# encoding: UTF-8
module Axlsx
# The Shared String Table class is responsible for managing and serializing common strings in a workbook.
# While the ECMA-376 spec allows for both inline and shared strings it seems that at least some applications like iWorks Numbers
# and Google Docs require that the shared string table is populated in order to interoperate properly.
# As a developer, you should never need to directly work against this class. Simply set 'use_shared_strings'
# on the package or workbook to generate a package that uses the shared strings table instead of inline strings.
# @note Serialization performance is affected by using this serialization method so if you do not need interoperability
# it is recomended that you use the default inline string method of serialization.
class SharedStringsTable
# The total number of strings in the workbook including duplicates
# Empty cells are treated as blank strings
# @return [Integer]
attr_reader :count
# The total number of unique strings in the workbook.
# @return [Integer]
def unique_count
# An array of unique cells. Multiple attributes of the cell are used in comparison
# each of these unique cells is parsed into the shared string table.
# @see Cell#sharable
attr_reader :unique_cells
# Creates a new Shared Strings Table agains an array of cells
# @param [Array] cells This is an array of all of the cells in the workbook
def initialize(cells)
@index = 0
@unique_cells = {}
@shared_xml_string = ""
shareable_cells = cells.flatten.select{ |cell| cell.plain_string? }
@count = shareable_cells.size
# Serializes the object
# @param [String] str
# @return [String]
def to_xml_string
'' << @shared_xml_string << ''
# Interate over all of the cells in the array.
# if our unique cells array does not contain a sharable cell,
# add the cell to our unique cells array and set the ssti attribute on the index of this cell in the shared strings table
# if a sharable cell already exists in our unique_cells array, set the ssti attribute of the cell and move on.
# @return [Array] unique cells
def resolve(cells)
cells.each do |cell|
cell_hash = cell.value
if index = @unique_cells[cell_hash]
cell.send :ssti=, index
cell.send :ssti=, @index
@shared_xml_string << '' << cell.run_xml_string << ''
@unique_cells[cell_hash] = @index
@index += 1