resp.accounts[0].joined_method #=> String, one of "INVITED", "CREATED"
# resp.accounts[0].joined_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/ListAccounts AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_accounts(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_accounts(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_accounts, params)
# Lists the accounts in an organization that are contained by the
# specified target root or organizational unit (OU). If you specify the
# root, you get a list of all the accounts that are not in any OU. If
# you specify an OU, you get a list of all the accounts in only that OU,
# and not in any child OUs. To get a list of all accounts in the
# organization, use the ListAccounts operation.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [required, String] :parent_id
# The unique identifier (ID) for the parent root or organization unit
# (OU) whose accounts you want to list.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# Use this parameter if you receive a `NextToken` response in a previous
# request that indicates that there is more output available. Set it to
# the value of the previous call's `NextToken` response to indicate
# where the output should continue from.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# (Optional) Use this to limit the number of results you want included
# in the response. If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to
# a value that is specific to the operation. If additional items exist
# beyond the maximum you specify, the `NextToken` response element is
# present and has a value (is not null). Include that value as the
# `NextToken` request parameter in the next call to the operation to get
# the next part of the results. Note that Organizations might return
# fewer results than the maximum even when there are more results
# available. You should check `NextToken` after every operation to
# ensure that you receive all of the results.
# @return [Types::ListAccountsForParentResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListAccountsForParentResponse#accounts #accounts} => Array<Types::Account>
# * {Types::ListAccountsForParentResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# @example Example: To retrieve a list of all of the accounts in a root or OU
# # The following example shows how to request a list of the accounts in an OU:/n/n
# resp = client.list_accounts_for_parent({
# parent_id: "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# accounts: [
# {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:account/o-exampleorgid/333333333333",
# email: "juan@example.com",
# id: "333333333333",
# joined_method: "INVITED",
# joined_timestamp: Time.parse(1481835795.536),
# name: "Development Account",
# status: "ACTIVE",
# },
# {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:account/o-exampleorgid/444444444444",
# email: "anika@example.com",
# id: "444444444444",
# joined_method: "INVITED",
# joined_timestamp: Time.parse(1481835812.143),
# name: "Test Account",
# status: "ACTIVE",
# },
# ],
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_accounts_for_parent({
# parent_id: "ParentId", # required
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.accounts #=> Array
# resp.accounts[0].id #=> String
# resp.accounts[0].arn #=> String
# resp.accounts[0].email #=> String
# resp.accounts[0].name #=> String
# resp.accounts[0].status #=> String, one of "ACTIVE", "SUSPENDED"
# resp.accounts[0].joined_method #=> String, one of "INVITED", "CREATED"
# resp.accounts[0].joined_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/ListAccountsForParent AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_accounts_for_parent(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_accounts_for_parent(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_accounts_for_parent, params)
# Lists all of the OUs or accounts that are contained in the specified
# parent OU or root. This operation, along with ListParents enables you
# to traverse the tree structure that makes up this root.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [required, String] :parent_id
# The unique identifier (ID) for the parent root or OU whose children
# you want to list.
# The [regex pattern][1] for a parent ID string requires one of the
# following:
# * Root: a string that begins with "r-" followed by from 4 to 32
# lower-case letters or digits.
# * Organizational unit (OU): a string that begins with "ou-" followed
# by from 4 to 32 lower-case letters or digits (the ID of the root
# that the OU is in) followed by a second "-" dash and from 8 to 32
# additional lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @option params [required, String] :child_type
# Filters the output to include only the specified child type.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# Use this parameter if you receive a `NextToken` response in a previous
# request that indicates that there is more output available. Set it to
# the value of the previous call's `NextToken` response to indicate
# where the output should continue from.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# (Optional) Use this to limit the number of results you want included
# in the response. If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to
# a value that is specific to the operation. If additional items exist
# beyond the maximum you specify, the `NextToken` response element is
# present and has a value (is not null). Include that value as the
# `NextToken` request parameter in the next call to the operation to get
# the next part of the results. Note that Organizations might return
# fewer results than the maximum even when there are more results
# available. You should check `NextToken` after every operation to
# ensure that you receive all of the results.
# @return [Types::ListChildrenResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListChildrenResponse#children #children} => Array<Types::Child>
# * {Types::ListChildrenResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# @example Example: To retrieve a list of all of the child accounts and OUs in a parent root or OU
# # The following example shows how to request a list of the child OUs in a parent root or OU:/n/n
# resp = client.list_children({
# child_type: "ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT",
# parent_id: "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# children: [
# {
# id: "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111",
# },
# {
# id: "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid222",
# },
# ],
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_children({
# parent_id: "ParentId", # required
# child_type: "ACCOUNT", # required, accepts ACCOUNT, ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.children #=> Array
# resp.children[0].id #=> String
# resp.children[0].type #=> String, one of "ACCOUNT", "ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT"
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/ListChildren AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_children(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_children(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_children, params)
# Lists the account creation requests that match the specified status
# that is currently being tracked for the organization.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [Array] :states
