--- # defaults assumed for these jekyll variables: layout, excerpt # name the file similar to title (slugified - replace spaces with underscores & remove punctuation) title: "" # used in the page header, HTML title, menus & SEO subtitle: "" # optional; shown under the page header author: [] # use the handle of the author, not their name editor: [] # FUTURE: add and display editors date: 2020-01-01 00:00:00 -0800 # publication date; overrides the file save date last_modified_at: # optional; date to show in addition to/in place of create date categories: [] # choose one best project category, ideally tags: [] # choose 3-7 tags, ideally series: "Grand Developments" # optional; use `series` to group projects and show a sidebar of projects in the series (limited to 1 for now) location: "Cupertino, CA" # optional; location of the project website: https://example.com/ # optional; external project website social: # see `_data/social.yml` for options and to add your own twitter: "" # optional; twitter handle (without the @ sign) facebook: "" # optional; facebook username linkedin: "" # optional; linkedin username instagram: "" # optional; instagram handle medium: "" # optional; medium handle (without the @ sign) image: "" # default image for SEO & jekyll-feed images: # all images are optional; banner and either default or thumbnail are recommended default: # general-use size, default for lists if no thumbnail file: "" # no path, just the filename (e.g., "my great image.png") # default images generally use the default image texts, but can be specified here banner: # largest, full-page width landscape at top of page file: "" # no path, just the filename (e.g., "my great image.png") alt_text: "" # describe the image for screen readers caption: "" # optional explanatory text, can be used for attributions title: "" # optional; usually shown as a tooltip on hover thumbnail: # smaller image for lists/grids (like index pages) file: "" # no path, just the filename (e.g., "my great image.png") # thumbnails generally use the default image texts, but can be specified here # these texts are defaults for all images in the images array, if not individually specified: alt_text: "" # describe the image for screen readers caption: "" # optional explanatory text, can be used for attributions title: "" # optional; usually shown as a tooltip on hover gallery: [] # FUTURE: array of gallery images, similar in format to above images array but no text defaults summary: "" # summaries are used on list (index) pages rather than excerts, so that authors have more control over the lead-in author_bio: "" # optional; used for an author who is set to `published=false` canonical_url: "" # optional; customize the canonical URL for this page published: false lang: "" # optional; language for the page, `en_US` by default description: "" # optional; short description of the page's content used for SEO comment: "" # FUTURE: here we can put comments that won't be output on any public pages, like candidate tags/categories, that might show up on private pages in the future # NOTE that the first paaragraph below is the excerpt, if no excerpt is defined here in the front matter. However, projects generally use the summary in place of the excert text. ---