New Gem Generator

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→ using ‘rubyforge’

The New Gem Generator makes it very easy for you to upload your gems to RubyForge, thanks to the integration of the hoe and rubyforge gems, by Ryan Davis.

This page describes how to setup the rubyforge application (lowercase rubyforge = the application), create new RubyForge projects (uppercase RubyForge = the website for hosting gems and homepages), and releasing your gems and their future versions to RubyForge using rubyforge.

Get a RubyForge project.

RubyForge is a great site for uploading gems, as the default settings of all RubyGems users is to look for new gems there. You can run your own gem server, but here we’ll assume you’re uploading to RubyForge.

Additionally, you can host more than one gem on each project. The Magic Models project hosts several gems, each with different versions.

To host your gems you’ll need a Project. Apply for it asap as it takes a day or so for the RubyForge admins to accept and generate your project.

Note: the name of your project does not have to match the name of any of your gems.

Setup access to RubyForge

Your new gem will use the rubyforge app to upload your gem. So first we need to set it up.

$ sudo gem install rubyforge
$ rubyforge setup
$ mate ~/.rubyforge/user-config.yml

This creates a configuration folder .rubyforge in your home folder (on Windows it is XXXXXX). The last line is to edit the config file.

The only two lines to set are your RubyForge username and password. Ignore the rest.

$ rubyforge config

This generates a file ~/.rubyforge/auto-config.yml which will be mostly empty now, but one day will be full of projects and all the releases of different versions of gems. One day soon I hope.

Just like the website, all other operations require you to login first.

$ rubyforge login

If this fails, check your user-config.yml files for problems with your username/password.

Preparing for a new gem

When you first release a new gem, you need to perform one more step.

$ rubyforge login
$ rubyforge names

This will return the name of your new Project, if you forgot it.

$ rubyforge create_package #project_name# #gem_name#

Alternately, if you can’t get this to work, you can create the new package via the website.

  1. Login to RubyForge
  2. Go to your project’s page
  3. Click on Files.
  4. Click on To create new release click here.
  5. Click on Create a new package.
  6. Go to the bottom of the page, to the form New Package Name.
  7. Enter a package name, without spaces, and generally in all lowercase letters.
  8. Click Create This Package

Now return to the console/terminal, and refresh your rubyforge config files using rubyforge config.

Check that the new package has been successfully added to your local config files using rubyforge name. The new package should appear in the list of package names.

You are now ready to release gems!

Return to releasing your gem

rubyforge docco

The best rubyforge command documentation is available via the application itself (see below) and the RDocs

$ rubyforge help

  rubyforge [options]* mode [mode_args]*


  simplistic script which automates a limited set of rubyforge operations


    initializes your .rubyforge directory.  you need to run this first before
    doing anything else.

    example :
      rubyforge setup

    Helps you populate your auto-config.yml file by scraping rubyforge and
    getting your groups, projects, and releases.

    example :
      rubyforge config
      rubyforge config myproject

    Prints out the names of your configured groups and projects.

    example :
      rubyforge names

    sends username and password from config.yml (or --username/--password
    options) and stores login cookie in cookie.dat.  this is required for
    subsquent operations work.

    example :
      rubyforge login
      rubyforge login --username zaphod --password 42

  create_package(group_id, package_name)
    creates the named package under the specified group.

    example :
      rubyforge create_package 1024 traits
      rubyforge login && rubyforge create_package traits

  add_release(group_id, package_id, release_name, userfile)
    release a file as release_name under the specified group_id and

    example :
      rubyforge add_release traits 0.8.0 traits-0.8.0.gem
      rubyforge add_release traits 0.8.0 traits-0.8.0.tgz
      rubyforge add_release 1024 1242 0.8.0 traits-0.8.0.gem
      rubyforge login && rubyforge add_release 1024 1242 0.8.0 traits-0.8.0.gem

  add_file(group_id, package_id, release_id, userfile)
    add a file to an existing release under the specified group_id,
    package_id, and release_id

    example :
      rubyforge add_file traits 0.8.0 traits-0.8.0.gem
      rubyforge add_file traits 0.8.0 traits-0.8.0.tgz
      rubyforge add_file 1024 1242 0.8.0 traits-0.8.0.gem

  delete_package(group_id, package_name)
    deletes a package and all its files.

    example :
      rubyforge delete_package traits
      rubyforge delete_package 1024 traits


  - In order to use group_id, package_id, or release_id by name,
    rather than number, you must edit the rubyforge[group_ids] and
    rubyforge[package_ids] translation tables in your config.yml. See
    the config command for more information and help.

  - don't forget to login!  logging in will store a cookie in your
    .rubyforge directory which expires after a time.  always run the login
    command before any operation that requires authentication, such as
    uploading a package.


  - add error checking.  this requires screen scraping to see of an operation
    succeeded since 200 is returned from rubyforge even for failed operations
    and only the html text reveals the status.


  global :
    --help            , -h
      this message
    --config          , -c
      specify a config file (default /Users/nicwilliams/.rubyforge/user-config.yml)
    --username        , -u
      specify username, taken from config otherwise
    --password        , -p
      specify password, taken from config otherwise
    --cookie_jar      , -C
      specify cookie storage file (default /Users/nicwilliams/.rubyforge/cookie.dat)

  add_release :
    --is_private      , -P
      if true, release is not public
    --release_date    , -r
      specify time of release (default 'now')
    --type_id         , -t
      specify filetype code (default determined by ext)
    --processor_id    , -o
      specify processor (default 'Any')
    --release_notes   , -n
      specify release notes as string or file
    --release_changes , -a
      specify release changes as string or file
    --preformatted    , -f
      specify whether release_notes/changes are preformatted

Dr Nic, 24th June 2007
Theme extended from Paul Battley