# A list of one or more states that you want included in the response.
# If this parameter is not present, then all requests are included in
# the response.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# Use this parameter if you receive a `NextToken` response in a previous
# request that indicates that there is more output available. Set it to
# the value of the previous call's `NextToken` response to indicate
# where the output should continue from.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# (Optional) Use this to limit the number of results you want included
# in the response. If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to
# a value that is specific to the operation. If additional items exist
# beyond the maximum you specify, the `NextToken` response element is
# present and has a value (is not null). Include that value as the
# `NextToken` request parameter in the next call to the operation to get
# the next part of the results. Note that Organizations might return
# fewer results than the maximum even when there are more results
# available. You should check `NextToken` after every operation to
# ensure that you receive all of the results.
# @return [Types::ListCreateAccountStatusResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListCreateAccountStatusResponse#create_account_statuses #create_account_statuses} => Array<Types::CreateAccountStatus>
# * {Types::ListCreateAccountStatusResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# @example Example: To get a list of completed account creation requests made in the organization
# # The following example shows a user requesting a list of only the completed account creation requests made for the
# # current organization:
# resp = client.list_create_account_status({
# states: [
# ],
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# create_account_statuses: [
# {
# account_id: "444444444444",
# account_name: "Developer Test Account",
# completed_timestamp: Time.parse("2017-01-15T13:45:23.6Z"),
# id: "car-exampleaccountcreationrequestid1",
# requested_timestamp: Time.parse("2017-01-15T13:45:23.01Z"),
# state: "SUCCEEDED",
# },
# ],
# }
# @example Example: To get a list of all account creation requests made in the organization
# # The following example shows a user requesting a list of only the in-progress account creation requests made for the
# # current organization:
# resp = client.list_create_account_status({
# states: [
# ],
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# create_account_statuses: [
# {
# account_name: "Production Account",
# id: "car-exampleaccountcreationrequestid2",
# requested_timestamp: Time.parse("2017-01-15T13:45:23.01Z"),
# state: "IN_PROGRESS",
# },
# ],
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_create_account_status({
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.create_account_statuses #=> Array
# resp.create_account_statuses[0].id #=> String
# resp.create_account_statuses[0].account_name #=> String
# resp.create_account_statuses[0].state #=> String, one of "IN_PROGRESS", "SUCCEEDED", "FAILED"
# resp.create_account_statuses[0].requested_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.create_account_statuses[0].completed_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.create_account_statuses[0].account_id #=> String
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/ListCreateAccountStatus AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_create_account_status(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_create_account_status(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_create_account_status, params)
# Lists the current handshakes that are associated with the account of
# the requesting user.
# Handshakes that are ACCEPTED, DECLINED, or CANCELED appear in the
# results of this API for only 30 days after changing to that state.
# After that they are deleted and no longer accessible.
# This operation can be called from any account in the organization.
# @option params [Types::HandshakeFilter] :filter
# Filters the handshakes that you want included in the response. The
# default is all types. Use the `ActionType` element to limit the output
# to only a specified type, such as `INVITE`, `ENABLE-FULL-CONTROL`, or
# handshake that generates a separate child handshake for each member
# account, you can specify `ParentHandshakeId` to see only the
# handshakes that were generated by that parent request.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# Use this parameter if you receive a `NextToken` response in a previous
# request that indicates that there is more output available. Set it to
# the value of the previous call's `NextToken` response to indicate
# where the output should continue from.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# (Optional) Use this to limit the number of results you want included
