# ********************************************************************************* # URBANopt (tm), Copyright (c) Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # See also https://github.com/urbanopt/urbanopt-reopt-gem/blob/develop/LICENSE.md # ********************************************************************************* require 'bundler/setup' require 'urbanopt/reporting/default_reports' require 'urbanopt/reopt/reopt_logger' require 'csv' module URBANopt # :nodoc: module REopt # :nodoc: class REoptPostProcessor ## # \REoptPostProcessor updates a ScenarioReport or FeatureReport based on \REopt Lite optimization response. ## # # [*parameters:*] # # * +scenario_report+ - _ScenarioReport_ - Optional. A scenario report that has been returned from the URBANopt::Reporting::ScenarioDefaultPostProcessor - used in creating default output file names in \REopt Lite optimizations. # * +scenario_reopt_assumptions_file+ - _String_ - Optional. JSON file formatted for a \REopt Lite analysis containing custom input parameters for optimizations at the Scenario Report level # * +reopt_feature_assumptions+ - _Array_ - Optional. A list of JSON file formatted for a \REopt Lite analysis containing custom input parameters for optimizations at the Feature Report level. The order and number of files must match the Feature Reports in the scenario_report input. # * +use_localhost+ - _Bool_ - If this is true, requests will be sent to a version of the \REopt Lite API running on localhost. Default is false, such that the production version of \REopt Lite is accessed. # * +nrel_developer_key+ - _String_ - API used to access the \REopt Lite APi. Required only if +localhost+ is false. Obtain from https://developer.nrel.gov/signup/ ## def initialize(scenario_report, scenario_reopt_assumptions_file = nil, reopt_feature_assumptions = [], nrel_developer_key = nil, localhost = false) # initialize @@logger @@logger ||= URBANopt::REopt.reopt_logger if reopt_feature_assumptions.nil? reopt_feature_assumptions = [] end @nrel_developer_key = nrel_developer_key @localhost = localhost @reopt_base_post = { Scenario: { Site: { ElectricTariff: {}, LoadProfile: {}, Wind: { max_kw: 0 } } } } @scenario_reopt_default_output_file = nil @scenario_timeseries_default_output_file = nil @scenario_reopt_default_assumptions_hash = nil @feature_reports_reopt_default_assumption_hashes = [] @feature_reports_reopt_default_output_files = [] @feature_reports_timeseries_default_output_files = [] if !scenario_report.nil? @scenario_report = scenario_report if !Dir.exist?(File.join(@scenario_report.directory_name, 'reopt')) Dir.mkdir(File.join(@scenario_report.directory_name, 'reopt')) @@logger.info("Created directory: #{File.join(@scenario_report.directory_name, 'reopt')}") end @scenario_reopt_default_output_file = File.join(@scenario_report.directory_name, "reopt/scenario_report_#{@scenario_report.id}_reopt_run.json") @scenario_timeseries_default_output_file = File.join(@scenario_report.directory_name, "scenario_report_#{@scenario_report.id}_timeseries.csv") @scenario_report.feature_reports.each do |fr| if !Dir.exist?(File.join(fr.directory_name, 'reopt')) Dir.mkdir(File.join(fr.directory_name, 'reopt')) @@logger.info("Created directory: #{File.join(fr.directory_name, 'reopt')}") end @feature_reports_reopt_default_output_files << File.join(fr.directory_name, "reopt/feature_report_#{fr.id}_reopt_run.json") @feature_reports_timeseries_default_output_files << File.join(fr.directory_name, "feature_report_#{fr.id}_timeseries.csv") end end if !scenario_reopt_assumptions_file.nil? @scenario_reopt_assumptions_file = scenario_reopt_assumptions_file File.open(scenario_reopt_assumptions_file, 'r') do |file| @scenario_reopt_default_assumptions_hash = JSON.parse(file.read, symbolize_names: true) end end if !reopt_feature_assumptions.empty? @reopt_feature_assumptions = reopt_feature_assumptions reopt_feature_assumptions.each do |file| @feature_reports_reopt_default_assumption_hashes << JSON.parse(File.open(file, 'r').read, symbolize_names: true) end end end attr_accessor :scenario_reopt_default_assumptions_hash, :scenario_reopt_default_output_file, :scenario_timeseries_default_output_file, :feature_reports_reopt_default_assumption_hashes, :feature_reports_reopt_default_output_files, :feature_reports_timeseries_default_output_files ## # Updates a FeatureReport based on an optional set of \REopt Lite optimization assumptions. ## # # [*parameters:*] # # * +feature_report+ - _URBANopt::Reporting::DefaultReports::FeatureReport_ - FeatureReport which will be used in creating and then updated by a \REopt Lite opimization response. # * +reopt_assumptions_hash+ - _Hash_ - Optional. A \REopt Lite formatted hash containing default parameters (i.e. utility rate, escalation rate) which will be updated by the FeatureReport (i.e. location, roof availability) # * +reopt_output_file+ - _String_ - Optional. Path to a file at which REpopt Lite responses will be saved. # * +timeseries_csv_path+ - _String_ - Optional. Path to a file at which the new timeseries CSV for the FeatureReport will be saved. # # [*return:*] _URBANopt::Reporting::DefaultReports::FeatureReport_ - Returns an updated FeatureReport ## def run_feature_report(feature_report:, reopt_assumptions_hash: nil, reopt_output_file: nil, timeseries_csv_path: nil, save_name: nil, run_resilience: true) api = URBANopt::REopt::REoptLiteAPI.new(@nrel_developer_key, @localhost) adapter = URBANopt::REopt::FeatureReportAdapter.new reopt_input = adapter.reopt_json_from_feature_report(feature_report, reopt_assumptions_hash) if reopt_output_file.nil? reopt_output_file = File.join(feature_report.directory_name, 'reopt') end reopt_output = api.reopt_request(reopt_input, reopt_output_file) @@logger.debug("REOpt output file: #{reopt_output_file}") if run_resilience run_uuid = reopt_output['outputs']['Scenario']['run_uuid'] if File.directory? reopt_output_file resilience_stats = api.resilience_request(run_uuid, reopt_output_file) else resilience_stats = api.resilience_request(run_uuid, reopt_output_file.sub('.json', '_resilience.json')) end else resilience_stats = nil end result = adapter.update_feature_report(feature_report, reopt_output, timeseries_csv_path, resilience_stats) if !save_name.nil? result.save save_name end return result end ## # Updates a ScenarioReport based on an optional set of \REopt Lite optimization assumptions. ## # # [*parameters:*] # # * +feature_report+ - _URBANopt::Reporting::DefaultReports::ScenarioReport_ - ScenarioReport which will be used in creating and then updated by a \REopt Lite opimization response. # * +reopt_assumptions_hash+ - _Hash_ - Optional. A \REopt Lite formatted hash containing default parameters (i.e. utility rate, escalation rate) which will be updated by the ScenarioReport (i.e. location, roof availability) # * +reopt_output_file+ - _String_ - Optional. Path to a file at which REpopt Lite responses will be saved. # * +timeseries_csv_path+ - _String_ - Optional. Path to a file at which the new timeseries CSV for the ScenarioReport will be saved. # # [*return:*] _URBANopt::Scenario::DefaultReports::ScenarioReport_ Returns an updated ScenarioReport def run_scenario_report(scenario_report:, reopt_assumptions_hash: nil, reopt_output_file: nil, timeseries_csv_path: nil, save_name: nil, run_resilience: true, community_photovoltaic: nil) puts 'run scenario report' @save_assumptions_filepath = false if !reopt_assumptions_hash.nil? @scenario_reopt_default_assumptions_hash = reopt_assumptions_hash else @save_assumptions_filepath = true end if !reopt_output_file.nil? @scenario_reopt_default_output_file = reopt_output_file end if !timeseries_csv_path.nil? @scenario_timeseries_default_output_file = timeseries_csv_path end api = URBANopt::REopt::REoptLiteAPI.new(@nrel_developer_key, @localhost) adapter = URBANopt::REopt::ScenarioReportAdapter.new reopt_input = adapter.reopt_json_from_scenario_report(scenario_report, @scenario_reopt_default_assumptions_hash, community_photovoltaic) reopt_output = api.reopt_request(reopt_input, @scenario_reopt_default_output_file) if