# Releasing 1. `git pull origin master` 1. Bump the version number in `lib/percy/common/version.rb` 1. `git add lib/percy/common/version.rb` 1. `git commit -m "version bump to X.X.X"` 1. `git push origin master` 1. `git tag vX.X.X` 1. `git push --tags` 1. `bundle exec rake build` 1. `gem push pkg/percy-common-X.X.X.gem` 1. Visit [RubyGems.org](https://rubygems.org/gems/percy-common) and see the gem has been published 1. Document the release on Github by first [creating a new release](https://github.com/percy/percy-common/releases/new) 1. Enter "vX.X.X" as the tag version. It should auto complete to say "Existing Tag" 1. Enter "vX.X.X" as the release title 1. Write a brief description as to what is included in this release. Linking to specific PRs is great. 1. Click "Publish release"