# in the response. If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to
# a value that is specific to the operation. If additional items exist
# beyond the maximum you specify, the `NextToken` response element is
# present and has a value (is not null). Include that value as the
# `NextToken` request parameter in the next call to the operation to get
# the next part of the results. Note that Organizations might return
# fewer results than the maximum even when there are more results
# available. You should check `NextToken` after every operation to
# ensure that you receive all of the results.
# @return [Types::ListHandshakesForAccountResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListHandshakesForAccountResponse#handshakes #handshakes} => Array<Types::Handshake>
# * {Types::ListHandshakesForAccountResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# @example Example: To retrieve a list of the handshakes sent to an account
# # The following example shows you how to get a list of handshakes that are associated with the account of the credentials
# # used to call the operation:
# resp = client.list_handshakes_for_account({
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# handshakes: [
# {
# action: "INVITE",
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:handshake/o-exampleorgid/invite/h-examplehandshakeid111",
# expiration_timestamp: Time.parse("2017-01-28T14:35:23.3Z"),
# id: "h-examplehandshakeid111",
# parties: [
# {
# id: "o-exampleorgid",
# },
# {
# id: "juan@example.com",
# type: "EMAIL",
# },
# ],
# requested_timestamp: Time.parse("2017-01-13T14:35:23.3Z"),
# resources: [
# {
# resources: [
# {
# type: "MASTER_EMAIL",
# value: "bill@amazon.com",
# },
# {
# type: "MASTER_NAME",
# value: "Org Master Account",
# },
# {
# value: "FULL",
# },
# ],
# value: "o-exampleorgid",
# },
# {
# type: "EMAIL",
# value: "juan@example.com",
# },
# ],
# state: "OPEN",
# },
# ],
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_handshakes_for_account({
# filter: {
# parent_handshake_id: "HandshakeId",
# },
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.handshakes #=> Array
# resp.handshakes[0].id #=> String
# resp.handshakes[0].arn #=> String
# resp.handshakes[0].parties #=> Array
# resp.handshakes[0].parties[0].id #=> String
# resp.handshakes[0].parties[0].type #=> String, one of "ACCOUNT", "ORGANIZATION", "EMAIL"
# resp.handshakes[0].state #=> String, one of "REQUESTED", "OPEN", "CANCELED", "ACCEPTED", "DECLINED", "EXPIRED"
# resp.handshakes[0].requested_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.handshakes[0].expiration_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.handshakes[0].resources #=> Array
# resp.handshakes[0].resources[0].value #=> String
# resp.handshakes[0].resources[0].type #=> String, one of "ACCOUNT", "ORGANIZATION", "ORGANIZATION_FEATURE_SET", "EMAIL", "MASTER_EMAIL", "MASTER_NAME", "NOTES", "PARENT_HANDSHAKE"
# resp.handshakes[0].resources[0].resources #=> Types::HandshakeResources
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/ListHandshakesForAccount AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_handshakes_for_account(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_handshakes_for_account(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_handshakes_for_account, params)
# Lists the handshakes that are associated with the organization that
# the requesting user is part of. The `ListHandshakesForOrganization`
# operation returns a list of handshake structures. Each structure
# contains details and status about a handshake.
# Handshakes that are ACCEPTED, DECLINED, or CANCELED appear in the
# results of this API for only 30 days after changing to that state.
# After that they are deleted and no longer accessible.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [Types::HandshakeFilter] :filter
# A filter of the handshakes that you want included in the response. The
# default is all types. Use the `ActionType` element to limit the output
# to only a specified type, such as `INVITE`, `ENABLE-ALL-FEATURES`, or
# handshake that generates a separate child handshake for each member
# account, you can specify the `ParentHandshakeId` to see only the
# handshakes that were generated by that parent request.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# Use this parameter if you receive a `NextToken` response in a previous
# request that indicates that there is more output available. Set it to
# the value of the previous call's `NextToken` response to indicate
# where the output should continue from.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# (Optional) Use this to limit the number of results you want included
# in the response. If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to
# a value that is specific to the operation. If additional items exist
# beyond the maximum you specify, the `NextToken` response element is
# present and has a value (is not null). Include that value as the
# `NextToken` request parameter in the next call to the operation to get
# the next part of the results. Note that Organizations might return
# fewer results than the maximum even when there are more results
# available. You should check `NextToken` after every operation to
# ensure that you receive all of the results.
# @return [Types::ListHandshakesForOrganizationResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListHandshakesForOrganizationResponse#handshakes #handshakes} => Array<Types::Handshake>
# * {Types::ListHandshakesForOrganizationResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# @example Example: To retrieve a list of the handshakes associated with an organization
# # The following example shows you how to get a list of handshakes associated with the current organization:
# resp = client.list_handshakes_for_organization({
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# handshakes: [
# {
# action: "INVITE",
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:handshake/o-exampleorgid/invite/h-examplehandshakeid111",
