require 'thor' require 'rest_client' require 'socialcast-git-extensions' require 'socialcast' require 'socialcast/command_line/message' require 'highline/import' require 'active_support/core_ext' module Socialcast module Gitx class CLI < Thor include Socialcast::Gitx include Socialcast::Gitx::Git include Socialcast::Gitx::Github PULL_REQUEST_DESCRIPTION = "\n\n" + <<-EOS.dedent # Use GitHub flavored Markdown # Links to screencasts or screenshots with a desciption of what this is showcasing. For architectual changes please include diagrams that will make it easier for the reviewer to understand the change. Format is . # Link to ticket describing feature/bug (plantain, JIRA, bugzilla). Format is [title](url). # Brief description of the change, and how it accomplishes the task they set out to do. EOS method_option :quiet, :type => :boolean, :aliases => '-q' method_option :trace, :type => :boolean, :aliases => '-v' def initialize(*args) super(*args) RestClient.proxy = ENV['HTTPS_PROXY'] if ENV.has_key?('HTTPS_PROXY') RestClient.log = if options[:trace] end desc "createpr", "Create a pull request on github" method_option :description, :type => :string, :aliases => '-d', :desc => 'pull request description' # @see def createpr update unless @skip_update description = options[:description] || editor_input(PULL_REQUEST_DESCRIPTION) branch = current_branch repo = current_repo url = create_pull_request(branch, repo, description)['html_url'] say "Pull request created: #{url}" end desc "assignpr", "Assign the pull request on github for review" method_option :additional_reviewers, :type => :string, :aliases => '-a', :desc => 'add additional reviewers to mention automatically, and skips the prompt' method_option :skip_additional_reviewers, :type => :string, :aliases => '-s', :desc => 'Skips adding additional reviewers' # @see def assignpr(*additional_reviewers) update unless @skip_update primary_mention = if buddy = socialcast_review_buddy(current_user) "assigned to @#{buddy}" end secondary_mention = nil if !specialty_reviewers.empty? && !options.key?('skip_additional_reviewers') additional_reviewers = options[:additional_reviewers] || additional_reviewers if additional_reviewers.empty? prompt_text = "#{ { |_,v| v['command'] }.join(", ")} or (or hit enter to continue): " additional_reviewers = $terminal.ask("Notify additional people? #{prompt_text} ") end additional_reviewers = additional_reviewers.is_a?(String) ? additional_reviewers.split(" ") : additional_reviewers (specialty_reviewers.keys & additional_reviewers).each do |command| reviewer = specialty_reviewers[command] secondary_mention ||= '' secondary_mention += "\nAssigned additionally to @#{reviewer['socialcast_username']} for #{reviewer['label']} review" end end branch = current_branch repo = current_repo current_pr = current_pr_for_branch(repo, branch) issue_url = current_pr['issue_url'] url = current_pr['html_url'] assignee = github_review_buddy(current_user) assign_pull_request(assignee, issue_url) if assignee if use_pr_comments? issue_message = ['#reviewrequest', primary_mention, secondary_mention, "\n/cc @#{developer_group} #scgitx"].compact.join(' ') comment_on_issue(issue_url, issue_message) else review_message = ["#reviewrequest for #{branch} in #{current_repo}", "PR #{url} #{primary_mention}", '', current_pr['body'], '', secondary_mention, "/cc @#{developer_group} #scgitx", '', changelog_summary(branch)].compact.join("\n").gsub(/\n{2,}/, "\n\n") post review_message, :message_type => 'review_request' end end desc "reviewrequest", "Create and assign a pull request on github" method_option :description, :type => :string, :aliases => '-d', :desc => 'pull request description' method_option :additional_reviewers, :type => :string, :aliases => '-a', :desc => 'add additional reviewers to mention automatically, and skips the prompt' method_option :skip_additional_reviewers, :type => :string, :aliases => '-s', :desc => 'Skips adding additional reviewers' # @see def reviewrequest(*additional_reviewers) update @skip_update = true createpr