require 'fastlane_core/command_executor' require_relative '../module' require_relative './interface' module Match module Storage # Store the code signing identities in a git repo class GitStorage < Interface # User provided values attr_accessor :git_url attr_accessor :shallow_clone attr_accessor :skip_docs attr_accessor :branch attr_accessor :git_full_name attr_accessor :git_user_email attr_accessor :clone_branch_directly attr_accessor :type attr_accessor :platform attr_accessor :git_basic_authorization def self.configure(params) return type: params[:type].to_s, platform: params[:platform].to_s, git_url: params[:git_url], shallow_clone: params[:shallow_clone], skip_docs: params[:skip_docs], branch: params[:git_branch], git_full_name: params[:git_full_name], git_user_email: params[:git_user_email], clone_branch_directly: params[:clone_branch_directly], git_basic_authorization: params[:git_basic_authorization] ) end def initialize(type: nil, platform: nil, git_url: nil, shallow_clone: nil, skip_docs: false, branch: "master", git_full_name: nil, git_user_email: nil, clone_branch_directly: false, git_basic_authorization: nil) self.git_url = git_url self.shallow_clone = shallow_clone self.skip_docs = skip_docs self.branch = branch self.git_full_name = git_full_name self.git_user_email = git_user_email self.clone_branch_directly = clone_branch_directly self.git_basic_authorization = git_basic_authorization self.type = type if type self.platform = platform if platform end def prefixed_working_directory return working_directory end def download # Check if we already have a functional working_directory return if @working_directory # No existing working directory, creating a new one now self.working_directory = Dir.mktmpdir command = "git clone #{self.git_url.shellescape} #{self.working_directory.shellescape}" command << " -c http.extraheader='AUTHORIZATION: basic #{self.git_basic_authorization}'" unless self.git_basic_authorization.nil? if self.shallow_clone command << " --depth 1 --no-single-branch" elsif self.clone_branch_directly command += " -b #{self.branch.shellescape} --single-branch" end UI.message("Cloning remote git repo...") if self.branch && !self.clone_branch_directly UI.message("If cloning the repo takes too long, you can use the `clone_branch_directly` option in match.") end begin # GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT will fail the `git clone` command if user credentials are missing Helper.with_env_values('GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT' => '0') do FastlaneCore::CommandExecutor.execute(command: command, print_all: FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose?, print_command: FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose?) end rescue UI.error("Error cloning certificates repo, please make sure you have read access to the repository you want to use") if self.branch && self.clone_branch_directly UI.error("You passed '#{self.branch}' as branch in combination with the `clone_branch_directly` flag. Please remove `clone_branch_directly` flag on the first run for _match_ to create the branch.") end UI.error("Run the following command manually to make sure you're properly authenticated:") UI.command(command) UI.user_error!("Error cloning certificates git repo, please make sure you have access to the repository - see instructions above") end add_user_config(self.git_full_name, self.git_user_email) unless UI.user_error!("Error cloning repo, make sure you have access to it '#{self.git_url}'") end checkout_branch unless self.branch == "master" end def human_readable_description "Git Repo [#{self.git_url}]" end def delete_files(files_to_delete: [], custom_message: nil) # No specific list given, e.g. this happens on `fastlane match nuke` # We just want to run `git add -A` to commit everything git_push(commands: ["git add -A"], commit_message: custom_message) end def upload_files(files_to_upload: [], custom_message: nil) commands = do |current_file| "git add #{current_file.shellescape}" end git_push(commands: commands, commit_message: custom_message) end # Generate the commit message based on the user's parameters def generate_commit_message [ "[fastlane]", "Updated", self.type, "and platform", self.platform ].join(" ") end def generate_matchfile_content UI.important("Please create a new, private git repository to store the certificates and profiles there") url = UI.input("URL of the Git Repo: ") return "git_url(\"#{url}\")" end private # Create and checkout an specific branch in the git repo def checkout_branch return unless self.working_directory commands = [] if branch_exists?(self.branch) # Checkout the branch if it already exists commands << "git checkout #{self.branch.shellescape}" else # If a new branch is being created, we create it as an 'orphan' to not inherit changes from the master branch. commands << "git checkout --orphan #{self.branch.shellescape}" # We also need to reset the working directory to not transfer any uncommitted changes to the new branch. commands << "git reset --hard" end UI.message("Checking out branch #{self.branch}...") Dir.chdir(self.working_directory) do commands.each do |command| FastlaneCore::CommandExecutor.execute(command: command, print_all: FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose?, print_command: FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose?) end end end # Checks if a specific branch exists in the git repo def branch_exists?(branch) return unless self.working_directory result = Dir.chdir(self.working_directory) do FastlaneCore::CommandExecutor.execute(command: "git --no-pager branch --list origin/#{branch.shellescape} --no-color -r", print_all: FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose?, print_command: FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose?) end return !result.empty? end def add_user_config(user_name, user_email) # Add git config if needed commands = [] commands << "git config \"#{user_name}\"" unless user_name.nil? commands << "git config \"#{user_email}\"" unless user_email.nil? return if commands.empty? UI.message("Add git user config to local git repo...") Dir.chdir(self.working_directory) do commands.each do |command| FastlaneCore::CommandExecutor.execute(command: command, print_all: FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose?, print_command: FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose?) end end end def git_push(commands: [], commit_message: nil) commit_message ||= generate_commit_message commands << "git commit -m #{commit_message.shellescape}" commands << "git push origin #{self.branch.shellescape}" UI.message("Pushing changes to remote git repo...") Helper.with_env_values('GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT' => '0') do commands.each do |command| FastlaneCore::CommandExecutor.execute(command: command, print_all: FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose?, print_command: FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose?) end end rescue => ex UI.error("Couldn't commit or push changes back to git...") UI.error(ex) end end end end