# expiration_timestamp: Time.parse("2017-01-28T14:35:23.3Z"),
# id: "h-examplehandshakeid111",
# parties: [
# {
# id: "o-exampleorgid",
# },
# {
# id: "juan@example.com",
# type: "EMAIL",
# },
# ],
# requested_timestamp: Time.parse("2017-01-13T14:35:23.3Z"),
# resources: [
# {
# resources: [
# {
# type: "MASTER_EMAIL",
# value: "bill@amazon.com",
# },
# {
# type: "MASTER_NAME",
# value: "Org Master Account",
# },
# {
# value: "FULL",
# },
# ],
# value: "o-exampleorgid",
# },
# {
# type: "EMAIL",
# value: "juan@example.com",
# },
# ],
# state: "OPEN",
# },
# {
# action: "INVITE",
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:handshake/o-exampleorgid/invite/h-examplehandshakeid111",
# expiration_timestamp: Time.parse("2017-01-28T14:35:23.3Z"),
# id: "h-examplehandshakeid222",
# parties: [
# {
# id: "o-exampleorgid",
# },
# {
# id: "anika@example.com",
# type: "EMAIL",
# },
# ],
# requested_timestamp: Time.parse("2017-01-13T14:35:23.3Z"),
# resources: [
# {
# resources: [
# {
# type: "MASTER_EMAIL",
# value: "bill@example.com",
# },
# {
# type: "MASTER_NAME",
# value: "Master Account",
# },
# ],
# value: "o-exampleorgid",
# },
# {
# type: "EMAIL",
# value: "anika@example.com",
# },
# {
# type: "NOTES",
# value: "This is an invitation to Anika's account to join Bill's organization.",
# },
# ],
# state: "ACCEPTED",
# },
# ],
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_handshakes_for_organization({
# filter: {
# parent_handshake_id: "HandshakeId",
# },
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.handshakes #=> Array
# resp.handshakes[0].id #=> String
# resp.handshakes[0].arn #=> String
# resp.handshakes[0].parties #=> Array
# resp.handshakes[0].parties[0].id #=> String
# resp.handshakes[0].parties[0].type #=> String, one of "ACCOUNT", "ORGANIZATION", "EMAIL"
# resp.handshakes[0].state #=> String, one of "REQUESTED", "OPEN", "CANCELED", "ACCEPTED", "DECLINED", "EXPIRED"
# resp.handshakes[0].requested_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.handshakes[0].expiration_timestamp #=> Time
# resp.handshakes[0].resources #=> Array
# resp.handshakes[0].resources[0].value #=> String
# resp.handshakes[0].resources[0].type #=> String, one of "ACCOUNT", "ORGANIZATION", "ORGANIZATION_FEATURE_SET", "EMAIL", "MASTER_EMAIL", "MASTER_NAME", "NOTES", "PARENT_HANDSHAKE"
# resp.handshakes[0].resources[0].resources #=> Types::HandshakeResources
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/ListHandshakesForOrganization AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_handshakes_for_organization(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_handshakes_for_organization(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_handshakes_for_organization, params)
# Lists the organizational units (OUs) in a parent organizational unit
# or root.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [required, String] :parent_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the root or OU whose child OUs you want
# to list.
# The [regex pattern][1] for a parent ID string requires one of the
# following:
# * Root: a string that begins with "r-" followed by from 4 to 32
# lower-case letters or digits.
# * Organizational unit (OU): a string that begins with "ou-" followed
# by from 4 to 32 lower-case letters or digits (the ID of the root
# that the OU is in) followed by a second "-" dash and from 8 to 32
# additional lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @option params [String] :next_token
# Use this parameter if you receive a `NextToken` response in a previous
# request that indicates that there is more output available. Set it to
# the value of the previous call's `NextToken` response to indicate
# where the output should continue from.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# (Optional) Use this to limit the number of results you want included
# in the response. If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to
# a value that is specific to the operation. If additional items exist
# beyond the maximum you specify, the `NextToken` response element is
# present and has a value (is not null). Include that value as the
# `NextToken` request parameter in the next call to the operation to get
# the next part of the results. Note that Organizations might return
# fewer results than the maximum even when there are more results
# available. You should check `NextToken` after every operation to
# ensure that you receive all of the results.
# @return [Types::ListOrganizationalUnitsForParentResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListOrganizationalUnitsForParentResponse#organizational_units #organizational_units} => Array<Types::OrganizationalUnit>
# * {Types::ListOrganizationalUnitsForParentResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# @example Example: To retrieve a list of all of the child OUs in a parent root or OU
# # The following example shows how to get a list of OUs in a specified root:/n/n
# resp = client.list_organizational_units_for_parent({
# parent_id: "r-examplerootid111",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# organizational_units: [
# {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:ou/o-exampleorgid/ou-examlerootid111-exampleouid111",
# id: "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111",
# name: "Development",
# },
# {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:ou/o-exampleorgid/ou-examlerootid111-exampleouid222",
# id: "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid222",
# name: "Production",
# },
# ],
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_organizational_units_for_parent({
# parent_id: "ParentId", # required
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.organizational_units #=> Array
# resp.organizational_units[0].id #=> String
# resp.organizational_units[0].arn #=> String
# resp.organizational_units[0].name #=> String
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/ListOrganizationalUnitsForParent AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_organizational_units_for_parent(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_organizational_units_for_parent(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_organizational_units_for_parent, params)
# Lists the root or organizational units (OUs) that serve as the
# immediate parent of the specified child OU or account. This operation,
# along with ListChildren enables you to traverse the tree structure
# that makes up this root.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# In the current release, a child can have only a single parent.