assignpr(*additional_reviewers) end desc "findpr", "Find pull requests including a given commit" def findpr(commit_hash) repo = current_repo data = pull_requests_for_commit(repo, commit_hash) if data['items'] data['items'].each do |entry| say "\n" << [entry['html_url'], entry['title'], "#{entry['user'] && entry['user']['login']} #{entry['created_at']}"].join("\n\t") end else say "No results found", :yellow end end desc "backportpr", "Backport a pull request" def backportpr(pull_request_num, maintenance_branch) original_base_branch = ENV['BASE_BRANCH'] ENV['BASE_BRANCH'] = maintenance_branch repo = current_repo assignee = github_track_reviewer('Backport') socialcast_reviewer = socialcast_track_reviewer('Backport') pull_request_data = github_api_request('GET', "repos/#{repo}/pulls/#{pull_request_num}") commits_data = github_api_request('GET', pull_request_data['commits_url']) non_merge_commits_data = { |commit_data| commit_data['parents'].length == 1 } shas = { |commit| commit['sha'] } backport_branch = "backport_#{pull_request_num}_to_#{maintenance_branch}" backport_to(backport_branch, shas) maintenance_branch_url = "{repo}/tree/#{maintenance_branch}" description = "Backport ##{pull_request_num} to #{maintenance_branch_url}\n***\n#{pull_request_data['body']}" pr_hash = create_pull_request(backport_branch, repo, description) assign_pull_request(assignee, pr_hash['issue_url']) if assignee reviewer_mention = "@#{socialcast_reviewer}" if socialcast_reviewer if use_pr_comments? issue_message = ['#reviewrequest backport', reviewer_mention, "/cc @#{developer_group} #scgitx"].compact.join(' ') comment_on_issue(pr_hash['issue_url'], issue_message) else review_message = ["#reviewrequest backport ##{pull_request_num} to #{maintenance_branch} in #{current_repo} #scgitx"] if socialcast_reviewer review_message << "/cc #{reviewer_mention} for #backport track" end review_message << "/cc @#{developer_group}" post review_message.join("\n\n"), :url => pr_hash['html_url'], :message_type => 'review_request' end ensure ENV['BASE_BRANCH'] = original_base_branch end # TODO: use --no-edit to skip merge messages # TODO: use pull --rebase to skip merge commit desc 'update', 'Update the current branch with latest changes from the remote feature branch and master' def update branch = current_branch say 'updating ' say "#{branch} ", :green say "to have most recent changes from " say base_branch, :green run_cmd "git pull origin #{branch}" rescue nil run_cmd "git pull origin #{base_branch}" run_cmd 'git push origin HEAD' end desc 'cleanup', 'Cleanup branches that have been merged into master from the repo' def cleanup run_cmd "git checkout #{base_branch}" run_cmd "git pull" run_cmd 'git remote prune origin' say "Deleting branches that have been merged into " say base_branch, :green branches(:merged => true, :remote => true).each do |branch| run_cmd "git push origin --delete #{branch}" unless reserved_branch?(branch) end branches(:merged => true).each do |branch| run_cmd "git branch -d #{branch}" unless reserved_branch?(branch) end end desc 'track', 'set the current branch to track the remote branch with the same name' def track track_branch current_branch end desc 'start', 'start a new git branch with latest changes from master' def start(branch_name = nil) unless branch_name example_branch = %w{ cpr-3922-api-fix-invalid-auth red-212-desktop-cleanup-avatar-markup red-3212-share-form-add-edit-link }.sample repo = remote_branches = repo.remotes.collect {|b|'/').last } ## Explicitly use Highline.ask branch_name = $terminal.ask("What would you like to name your branch? (ex: #{example_branch})") do |q| q.validate = lambda { |branch| branch =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+$/ && !remote_branches.include?