run_resilience run_uuid = reopt_output['outputs']['Scenario']['run_uuid'] if File.directory? @scenario_reopt_default_output_file resilience_stats = api.resilience_request(run_uuid, @scenario_reopt_default_output_file) else resilience_stats = api.resilience_request(run_uuid, @scenario_reopt_default_output_file.sub('.json', '_resilience.json')) end else resilience_stats = nil end result = adapter.update_scenario_report(scenario_report, reopt_output, @scenario_timeseries_default_output_file, resilience_stats) # can you save the assumptions file path that was used? if @save_assumptions_filepath && @scenario_reopt_assumptions_file result.distributed_generation.reopt_assumptions_file_path = @scenario_reopt_assumptions_file end if !save_name.nil? # don't save individual feature reports when doing the scenario optimization! result.save(save_name, false) end return result end # Updates a set of FeatureReports based on an optional set of \REopt Lite optimization assumptions. ## # # [*parameters:*] # # * +feature_reports+ - _Array_ - An array of _URBANopt::Reporting::DefaultReports::FeatureReport_ objetcs which will each be used to create (and are subsquently updated by) a \REopt Lite opimization response. # * +reopt_assumptions_hashes+ - _Array_ - Optional. An array of \REopt Lite formatted hashes containing default parameters (i.e. utility rate, escalation rate) which will be updated by the ScenarioReport (i.e. location, roof availability). The number and order of the hashes should match the feature_reports array. # * +reopt_output_files+ - _Array_ - Optional. A array of paths to files at which REpopt Lite responses will be saved. The number and order of the paths should match the feature_reports array. # * +timeseries_csv_path+ - _Array_ - Optional. A array of paths to files at which the new timeseries CSV for the FeatureReports will be saved. The number and order of the paths should match the feature_reports array. # # [*return:*] _Array_ Returns an array of updated _URBANopt::Scenario::DefaultReports::FeatureReport_ objects def run_feature_reports(feature_reports:, reopt_assumptions_hashes: [], reopt_output_files: [], timeseries_csv_paths: [], save_names: nil, run_resilience: true, keep_existing_output: false, groundmount_photovoltaic: nil) if !reopt_assumptions_hashes.empty? @feature_reports_reopt_default_assumption_hashes = reopt_assumptions_hashes end if !reopt_output_files.empty? @feature_reports_reopt_default_output_files = reopt_output_files end if !timeseries_csv_paths.empty? @feature_reports_timeseries_default_output_files = timeseries_csv_paths end if @feature_reports_reopt_default_output_files.empty? feature_reports.each do |fr| @feature_reports_reopt_default_output_files << File.join(fr.directory_name, "reopt/feature_report_#{fr.id}_reopt_run.json") end end if @feature_reports_timeseries_default_output_files.empty? feature_reports.each do |fr| @feature_reports_timeseries_default_output_files << File.join(fr.directory_name, "feature_report_#{fr.id}_timeseries.csv") end end api = URBANopt::REopt::REoptLiteAPI.new(@nrel_developer_key, @localhost) feature_adapter = URBANopt::REopt::FeatureReportAdapter.new new_feature_reports = [] feature_reports.each_with_index do |feature_report, idx| # check if we should rerun if !(keep_existing_output && output_exists(@feature_reports_reopt_default_output_files[idx])) begin reopt_input = feature_adapter.reopt_json_from_feature_report(feature_report, @feature_reports_reopt_default_assumption_hashes[idx], groundmount_photovoltaic) reopt_output = api.reopt_request(reopt_input, @feature_reports_reopt_default_output_files[idx]) if run_resilience run_uuid = reopt_output['outputs']['Scenario']['run_uuid'] if File.directory? @feature_reports_reopt_default_output_files[idx] resilience_stats = api.resilience_request(run_uuid, @feature_reports_reopt_default_output_files[idx]) else resilience_stats = api.resilience_request(run_uuid, @feature_reports_reopt_default_output_files[idx].sub('.json', '_resilience.json')) end