# @option params [required, String] :child_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the OU or account whose parent
# containers you want to list. Do not specify a root.
# The [regex pattern][1] for a child ID string requires one of the
# following:
# * Account: a string that consists of exactly 12 digits.
# * Organizational unit (OU): a string that begins with "ou-" followed
# by from 4 to 32 lower-case letters or digits (the ID of the root
# that contains the OU) followed by a second "-" dash and from 8 to
# 32 additional lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @option params [String] :next_token
# Use this parameter if you receive a `NextToken` response in a previous
# request that indicates that there is more output available. Set it to
# the value of the previous call's `NextToken` response to indicate
# where the output should continue from.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# (Optional) Use this to limit the number of results you want included
# in the response. If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to
# a value that is specific to the operation. If additional items exist
# beyond the maximum you specify, the `NextToken` response element is
# present and has a value (is not null). Include that value as the
# `NextToken` request parameter in the next call to the operation to get
# the next part of the results. Note that Organizations might return
# fewer results than the maximum even when there are more results
# available. You should check `NextToken` after every operation to
# ensure that you receive all of the results.
# @return [Types::ListParentsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListParentsResponse#parents #parents} => Array<Types::Parent>
# * {Types::ListParentsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# @example Example: To retrieve a list of all of the parents of a child OU or account
# # The following example shows how to list the root or OUs that contain account 444444444444:/n/n
# resp = client.list_parents({
# child_id: "444444444444",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# parents: [
# {
# id: "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111",
# },
# ],
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_parents({
# child_id: "ChildId", # required
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.parents #=> Array
# resp.parents[0].id #=> String
# resp.parents[0].type #=> String, one of "ROOT", "ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT"
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/ListParents AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_parents(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_parents(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_parents, params)
# Retrieves the list of all policies in an organization of a specified
# type.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [required, String] :filter
# Specifies the type of policy that you want to include in the response.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# Use this parameter if you receive a `NextToken` response in a previous
# request that indicates that there is more output available. Set it to
# the value of the previous call's `NextToken` response to indicate
# where the output should continue from.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# (Optional) Use this to limit the number of results you want included
# in the response. If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to
# a value that is specific to the operation. If additional items exist
# beyond the maximum you specify, the `NextToken` response element is
# present and has a value (is not null). Include that value as the
# `NextToken` request parameter in the next call to the operation to get
# the next part of the results. Note that Organizations might return
# fewer results than the maximum even when there are more results
# available. You should check `NextToken` after every operation to
# ensure that you receive all of the results.
# @return [Types::ListPoliciesResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListPoliciesResponse#policies #policies} => Array<Types::PolicySummary>
# * {Types::ListPoliciesResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# @example Example: To retrieve a list policies in the organization
# # The following example shows how to get a list of service control policies (SCPs):/n/n
# resp = client.list_policies({
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# policies: [
# {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:policy/o-exampleorgid/service_control_policy/p-examplepolicyid111",
# aws_managed: false,
# description: "Enables account admins to delegate permissions for any S3 actions to users and roles in their accounts.",
# id: "p-examplepolicyid111",
# name: "AllowAllS3Actions",
# },
# {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:policy/o-exampleorgid/service_control_policy/p-examplepolicyid222",
# aws_managed: false,
# description: "Enables account admins to delegate permissions for any EC2 actions to users and roles in their accounts.",
# id: "p-examplepolicyid222",
# name: "AllowAllEC2Actions",
# },
# {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::aws:policy/service_control_policy/p-FullAWSAccess",
# aws_managed: true,
# description: "Allows access to every operation",
# id: "p-FullAWSAccess",
# name: "FullAWSAccess",
# },
# ],
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_policies({
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.policies #=> Array
# resp.policies[0].id #=> String
# resp.policies[0].arn #=> String
# resp.policies[0].name #=> String
# resp.policies[0].description #=> String
# resp.policies[0].type #=> String, one of "SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY"
# resp.policies[0].aws_managed #=> Boolean
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/ListPolicies AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_policies(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_policies(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_policies, params)
# Lists the policies that are directly attached to the specified target
# root, organizational unit (OU), or account. You must specify the
# policy type that you want included in the returned list.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [required, String] :target_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the root, organizational unit, or
# account whose policies you want to list.
# The [regex pattern][1] for a target ID string requires one of the
# following:
# * Root: a string that begins with "r-" followed by from 4 to 32
# lower-case letters or digits.
# * Account: a string that consists of exactly 12 digits.
# * Organizational unit (OU): a string that begins with "ou-" followed
# by from 4 to 32 lower-case letters or digits (the ID of the root
# that the OU is in) followed by a second "-" dash and from 8 to 32
# additional lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @option params [required, String] :filter
# The type of policy that you want to include in the returned list.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# Use this parameter if you receive a `NextToken` response in a previous
# request that indicates that there is more output available. Set it to
# the value of the previous call's `NextToken` response to indicate
# where the output should continue from.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# (Optional) Use this to limit the number of results you want included
