require "add_to_calendar_links/version" # erb util needed for url_encode method # CGI::escape uses + instead of %20 which doesn't work for ical files require "erb" include ERB::Util require 'tzinfo' require 'date' require 'uri' module AddToCalendarLinks class Error < StandardError; end class URLs attr_accessor :start_datetime, :end_datetime, :title, :timezone, :location, :url, :description, :add_url_to_description, :organizer, :strip_html, :sequence, :last_modified, :uid def initialize(start_datetime:, end_datetime: nil, title:, timezone:, location: nil, url: nil, description: nil, add_url_to_description: true, organizer: nil, strip_html: false, sequence: nil, last_modified:, uid:) @start_datetime = start_datetime @end_datetime = end_datetime @title = title @timezone = TZInfo::Timezone.get(timezone) @location = location @url = url @description = description @add_url_to_description = add_url_to_description @organizer = URI.parse(organizer) if organizer @strip_html = strip_html @sequence = sequence @uid = uid @last_modified = last_modified validate_attributes end def google_url # Eg.!&dates=20200615T180000/20200615T190000&ctz=Europe/London&details=Join%20us%20to%20celebrate%20with%20lots%20of%20games%20and%20cake!&location=Apartments,%20London&sprop=&sprop=name: calendar_url = "" params = {} params[:text] = url_encode(title) if end_datetime params[:dates] = "#{format_date_google(start_datetime)}/#{format_date_google(end_datetime)}" else params[:dates] = "#{format_date_google(start_datetime)}/#{format_date_google(start_datetime + 60*60)}" # end time is 1 hour later end params[:ctz] = timezone.identifier params[:location] = url_encode(location) if location params[:details] = url_encode(description) if description if add_url_to_description && url if params[:details] params[:details] << url_encode("\n\n#{url}") else params[:details] = url_encode(url) end end params.each do |key, value| calendar_url << "&#{key}=#{value}" end return calendar_url end def yahoo_url # Eg.!&st=20200615T170000Z&dur=0100&desc=Join%20us%20to%20celebrate%20with%20lots%20of%20games%20and%20cake!&in_loc=7%20Apartments,%20London calendar_url = "" params = {} params[:TITLE] = url_encode(title) params[:ST] = utc_datetime(start_datetime) if end_datetime # params[:ET] = utc_datetime(end_datetime) seconds = duration_seconds(start_datetime, end_datetime) params[:DUR] = seconds_to_hours_minutes(seconds) else # params[:ET] = utc_datetime(start_datetime + 60*60) params[:DUR] = "0100" end params[:DESC] = url_encode(strip_html_tags(description)).truncate(3000) if description if add_url_to_description && url if params[:DESC] params[:DESC] << url_encode("\n\n#{url}") else params[:DESC] = url_encode(url) end end params[:IN_LOC] = url_encode(location) if location params.each do |key, value| calendar_url << "&#{key}=#{value}" end return calendar_url end def office365_url # Eg. microsoft("office365") end def outlook_com_url # Eg. microsoft("") end def ical_file calendar_url = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nVERSION:2.0\nMETHOD:REQUEST\nBEGIN:VEVENT" params = {} params[:DTSTART] = utc_datetime(start_datetime) if end_datetime params[:DTEND] = utc_datetime(end_datetime) else params[:DTEND] = utc_datetime(start_datetime + 60*60) # 1 hour later end params[:SUMMARY] = strip_html_tags(title) #ical doesnt support html so remove all markup. Optional for other formats params[:URL] = url if url params[:DESCRIPTION] = strip_html_tags(description).strip if description if add_url_to_description && url if params[:DESCRIPTION] params[:DESCRIPTION] << "\\n\\n#{url}" else params[:DESCRIPTION] = url end end params[:LOCATION] = strip_html_tags(location) if location if uid params[:UID] = uid else params[:UID] = "-#{urlc}" if url params[:UID] = "-#{utc_datetime(start_datetime)}-#{title}" unless params[:UID] # set uid based on starttime and title only if url is unavailable end params[:ORGANIZER] = organizer if organizer params[:SEQUENCE] = sequence if sequence params["LAST-MODIFIED"] = format_date_google(last_modified) if last_modified params[:METHOD] = "REQUEST" params.each do |key, value| calendar_url << "\n#{key}:#{value}" end calendar_url << "\nEND:VEVENT\nEND:VCALENDAR" return calendar_url end def ical_url # Downloads a *.ics file provided as a data-uri # Eg. "data:text/calendar;charset=utf8,\\n\\" calendar_url = "data:text/calendar;charset=utf8,BEGIN:VCALENDAR%0AVERSION:2.0%0AMETHOD:REQUEST%0ABEGIN:VEVENT" params = {} params[:DTSTART] = utc_datetime(start_datetime) if end_datetime params[:DTEND] = utc_datetime(end_datetime) else params[:DTEND] = utc_datetime(start_datetime + 60*60) # 1 hour later end params[:SUMMARY] = url_encode_ical(title, strip_html: true) #ical doesnt support html so remove all markup. Optional for other formats params[:URL] = url_encode(url) if url params[:DESCRIPTION] = url_encode_ical(strip_html_tags(description, line_break_seperator: "\n")) if description if add_url_to_description && url if params[:DESCRIPTION] params[:DESCRIPTION] << "\\n\\n#{url_encode(url)}" else params[:DESCRIPTION] = url_encode(url) end end params[:LOCATION] = url_encode_ical(location) if location if uid params[:UID] = uid else params[:UID] = "-#{url_encode(url)}" if url params[:UID] = "-#{utc_datetime(start_datetime)}-#{url_encode_ical(title)}" unless params[:UID] # set uid based on starttime and title only if url is unavailable end params[:ORGANIZER] = organizer if organizer params[:SEQUENCE] = sequence if sequence params["LAST-MODIFIED"] = format_date_google(last_modified) if last_modified new_line = "%0A" params.each do |key, value| calendar_url << "#{new_line}#{key}:#{value}" end calendar_url << "%0AEND:VEVENT%0AEND:VCALENDAR" return calendar_url end def apple_url ical_url end def outlook_url ical_url end def android_url ical_url end private def validate_attributes # msg = "- Object must be a DateTime or Time object." msg = "- Object must be a Time object." raise(ArgumentError, ":start_datetime #{msg} #{start_datetime.class} given") unless start_datetime.kind_of? Time if end_datetime raise(ArgumentError, ":end_datetime #{msg} #{end_datetime.class} given") unless end_datetime.kind_of? Time raise(ArgumentError, ":end_datetime must be greater than :start_datetime") unless end_datetime > start_datetime end raise(ArgumentError, ":title must be a string") unless self.title.kind_of? String raise(ArgumentError, ":title must not be blank") if self.title.strip.empty? # strip first, otherwise " ".empty? #=> false if location raise(ArgumentError, ":location must be a string") unless self.location.kind_of? String end if description raise(ArgumentError, ":description must be a string") unless self.description.kind_of? String end if organizer raise(ArgumentError, ":organizer must be a string") unless self.organizer.kind_of? String end end def microsoft(service) # Eg. calendar_url = case service when "" "" when "office365" "" else raise MicrosoftServiceError, ":service must be '' or 'office365'. '#{service}' given" end params = {} params[:subject] = url_encode(title.gsub(' & ', ' and ')) params[:startdt] = utc_datetime_microsoft(start_datetime) if end_datetime params[:enddt] = utc_datetime_microsoft(end_datetime) else params[:enddt] = utc_datetime_microsoft(start_datetime + 60*60) # 1 hour later end params[:body] = url_encode(newlines_to_html_br(description)) if description if add_url_to_description && url if params[:body] params[:body] << url_encode(newlines_to_html_br("\n\n#{url}")) else params[:body] = url_encode(url) end end params[:location] = url_encode(location) if location params.each do |key, value| calendar_url << "&#{key}=#{value}" end return calendar_url end def utc_datetime(datetime) t = timezone.local_to_utc( datetime.strftime("%Y").to_i, datetime.strftime("%m").to_i, datetime.strftime("%d").to_i, datetime.strftime("%H").to_i, datetime.strftime("%M").to_i, datetime.strftime("%S").to_i ) ) return t.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ') end def utc_datetime_microsoft(datetime) t = timezone.local_to_utc( datetime.strftime("%Y").to_i, datetime.strftime("%m").to_i, datetime.strftime("%d").to_i, datetime.strftime("%H").to_i, datetime.strftime("%M").to_i, datetime.strftime("%S").to_i ) ) return t.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') end def format_date_google(start_datetime) start_datetime.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') end def duration_seconds(start_time, end_time) (start_time.to_i - end_time.to_i).abs end def seconds_to_hours_minutes(sec) "%02d%02d" % [sec / 3600, sec / 60 % 60] end def newlines_to_html_br(string) string.gsub(/(?:\n\r?|\r\n?)/, '
') end def url_encode_ical(s, strip_html: @strip_html) # per string = s.dup # don't modify original input if strip_html string = strip_html_tags(string) end string.gsub!("\\", "\\\\\\") # \ >> \\ --yes, really: string.gsub!("\r\n", "\n") # so can handle all newlines the same string.split("\n").map { |e| if e.empty? e else url_encode(e) end }.compact.join("\\n").gsub(/(\\n){2,}/, "\\n\\n").strip end def strip_html_tags(description, line_break_seperator: "\\n") string = description.dup string.gsub!("
", line_break_seperator) string.gsub!("

", line_break_seperator) string.gsub!("

", line_break_seperator) string.gsub!("&", "and") string.gsub!(" ", " ") string.gsub!(/<\/?[^>]*>/, "") string.gsub!(/(\\n){2,}/, "\\n\\n") string.strip end end end