require "test_helper" class DocsContractOverviewTest < Minitest::Spec Song =, :title) #:overv-reform # app/concepts/comment/create.rb class Create < Trailblazer::Operation #~bla extend Contract::DSL contract do property :title #~contractonly property :length validates :title, presence: true validates :length, numericality: true #~contractonly end end #~contractonly #~bla end step Model( Song, :new ) step Contract::Build() step Contract::Validate() step Contract::Persist( method: :sync ) #~contractonly end end #:overv-reform end puts Create["pipetree"].inspect(style: :rows) =begin #:overv-reform-pipe 0 =======================>> 1 ==========================& 2 =======================> 3 ==============&validate.params.extract 4 ====================&contract.validate 5 =========================& #:overv-reform-pipe end =end it do assert Create["contract.default.class"] < Reform::Form end #- result it do #:result result = Create.({ length: "A" }) result["result.contract.default"].success? #=> false result["result.contract.default"].errors #=> Errors object result["result.contract.default"].errors.messages #=> {:length=>["is not a number"]} #:result end result["result.contract.default"].success?.must_equal false result["result.contract.default"].errors.messages.must_equal ({:title=>["can't be blank"], :length=>["is not a number"]}) end end class DocsContractNameTest < Minitest::Spec Song =, :title) #:contract-name # app/concepts/comment/update.rb class Update < Trailblazer::Operation #~contract extend Contract::DSL contract :params do property :id validates :id, presence: true end #~contract end #~pipe step Model( Song, :new ) step Contract::Build( name: "params" ) step Contract::Validate( name: "params" ) #~pipe end end #:contract-name end end class DocsContractReferenceTest < Minitest::Spec MyContract = #:contract-ref # app/concepts/comment/update.rb class Update < Trailblazer::Operation #~contract extend Contract::DSL contract :user, MyContract end #:contract-ref end end #--- # contract MyContract class DocsContractExplicitTest < Minitest::Spec Song =, :title) #:reform-inline class MyContract < Reform::Form property :title property :length validates :title, presence: true validates :length, numericality: true end #:reform-inline end #:reform-inline-op # app/concepts/comment/create.rb class Create < Trailblazer::Operation extend Contract::DSL contract MyContract step Model( Song, :new ) step Contract::Build() step Contract::Validate() step Contract::Persist( method: :sync ) end #:reform-inline-op end end #--- #- Validate[key: :song] class DocsContractKeyTest < Minitest::Spec Song =, :title) #:key class Create < Trailblazer::Operation extend Contract::DSL contract do property :title end step Model( Song, :new ) step Contract::Build() step Contract::Validate( key: "song" ) step Contract::Persist( method: :sync ) end #:key end it { Create.({}).inspect("model", "result.contract.default.extract").must_equal %{, nil] >} } it { Create.({"song" => { title: "SVG" }}).inspect("model").must_equal %{] >} } end #- Validate with manual key extraction class DocsContractSeparateKeyTest < Minitest::Spec Song =, :title) #:key-extr class Create < Trailblazer::Operation extend Contract::DSL contract do property :title end def type "evergreen" # this is how you could do polymorphic lookups. end step Model( Song, :new ) step Contract::Build() consider :extract_params! step Contract::Validate( skip_extract: true ) step Contract::Persist( method: :sync ) def extract_params!(options) options["contract.default.params"] = options["params"][type] end end #:key-extr end it { Create.({ }).inspect("model").must_equal %{] >} } it { Create.({"evergreen" => { title: "SVG" }}).inspect("model").must_equal %{] >} } end #--- #- Contract::Build[ constant: XXX ] class ContractConstantTest < Minitest::Spec Song =, :title) #:constant class Create < Trailblazer::Operation class MyContract < Reform::Form property :title validates :title, length: 2..33 end step Model( Song, :new ) step Contract::Build( constant: MyContract ) step Contract::Validate() step Contract::Persist( method: :sync ) end #:constant end it { Create.({ title: "A" }).inspect("model").must_equal %{] >} } it { Create.({ title: "Anthony's Song" }).inspect("model").must_equal %{] >} } end #- Contract::Build[ constant: XXX, name: AAA ] class ContractNamedConstantTest < Minitest::Spec Song =, :title) #:constant-name class Create < Trailblazer::Operation class MyContract < Reform::Form property :title validates :title, length: 2..33 end step Model( Song, :new ) step Contract::Build( constant: MyContract, name: "form" ) step Contract::Validate( name: "form" ) step Contract::Persist( method: :sync, name: "contract.form" ) end #:constant-name end it { Create.({ title: "A" }).inspect("model").must_equal %{] >} } it { Create.