# in the response. If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to
# a value that is specific to the operation. If additional items exist
# beyond the maximum you specify, the `NextToken` response element is
# present and has a value (is not null). Include that value as the
# `NextToken` request parameter in the next call to the operation to get
# the next part of the results. Note that Organizations might return
# fewer results than the maximum even when there are more results
# available. You should check `NextToken` after every operation to
# ensure that you receive all of the results.
# @return [Types::ListPoliciesForTargetResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListPoliciesForTargetResponse#policies #policies} => Array<Types::PolicySummary>
# * {Types::ListPoliciesForTargetResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# @example Example: To retrieve a list policies attached to a root, OU, or account
# # The following example shows how to get a list of all service control policies (SCPs) of the type specified by the Filter
# # parameter, that are directly attached to an account. The returned list does not include policies that apply to the
# # account because of inheritance from its location in an OU hierarchy:/n/n
# resp = client.list_policies_for_target({
# target_id: "444444444444",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# policies: [
# {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:policy/o-exampleorgid/service_control_policy/p-examplepolicyid222",
# aws_managed: false,
# description: "Enables account admins to delegate permissions for any EC2 actions to users and roles in their accounts.",
# id: "p-examplepolicyid222",
# name: "AllowAllEC2Actions",
# },
# ],
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_policies_for_target({
# target_id: "PolicyTargetId", # required
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.policies #=> Array
# resp.policies[0].id #=> String
# resp.policies[0].arn #=> String
# resp.policies[0].name #=> String
# resp.policies[0].description #=> String
# resp.policies[0].type #=> String, one of "SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY"
# resp.policies[0].aws_managed #=> Boolean
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/ListPoliciesForTarget AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_policies_for_target(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_policies_for_target(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_policies_for_target, params)
# Lists the roots that are defined in the current organization.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [String] :next_token
# Use this parameter if you receive a `NextToken` response in a previous
# request that indicates that there is more output available. Set it to
# the value of the previous call's `NextToken` response to indicate
# where the output should continue from.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# (Optional) Use this to limit the number of results you want included
# in the response. If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to
# a value that is specific to the operation. If additional items exist
# beyond the maximum you specify, the `NextToken` response element is
# present and has a value (is not null). Include that value as the
# `NextToken` request parameter in the next call to the operation to get
# the next part of the results. Note that Organizations might return
# fewer results than the maximum even when there are more results
# available. You should check `NextToken` after every operation to
# ensure that you receive all of the results.
# @return [Types::ListRootsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListRootsResponse#roots #roots} => Array<Types::Root>
# * {Types::ListRootsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# @example Example: To retrieve a list of roots in the organization
# # The following example shows how to get the list of the roots in the current organization:/n/n
# resp = client.list_roots({
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# roots: [
# {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:root/o-exampleorgid/r-examplerootid111",
# id: "r-examplerootid111",
# name: "Root",
# policy_types: [
# {
# status: "ENABLED",
# },
# ],
# },
# ],
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_roots({
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.roots #=> Array
# resp.roots[0].id #=> String
# resp.roots[0].arn #=> String
# resp.roots[0].name #=> String
# resp.roots[0].policy_types #=> Array
# resp.roots[0].policy_types[0].type #=> String, one of "SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY"
# resp.roots[0].policy_types[0].status #=> String, one of "ENABLED", "PENDING_ENABLE", "PENDING_DISABLE"
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/ListRoots AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_roots(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_roots(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_roots, params)
# Lists all the roots, OUs, and accounts to which the specified policy
# is attached.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [required, String] :policy_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the policy for which you want to know
# its attachments.
# The [regex pattern][1] for a policy ID string requires "p-" followed
# by from 8 to 128 lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @option params [String] :next_token
# Use this parameter if you receive a `NextToken` response in a previous
# request that indicates that there is more output available. Set it to
# the value of the previous call's `NextToken` response to indicate
# where the output should continue from.
# @option params [Integer] :max_results
# (Optional) Use this to limit the number of results you want included
# in the response. If you do not include this parameter, it defaults to
# a value that is specific to the operation. If additional items exist
# beyond the maximum you specify, the `NextToken` response element is
# present and has a value (is not null). Include that value as the
# `NextToken` request parameter in the next call to the operation to get
# the next part of the results. Note that Organizations might return
# fewer results than the maximum even when there are more results
# available. You should check `NextToken` after every operation to
# ensure that you receive all of the results.
# @return [Types::ListTargetsForPolicyResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::ListTargetsForPolicyResponse#targets #targets} => Array<Types::PolicyTargetSummary>
# * {Types::ListTargetsForPolicyResponse#next_token #next_token} => String
# @example Example: To retrieve a list of roots, OUs, and accounts to which a policy is attached
# # The following example shows how to get the list of roots, OUs, and accounts to which the specified policy is
# # attached:/n/n
# resp = client.list_targets_for_policy({
# policy_id: "p-FullAWSAccess",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# targets: [
# {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:root/o-exampleorgid/r-examplerootid111",
# name: "Root",
# target_id: "r-examplerootid111",
# type: "ROOT",
# },
# {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:account/o-exampleorgid/333333333333;",
# name: "Developer Test Account",
# target_id: "333333333333",
# type: "ACCOUNT",
# },
# {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:ou/o-exampleorgid/ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111",
# name: "Accounting",
# target_id: "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111",
# },
# ],
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.list_targets_for_policy({
# policy_id: "PolicyId", # required
# next_token: "NextToken",
# max_results: 1,
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.targets #=> Array
# resp.targets[0].target_id #=> String
# resp.targets[0].arn #=> String
# resp.targets[0].name #=> String
# resp.targets[0].type #=> String, one of "ACCOUNT", "ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT", "ROOT"
# resp.next_token #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/ListTargetsForPolicy AWS API Documentation
# @overload list_targets_for_policy(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def list_targets_for_policy(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:list_targets_for_policy, params)
# Moves an account from its current source parent root or OU to the
# specified destination parent root or OU.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [required, String] :account_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the account that you want to move.
