module Tekeya module Feed module Activity class Item attr_reader :activity_id, :activity_type, :attachments, :actor, :timestamp def initialize(activity_id, activity_type, attachments, actor, timestamp) @activity_id = activity_id @activity_type = activity_type @attachments = attachments @actor = actor @timestamp = timestamp end # Builds a feed item from a redis activity # # @param [String] key the aggregate key of the activity # @param [Tekeya::Entity] act_actor the activty actor; when nil the actor is retrieved from the aggregate key # @return [Tekeya::Feed::Activity::Item] the feed item def self.from_redis(key, act_actor = nil) key_components = key.split(':') act_id = key_components[1] act_type = key_components[6].to_sym act_time =[7].to_i) if act_actor.nil? actor_class = key_components[4].safe_constantize act_actor = actor_class.where(:"#{actor_class.entity_primary_key}" => key_components[5]).first end act_attachments = ::Tekeya.redis.smembers(key).map{|act| ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(act) }.map{|att| att['attachable_type'].safe_constantize.find att['attachable_id'] } return, act_type, act_attachments, act_actor, act_time) end # Builds a feed item a DB activity # # @param [Tekeya::Activity] activity the source activity # @param [Tekeya::Entity] act_actor the activty actor; when nil the actor is retrieved from the activity # @return [Tekeya::Feed::Activity::Item] the feed item def self.from_db(activity, act_actor = nil) act_id = act_type = activity.activity_type.to_sym act_time = activity.created_at act_actor ||= || activity.entity act_attachments = return, act_type, act_attachments, act_actor, act_time) end end end end end