require 'spec_helper' describe MultidispatchDSL do subject { } specify { subject.hello.should == "Version without args" } specify { subject.hello(1).should == "Fixnum version with number 1" } specify { subject.hello(:foo).should == "Symbol version with :foo & :internal_method" } specify { subject.hello(1, "string").should == "Fixnum String version with 1 & string" } specify { subject.hello("string", 1).should == "String Fixnum version with string & 1" } specify { expect { subject.fooo }.to raise_error(NameError) } specify { expect { subject.hello(:not, :defined).to raise_error(MultidispatchDSL::MissingDeclarationError) } } it 'allow yield in methods' do subject.hello('One', 'Two') do |str_one, str_two| "#{str_one} #{ str_two } #{ internal_method }" end.should == "ONE two internal_method" end end