# The [regex pattern][1] for an account ID string requires exactly 12
# digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @option params [required, String] :source_parent_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the root or organizational unit that you
# want to move the account from.
# The [regex pattern][1] for a parent ID string requires one of the
# following:
# * Root: a string that begins with "r-" followed by from 4 to 32
# lower-case letters or digits.
# * Organizational unit (OU): a string that begins with "ou-" followed
# by from 4 to 32 lower-case letters or digits (the ID of the root
# that the OU is in) followed by a second "-" dash and from 8 to 32
# additional lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @option params [required, String] :destination_parent_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the root or organizational unit that you
# want to move the account to.
# The [regex pattern][1] for a parent ID string requires one of the
# following:
# * Root: a string that begins with "r-" followed by from 4 to 32
# lower-case letters or digits.
# * Organizational unit (OU): a string that begins with "ou-" followed
# by from 4 to 32 lower-case letters or digits (the ID of the root
# that the OU is in) followed by a second "-" dash and from 8 to 32
# additional lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Example: To move an OU or account to another OU or the root
# # The following example shows how to move a member account from the root to an OU:/n/n
# resp = client.move_account({
# account_id: "333333333333",
# destination_parent_id: "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111",
# source_parent_id: "r-examplerootid111",
# })
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.move_account({
# account_id: "AccountId", # required
# source_parent_id: "ParentId", # required
# destination_parent_id: "ParentId", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/MoveAccount AWS API Documentation
# @overload move_account(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def move_account(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:move_account, params)
# Removes the specified account from the organization.
# The removed account becomes a stand-alone account that is not a member
# of any organization. It is no longer subject to any policies and is
# responsible for its own bill payments. The organization's master
# account is no longer charged for any expenses accrued by the member
# account after it is removed from the organization.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account. Member accounts can remove themselves with LeaveOrganization
# instead.
# * You can remove an account from your organization only if the account
# is configured with the information required to operate as a
# standalone account. When you create an account in an organization
# using the AWS Organizations console, API, or CLI commands, the
# information required of standalone accounts is *not* automatically
# collected. For an account that you want to make standalone, you must
# accept the End User License Agreement (EULA), choose a support plan,
# provide and verify the required contact information, and provide a
# current payment method. AWS uses the payment method to charge for
# any billable (not free tier) AWS activity that occurs while the
# account is not attached to an organization. To remove an account
# that does not yet have this information, you must sign in as the
# member account and follow the steps at [ To leave an organization
# when all required account information has not yet been provided][1]
# in the *AWS Organizations User Guide*.
# * You can remove a member account only after you enable IAM user
# access to billing in the member account. For more information, see
# [Activating Access to the Billing and Cost Management Console][2] in
# the *AWS Billing and Cost Management User Guide*.
# [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_accounts_remove.html#leave-without-all-info
# [2]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/grantaccess.html#ControllingAccessWebsite-Activate
# @option params [required, String] :account_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the member account that you want to
# remove from the organization.
# The [regex pattern][1] for an account ID string requires exactly 12
# digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @return [Struct] Returns an empty {Seahorse::Client::Response response}.
# @example Example: To remove an account from an organization as the master account
# # The following example shows you how to remove an account from an organization:
# resp = client.remove_account_from_organization({
# account_id: "333333333333",
# })
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.remove_account_from_organization({
# account_id: "AccountId", # required
# })
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/RemoveAccountFromOrganization AWS API Documentation
# @overload remove_account_from_organization(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def remove_account_from_organization(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:remove_account_from_organization, params)
# Renames the specified organizational unit (OU). The ID and ARN do not
# change. The child OUs and accounts remain in place, and any attached
# policies of the OU remain attached.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [required, String] :organizational_unit_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the OU that you want to rename. You can