else resilience_stats = nil end new_feature_report = feature_adapter.update_feature_report(feature_report, reopt_output, @feature_reports_timeseries_default_output_files[idx], resilience_stats) new_feature_reports.push(new_feature_report) if !save_names.nil? if save_names.length == feature_reports.length new_feature_report.save save_names[idx] else warn 'Could not save feature reports - the number of save names provided did not match the number of feature reports' end end rescue StandardError => e @@logger.info("Could not optimize Feature Report #{feature_report.name} #{feature_report.id}") @@logger.error("ERROR: #{e}") end else @@logger.info('Output file already exists...skipping') end end return new_feature_reports end # Checks whether a feature has already been run by determining if output files already exists (for rate limit issues and larger projects) ## # # [*parameters:*] # # * +output_file+ - _Array_ - Optional. An array of paths to files at which REpopt Lite responses will be saved. The number and order of the paths should match the array in ScenarioReport.feature_reports. # [*return:*] _Boolean_ - Returns true if file or nonempty directory exist def output_exists(output_file) res = false if File.directory?(output_file) && !File.empty?(output_file) res = true elsif File.exist? output_file res = true end return res end # Updates a ScenarioReport based on an optional set of \REopt Lite optimization assumptions. ## # # [*parameters:*] # # * +scenario_report+ - _Array_ - A _URBANopt::Reporting::DefaultReports::ScenarioReport_ which will each be used to create (and is subsquently updated by) \REopt Lite opimization responses for each of its FeatureReports. # * +reopt_assumptions_hashes+ - _Array_ - Optional. An array of \REopt Lite formatted hashes containing default parameters (i.e. utility rate, escalation rate) which will be updated by the ScenarioReport (i.e. location, roof availability). The number and order of the hashes should match the array in ScenarioReport.feature_reports. # * +reopt_output_files+ - _Array_ - Optional. An array of paths to files at which REpopt Lite responses will be saved. The number and order of the paths should match the array in ScenarioReport.feature_reports. # * +feature_report_timeseries_csv_paths+ - _Array_ - Optional. An array of paths to files at which the new timeseries CSV for the FeatureReports will be saved. The number and order of the paths should match the array in ScenarioReport.feature_reports. # # [*return:*] _URBANopt::Scenario::DefaultReports::ScenarioReport_ - Returns an updated ScenarioReport def run_scenario_report_features(scenario_report:, reopt_assumptions_hashes: [], reopt_output_files: [], feature_report_timeseries_csv_paths: [], save_names_feature_reports: nil, save_name_scenario_report: nil, run_resilience: true, keep_existing_output: false, groundmount_photovoltaic: nil) new_feature_reports = run_feature_reports(feature_reports: scenario_report.feature_reports, reopt_assumptions_hashes: reopt_assumptions_hashes, reopt_output_files: reopt_output_files, timeseries_csv_paths: feature_report_timeseries_csv_paths, save_names: save_names_feature_reports, run_resilience: run_resilience, keep_existing_output: keep_existing_output, groundmount_photovoltaic: groundmount_photovoltaic) # only do this if you have run feature reports new_scenario_report = URBANopt::Reporting::DefaultReports::ScenarioReport.new if !new_feature_reports.empty? new_scenario_report.id = scenario_report.id new_scenario_report.name = scenario_report.name new_scenario_report.directory_name = scenario_report.directory_name timeseries_hash = { column_names: scenario_report.timeseries_csv.column_names } new_scenario_report.timeseries_csv = URBANopt::Reporting::DefaultReports::TimeseriesCSV.new(timeseries_hash) new_feature_reports.each do |feature_report| new_scenario_report.add_feature_report(feature_report) end if !save_name_scenario_report.nil? new_scenario_report.save save_name_scenario_report end end return new_scenario_report end end end end