#-- # Cloud Foundry 2012.02.03 Beta # Copyright (c) [2009-2012] VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # This product is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). # You may not use this product except in compliance with the License. # # This product includes a number of subcomponents with # separate copyright notices and license terms. Your use of these # subcomponents is subject to the terms and conditions of the # subcomponent's license, as noted in the LICENSE file. #++ require 'uaa/http' module CF::UAA # Provides interfaces to various UAA endpoints that are not in the context # of an overall class of operations like SCIM resources or OAuth2 tokens. class Info include Http attr_accessor :target attr_reader :key_style # @param [String] target The base URL of the server. For example the target could # be {https://login.cloudfoundry.com}, {https://uaa.cloudfoundry.com}, or # {http://localhost:8080/uaa}. # @param [Hash] options can be # * +:symbolize_keys+, If set to true, response hashes will have symbols for their keys, otherwise # string keys are returned. def initialize(target, options = {}) self.target = target self.symbolize_keys = options[:symbolize_keys] self.http_proxy = options[:http_proxy] self.https_proxy = options[:https_proxy] end # sets whether the keys in returned hashes should be symbols. # @return [Boolean] the new state def symbolize_keys=(bool) @key_style = bool ? :sym : nil end # Gets information about the user authenticated by the token in the # +auth_header+. It GETs from the +target+'s +/userinfo+ endpoint and # returns user information as specified by OpenID Connect. # @see http://openid.net/connect/ # @see http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-standard-1_0.html#userinfo_ep # @see http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-messages-1_0.html#anchor9 # @param (see Misc.server) # @param [String] auth_header see {TokenInfo#auth_header} # @return [Hash] def whoami(auth_header) json_get(target, "/userinfo?schema=openid", key_style, "authorization" => auth_header) end # Gets various monitoring and status variables from the server. # Authenticates using +name+ and +pwd+ for basic authentication. # @param (see Misc.server) # @return [Hash] def varz(name, pwd) json_get(target, "/varz", key_style, "authorization" => Http.basic_auth(name, pwd)) end # Gets basic information about the target server, including version number, # commit ID, and links to API endpoints. # @return [Hash] def server reply = json_get(target, '/login', key_style) return reply if reply && (reply[:prompts] || reply['prompts']) raise BadResponse, "Invalid response from target #{target}" end # Gets a base url for the associated UAA from the target server by inspecting the # links returned from its info endpoint. # @return [String] url of UAA (or the target itself if it didn't provide a response) def discover_uaa info = server links = info['links'] || info[:links] uaa = links && (links['uaa'] || links[:uaa]) uaa || target end # Gets the key from the server that is used to validate token signatures. If # the server is configured to use a symetric key, the caller must authenticate # by providing a a +client_id+ and +client_secret+. If the server # is configured to sign with a private key, this call will retrieve the # public key and +client_id+ must be nil. # @param (see Misc.server) # @return [Hash] def validation_key(client_id = nil, client_secret = nil) hdrs = client_id && client_secret ? { "authorization" => Http.basic_auth(client_id, client_secret)} : {} json_get(target, "/token_key", key_style, hdrs) end # Sends +token+ to the server to validate and decode. Authenticates with # +client_id+ and +client_secret+. If +audience_ids+ are specified and the # token's "aud" attribute does not contain one or more of the audience_ids, # raises AuthError -- meaning the token is not for this audience. # @param (see Misc.server) # @param [String] token an access token as retrieved by {TokenIssuer}. See # also {TokenInfo}. # @param [String] token_type as retrieved by {TokenIssuer}. See {TokenInfo}. # @return [Hash] contents of the token def decode_token(client_id, client_secret, token, token_type = "bearer", audience_ids = nil) reply = json_get(target, "/check_token?token_type=#{token_type}&token=#{token}", key_style, "authorization" => Http.basic_auth(client_id, client_secret)) auds = Util.arglist(reply[:aud] || reply['aud']) if audience_ids && (!auds || (auds & audience_ids).empty?) raise AuthError, "invalid audience: #{auds.join(' ')}" end reply end # Gets information about the given password, including a strength score and # an indication of what strength is required. # @param (see Misc.server) # @return [Hash] def password_strength(password) json_parse_reply(key_style, *request(target, :post, '/password/score', Util.encode_form(:password => password), "content-type" => Http::FORM_UTF8, "accept" => Http::JSON_UTF8)) end end end