# get the ID from the ListOrganizationalUnitsForParent operation.
# The [regex pattern][1] for an organizational unit ID string requires
# "ou-" followed by from 4 to 32 lower-case letters or digits (the ID
# of the root that contains the OU) followed by a second "-" dash and
# from 8 to 32 additional lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @option params [String] :name
# The new name that you want to assign to the OU.
# The [regex pattern][1] that is used to validate this parameter is a
# string of any of the characters in the ASCII character range.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @return [Types::UpdateOrganizationalUnitResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::UpdateOrganizationalUnitResponse#organizational_unit #organizational_unit} => Types::OrganizationalUnit
# @example Example: To rename an organizational unit
# # The following example shows how to rename an OU. The output confirms the new name:/n/n
# resp = client.update_organizational_unit({
# name: "AccountingOU",
# organizational_unit_id: "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# organizational_unit: {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:ou/o-exampleorgid/ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111",
# id: "ou-examplerootid111-exampleouid111",
# name: "AccountingOU",
# },
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.update_organizational_unit({
# organizational_unit_id: "OrganizationalUnitId", # required
# name: "OrganizationalUnitName",
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.organizational_unit.id #=> String
# resp.organizational_unit.arn #=> String
# resp.organizational_unit.name #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/UpdateOrganizationalUnit AWS API Documentation
# @overload update_organizational_unit(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def update_organizational_unit(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:update_organizational_unit, params)
# Updates an existing policy with a new name, description, or content.
# If any parameter is not supplied, that value remains unchanged. Note
# that you cannot change a policy's type.
# This operation can be called only from the organization's master
# account.
# @option params [required, String] :policy_id
# The unique identifier (ID) of the policy that you want to update.
# The [regex pattern][1] for a policy ID string requires "p-" followed
# by from 8 to 128 lower-case letters or digits.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @option params [String] :name
# If provided, the new name for the policy.
# The [regex pattern][1] that is used to validate this parameter is a
# string of any of the characters in the ASCII character range.
# [1]: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/regex
# @option params [String] :description
# If provided, the new description for the policy.
# @option params [String] :content
# If provided, the new content for the policy. The text must be
# correctly formatted JSON that complies with the syntax for the
# policy's type. For more information, see [Service Control Policy
# Syntax][1] in the *AWS Organizations User Guide*.
# [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_reference_scp-syntax.html
# @return [Types::UpdatePolicyResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods:
# * {Types::UpdatePolicyResponse#policy #policy} => Types::Policy
# @example Example: To update the details of a policy
# # The following example shows how to rename a policy and give it a new description and new content. The output confirms
# # the new name and description text:/n/n
# resp = client.update_policy({
# description: "This description replaces the original.",
# name: "Renamed-Policy",
# policy_id: "p-examplepolicyid111",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# policy: {
# content: "{ \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\", \"Statement\": { \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Action\": \"ec2:*\", \"Resource\": \"*\" } }",
# policy_summary: {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:policy/o-exampleorgid/service_control_policy/p-examplepolicyid111",
# aws_managed: false,
# description: "This description replaces the original.",
# id: "p-examplepolicyid111",
# name: "Renamed-Policy",
# },
# },
# }
# @example Example: To update the content of a policy
# # The following example shows how to replace the JSON text of the SCP from the preceding example with a new JSON policy
# # text string that allows S3 actions instead of EC2 actions:/n/n
# resp = client.update_policy({
# content: "{ \\\"Version\\\": \\\"2012-10-17\\\", \\\"Statement\\\": {\\\"Effect\\\": \\\"Allow\\\", \\\"Action\\\": \\\"s3:*\\\", \\\"Resource\\\": \\\"*\\\" } }",
# policy_id: "p-examplepolicyid111",
# })
# resp.to_h outputs the following:
# {
# policy: {
# content: "{ \\\"Version\\\": \\\"2012-10-17\\\", \\\"Statement\\\": { \\\"Effect\\\": \\\"Allow\\\", \\\"Action\\\": \\\"s3:*\\\", \\\"Resource\\\": \\\"*\\\" } }",
# policy_summary: {
# arn: "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:policy/o-exampleorgid/service_control_policy/p-examplepolicyid111",
# aws_managed: false,
# description: "This description replaces the original.",
# id: "p-examplepolicyid111",
# name: "Renamed-Policy",
# },
# },
# }
# @example Request syntax with placeholder values
# resp = client.update_policy({
# policy_id: "PolicyId", # required
# name: "PolicyName",
# description: "PolicyDescription",
# content: "PolicyContent",
# })
# @example Response structure
# resp.policy.policy_summary.id #=> String
# resp.policy.policy_summary.arn #=> String
# resp.policy.policy_summary.name #=> String
# resp.policy.policy_summary.description #=> String
# resp.policy.policy_summary.type #=> String, one of "SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY"
# resp.policy.policy_summary.aws_managed #=> Boolean
# resp.policy.content #=> String
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/organizations-2016-11-28/UpdatePolicy AWS API Documentation
# @overload update_policy(params = {})
# @param [Hash] params ({})
def update_policy(params = {}, options = {})
req = build_request(:update_policy, params)
# @!endgroup
# @param params ({})
# @api private
def build_request(operation_name, params = {})
handlers = @handlers.for(operation_name)
context = Seahorse::Client::RequestContext.new(
operation_name: operation_name,
operation: config.api.operation(operation_name),
client: self,
params: params,
config: config)
context[:gem_name] = 'aws-sdk-organizations'
context[:gem_version] = '1.6.0'
Seahorse::Client::Request.new(handlers, context)
# @api private
# @deprecated
def waiter_names
class << self
# @api private
attr_reader :identifier
# @api private
def errors_module