/* spinner */ (function($) { var default_options = undefined; // old min_time functionality removed -- using an effect on the // removal ensures it stays on screen long enough to be visible. var methods = { /* without any options, $(foo).hjq_spinner() places a spinner to the left of foo until you remove it via $(foo).hjq_spinner('remove'); options: - spinner-next-to: DOM id of the element to place the spinner next to. - spinner-at: selector for the element to place the spinner next to. - no-spinner: if set, the spinner is not displayed. - spinner-options: passed to [jQuery-UI's position](http://jqueryui.com/demos/position/). Defaults are `{my: 'left center', at: 'right center', offset: '5 0'}` - message: the message to display inside the spinner If options.message is false-ish, default_message is displayed. */ init: function(options, default_message) { var original=$("#ajax-progress"); if (original.length==0) return this; options = $.extend({}, defaultOptions.call(this), options); if(options['no-spinner']) return this; var clone=original.clone(); this.data('hjq-spinner', clone); clone.data('source', this); clone.find("span").text(options.message || default_message || ""); var pos_options = $.extend({}, defaultOptions()['spinner-options'], options['spinner-options']); pos_options.of = this; if(options['spinner-at']) pos_options.of=$(options['spinner-at']); else if(options['spinner-next-to']) pos_options.of=$("#"+options['spinner-next-to']); clone.insertBefore(original).show().position(pos_options); return this; }, remove: function() { var clone = this.data('hjq-spinner'); var that=this; if(!clone) { $(".ajax-progress").each(function() { if($(this).data('source')[0]==that[0]) { clone=$(this); return false; } }); } if(!clone) return this; clone.remove(); return this; }, }; var defaultOptions = function() { if(default_options) return default_options; var page_options = this.hjq('pageData'); default_options = {}; default_options['spinner-next-to'] = page_options['spinner-next-to']; default_options['spinner-at'] = page_options['spinner-at']; default_options['no-spinner'] = page_options['no-spinner']; default_options['spinner-options'] = page_options['spinner-options'] || { my: "right bottom", at: "left top" }; default_options['message'] = page_options['message']; return default_options; }; $.fn.hjq_spinner = function( method ) { if ( methods[method] ) { return methods[method].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 )); } else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) { return methods.init.apply( this, arguments ); } else { $.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on hjq_spinner' ); } }; })( jQuery );