(branch) } q.responses[:not_valid] = "This branch name is either already taken, or is not a valid branch name" end end run_cmd "git checkout #{base_branch}" run_cmd 'git pull' run_cmd "git checkout -b #{branch_name}" message = <<-EOS.strip_heredoc #worklog starting work on #{branch_name} in #{current_repo} #scgitx /cc @#{developer_group} EOS post message.strip end desc 'share', 'Share the current branch in the remote repository' def share share_branch current_branch end desc 'integrate', 'integrate the current branch into one of the aggregate development branches' def integrate(target_branch = prototype_branch) branch = current_branch update integrate_branch(branch, target_branch) integrate_branch(target_branch, prototype_branch) if target_branch == staging_branch run_cmd "git checkout #{branch}" current_pr = begin current_pr_for_branch(current_repo, current_branch) rescue => e say e.message.to_s nil end say("WARNING: Unable to find current pull request. Use `git createpr` to create one.", :red) unless current_pr if use_pr_comments? && current_pr issue_message = "Integrated into #{target_branch}" comment_on_issue(current_pr['issue_url'], issue_message) unless options[:quiet] else message = <<-EOS.strip_heredoc #worklog integrating #{branch} into #{target_branch} in #{current_repo} #scgitx /cc @#{developer_group} EOS post message.strip end end desc 'promote', 'integrate the current branch into staging' def promote integrate staging_branch end desc 'nuke', 'nuke the specified aggregate branch and reset it to a known good state' method_option :destination, :type => :string, :aliases => '-d', :desc => 'destination branch to reset to' def nuke(bad_branch) default_good_branch = "last_known_good_#{bad_branch}" good_branch = options[:destination] || ask("What branch do you want to reset #{bad_branch} to? (default: #{default_good_branch})") good_branch = default_good_branch if good_branch.length == 0 good_branch = "last_known_good_#{good_branch}" unless good_branch.starts_with?('last_known_good_') removed_branches = nuke_branch(bad_branch, good_branch) nuke_branch("last_known_good_#{bad_branch}", good_branch) message = <<-EOS.strip_heredoc #worklog resetting #{bad_branch} branch to #{good_branch} in #{current_repo} #scgitx /cc @#{developer_group} EOS if removed_branches.any? message += <<-EOS.strip_heredoc The following branches were affected: EOS message +={ |b| ['*', b].join(' ') }.join("\n") end post message.strip end desc 'branchdiff', 'show branches merged into one remote branch but not merged into another (default = master)' def branchdiff(branch = nil, other_branch = 'master') branch ||= ask "What remote branch would you like to compare against '#{other_branch}' (ex: staging)?" run_cmd "git fetch origin" results = branch_difference(branch, other_branch) if results.any? say "\nBranches in origin/#{branch} and not in origin/#{other_branch}:\n\n#{results.join("\n")}\n\n" else say "\nNo branches found in origin/#{branch} that are not also in origin/#{other_branch}\n\n" end end desc 'release', 'release the current branch to production' def release branch = current_branch assert_not_protected_branch!(branch, 'release') if enforce_staging_before_release? assert_in_last_known_good_staging(branch) end return unless yes?("Release #{branch} to production? (y/n)", :green) update run_cmd "git checkout #{base_branch}" run_cmd "git pull origin #{base_branch}" run_cmd "git pull . #{branch}" run_cmd "git push origin HEAD" integrate_branch(base_branch, staging_branch) integrate_branch(base_branch, prototype_branch) cleanup unless use_pr_comments? message = <<-EOS.strip_heredoc #worklog releasing #{branch} to #{base_branch} in #{current_repo} #scgitx /cc @#{developer_group} EOS post message.strip end end private def developer_group config['developer_group'] || 'SocialcastDevelopers' end def enforce_staging_before_release? !!config['enforce_staging_before_release'] end def use_pr_comments? config['share_via_pr_comments'] == true end # post a message in socialcast # skip sharing message if CLI quiet option is present def post(message, params = {}) return if options[:quiet] ActiveResource::Base.logger = if options[:trace] Socialcast::CommandLine::Message.configure_from_credentials response = Socialcast::CommandLine::Message.create params.merge(:body => message) say "Message has been posted: #{response.permalink_url}" end end end end