module Omnitest module Core module FileSystem include Util::String class << self # Finds a file by loosely matching the file name to a scenario name def find_file(search_path, scenario_name, ignored_patterns = nil) ignored_patterns ||= read_gitignore(search_path) glob_string = "#{search_path}/**/*#{slugify(scenario_name)}.*" potential_files = Dir.glob(glob_string, File::FNM_CASEFOLD) potential_files.concat Dir.glob(glob_string.gsub('_', '-'), File::FNM_CASEFOLD) potential_files.concat Dir.glob(glob_string.gsub('_', ''), File::FNM_CASEFOLD) # Filter out ignored filesFind the first file, not including generated files files = do |f| !ignored? ignored_patterns, search_path, f end # Select the shortest path, likely the best match file = files.min_by(&:length) fail Errno::ENOENT, "No file was found for #{scenario_name} within #{search_path}" if file.nil? file end def relativize(file, base_path) absolute_file = File.absolute_path(file) absolute_base_path = File.absolute_path(base_path) end private # @api private def read_gitignore(dir) gitignore_file = "#{dir}/.gitignore" rescue '' end # @api private def ignored?(ignored_patterns, base_path, target_file) # Trying to match the git ignore rules but there's some discrepencies. ignored_patterns.split.find do |pattern| # if git ignores a folder, we should ignore all files it contains pattern = "#{pattern}**" if pattern[-1] == '/' started_with_slash = pattern.start_with? '/' pattern.gsub!(/\A\//, '') # remove leading slashes since we're searching from root file = relativize(target_file, base_path) ignored = file.fnmatch? pattern ignored || (file.fnmatch? "**/#{pattern}" unless started_with_slash) end end end end end end