({ title: "Anthony's Song" }).inspect("model").must_equal %{] >} } end #--- #- dependency injection #- contract class class ContractInjectConstantTest < Minitest::Spec Song =, :title) #:di-constant-contract class MyContract < Reform::Form property :title validates :title, length: 2..33 end #:di-constant-contract end #:di-constant class Create < Trailblazer::Operation step Model( Song, :new ) step Contract::Build() step Contract::Validate() step Contract::Persist( method: :sync ) end #:di-constant end it do #:di-contract-call Create.( { title: "Anthony's Song" }, "contract.default.class" => MyContract ) #:di-contract-call end end it { Create.({ title: "A" }, "contract.default.class" => MyContract).inspect("model").must_equal %{] >} } it { Create.({ title: "Anthony's Song" }, "contract.default.class" => MyContract).inspect("model").must_equal %{] >} } end class DryValidationContractTest < Minitest::Spec Song =, :title) #--- # DRY-validation params validation before op, # plus main contract. #- result.path #:dry-schema require "dry/validation" class Create < Trailblazer::Operation extend Contract::DSL # contract to verify params formally. contract "params", (Dry::Validation.Schema do required(:id).filled end) #~form # domain validations. contract "form" do property :title validates :title, length: 1..3 end #~form end step Contract::Validate( name: "params" ) #~form step Model( Song, :new ) # create the op's main model. step Contract::Build( name: "form" ) # create the Reform contract. step Contract::Validate( name: "form" ) # validate the Reform contract. step Contract::Persist( method: :sync, name: "contract.form" ) # persist the contract's data via the model. #~form end end #:dry-schema end puts "@@@@@ #{Create["pipetree"].inspect(style: :rows)}" it { Create.({}).inspect("model", "result.contract.params").must_equal %{[\"is missing\"]}>] >} } it { Create.({ id: 1 }).inspect("model", "result.contract.params").must_equal %{, #1} errors={}>] >} } # it { Create.({ id: 1, title: "" }).inspect("model", "result.contract.form").must_equal %{] >} } it { Create.({ id: 1, title: "" }).inspect("model").must_equal %{] >} } it { Create.({ id: 1, title: "Yo" }).inspect("model").must_equal %{] >} } #:dry-schema-first require "dry/validation" class Delete < Trailblazer::Operation extend Contract::DSL contract "params", (Dry::Validation.Schema do required(:id).filled end) step Contract::Validate( name: "params" ), before: "" #~more #~more end end #:dry-schema-first end end class DryExplicitSchemaTest < Minitest::Spec #:dry-schema-explsch # app/concepts/comment/contract/params.rb require "dry/validation" MySchema = Dry::Validation.Schema do required(:id).filled end #:dry-schema-explsch end #:dry-schema-expl # app/concepts/comment/delete.rb class Delete < Trailblazer::Operation extend Contract::DSL contract "params", MySchema step Contract::Validate( name: "params" ), before: "" end #:dry-schema-expl end end class DocContractBuilderTest < Minitest::Spec Song =, :title) #--- #- builder: #:builder-option class Create < Trailblazer::Operation extend Contract::DSL contract do property :title property :current_user, virtual: true validates :current_user, presence: true end step Model( Song, :new ) step Contract::Build( builder: :default_contract! ) step Contract::Validate() step Contract::Persist( method: :sync ) def default_contract!(constant:, model:), current_user: self["current_user"]) end end #:builder-option end it { Create.({}).inspect("model").must_equal %{] >} } it { Create.({ title: 1}, "current_user" => Module).inspect("model").must_equal %{] >} } #- proc class Update < Trailblazer::Operation extend Contract::DSL contract do property :title property :current_user, virtual: true validates :current_user, presence: true end step Model( Song, :new ) #:builder-proc step Contract::Build( builder: ->(operation, constant:, model:) {, current_user: operation["current_user"]) }) #:builder-proc end step Contract::Validate() step Contract::Persist( method: :sync ) end it { Update.({}).inspect("model").must_equal %{] >} } it { Update.({ title: 1}, "current_user" => Module).inspect("model").must_equal %{] >} } end class DocContractTest < Minitest::Spec Song =, :title) #--- # with contract block, and inheritance, the old way. class Block < Trailblazer::Operation extend Contract::DSL contract do property :title end step Model( Song, :new ) step Contract::Build() # resolves to "contract.class.default" and is resolved at runtime. step Contract::Validate() step Contract::Persist( method: :sync ) end it { Block.({}).inspect("model").must_equal %{] >} } it { Block.({ id:1, title: "Fame" }).inspect("model").must_equal %{] >} } class Breach < Block contract do property :id end end it { Breach.({ id:1, title: "Fame" }).inspect("model").must_equal %{] >} } #- # with constant. class Break < Block class MyContract < Reform::Form property :id end # override the original block as if it's never been there. contract MyContract end it { Break.({ id:1, title: "Fame" }).inspect("model").must_equal %{] >} } end