require 'spec_helper' if class WindowsSecurityTester require 'puppet/util/windows/security' include Puppet::Util::Windows::Security end end describe "Puppet::Util::Windows::Security", :if => do include PuppetSpec::Files before :all do # necessary for localized name of guests guests_name = Puppet::Util::Windows::SID.sid_to_name('S-1-5-32-546') guests = @sids = { :current_user => Puppet::Util::Windows::SID.name_to_sid(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::User.current_user_name), :system => Puppet::Util::Windows::SID::LocalSystem, :administrators => Puppet::Util::Windows::SID::BuiltinAdministrators, :guest => Puppet::Util::Windows::SID.name_to_sid(guests.members[0]), :users => Puppet::Util::Windows::SID::BuiltinUsers, :power_users => Puppet::Util::Windows::SID::PowerUsers, :none => Puppet::Util::Windows::SID::Nobody, :everyone => Puppet::Util::Windows::SID::Everyone } # The TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper service (aka 'lmhosts') has ended up # disabled on some VMs for reasons we couldn't track down. This # condition causes tests which rely on resolving UNC style paths # (like \\localhost) to fail with unhelpful error messages. # Put a check for this upfront to aid debug should this strike again. service = Puppet::Type.type(:service).new(:name => 'lmhosts') expect(service.provider.status).to eq(:running), 'lmhosts service is not running' end let (:sids) { @sids } let (:winsec) { } let (:klass) { Puppet::Util::Windows::File } def set_group_depending_on_current_user(path) if sids[:current_user] == sids[:system] # if the current user is SYSTEM, by setting the group to # guest, SYSTEM is automagically given full control, so instead # override that behavior with SYSTEM as group and a specific mode winsec.set_group(sids[:system], path) mode = winsec.get_mode(path) winsec.set_mode(mode & ~WindowsSecurityTester::S_IRWXG, path) else winsec.set_group(sids[:guest], path) end end def grant_everyone_full_access(path) sd = winsec.get_security_descriptor(path) everyone = 'S-1-1-0' inherit = Puppet::Util::Windows::AccessControlEntry::OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE | Puppet::Util::Windows::AccessControlEntry::CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE sd.dacl.allow(everyone, klass::FILE_ALL_ACCESS, inherit) winsec.set_security_descriptor(path, sd) end shared_examples_for "only child owner" do it "should allow child owner" do winsec.set_owner(sids[:guest], parent) winsec.set_group(sids[:current_user], parent) winsec.set_mode(0700, parent) check_delete(path) end it "should deny parent owner" do winsec.set_owner(sids[:guest], path) winsec.set_group(sids[:current_user], path) winsec.set_mode(0700, path) expect { check_delete(path) }.to raise_error(Errno::EACCES) end it "should deny group" do winsec.set_owner(sids[:guest], path) winsec.set_group(sids[:current_user], path) winsec.set_mode(0700, path) expect { check_delete(path) }.to raise_error(Errno::EACCES) end it "should deny other" do winsec.set_owner(sids[:guest], path) winsec.set_group(sids[:current_user], path) winsec.set_mode(0700, path) expect { check_delete(path) }.to raise_error(Errno::EACCES) end end shared_examples_for "a securable object" do describe "on a volume that doesn't support ACLs" do [:owner, :group, :mode].each do |p| it "should return nil #{p}" do allow(winsec).to receive(:supports_acl?).and_return(false) expect(winsec.send("get_#{p}", path)).to be_nil end end end describe "on a volume that supports ACLs" do describe "for a normal user" do before :each do allow(Puppet.features).to receive(:root?).and_return(false) end after :each do winsec.set_mode(WindowsSecurityTester::S_IRWXU, parent) begin winsec.set_mode(WindowsSecurityTester::S_IRWXU, path) rescue nil end end describe "#supports_acl?" do %w[c:/ c:\\ c:/windows/system32 \\\\localhost\\C$ \\\\\\C$\\foo].each do |path| it "should accept #{path}" do expect(winsec).to be_supports_acl(path) end end it "should raise an exception if it cannot get volume information" do expect { winsec.supports_acl?('foobar') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Failed to get volume information/) end end describe "#owner=" do it "should allow setting to the current user" do winsec.set_owner(sids[:current_user], path) end it "should raise an exception when setting to a different user" do expect { winsec.set_owner(sids[:guest], path) }.to raise_error do |error| expect(error).to be_a(Puppet::Util::Windows::Error) expect(error.code).to eq(1307) # ERROR_INVALID_OWNER end end end describe "#owner" do it "it should not be empty" do expect(winsec.get_owner(path)).not_to be_empty end it "should raise an exception if an invalid path is provided" do expect { winsec.get_owner("c:\\doesnotexist.txt") }.to raise_error do |error| expect(error).to be_a(Puppet::Util::Windows::Error) expect(error.code).to eq(2) # ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND end end end describe "#group=" do it "should allow setting to a group the current owner is a member of" do winsec.set_group(sids[:users], path) end # Unlike unix, if the user has permission to WRITE_OWNER, which the file owner has by default, # then they can set the primary group to a group that the user does not belong to. it "should allow setting to a group the current owner is not a member of" do winsec.set_group(sids[:power_users], path) end it "should consider a mode of 7 for group to be FullControl (F)" do winsec.set_group(sids[:power_users], path) winsec.set_mode(0070, path) group_ace = winsec.get_aces_for_path_by_sid(path, sids[:power_users]) # there should only be a single ace for the given group expect(group_ace.count).to eq(1) expect(group_ace[0].mask).to eq(klass::FILE_ALL_ACCESS) # ensure that mode is still read as 070 (written as 70) expect((winsec.get_mode(path) & 0777).to_s(8).rjust(3, '0')).to eq("070") end end describe "#group" do it "should not be empty" do expect(winsec.get_group(path)).not_to be_empty end it "should raise an exception if an invalid path is provided" do expect { winsec.get_group("c:\\doesnotexist.txt") }.to raise_error do |error| expect(error).to be_a(Puppet::Util::Windows::Error) expect(error.code).to eq(2) # ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND end end end it "should preserve inherited full control for SYSTEM when setting owner and group" do # new file has SYSTEM system_aces = winsec.get_aces_for_path_by_sid(path, sids[:system]) expect(system_aces).not_to be_empty # when running under SYSTEM account, multiple ACEs come back # so we only care that we have at least one of these expect(system_aces.any? do |ace| ace.mask == klass::FILE_ALL_ACCESS end).to be_truthy # changing the owner/group will no longer make the SD protected winsec.set_group(sids[:power_users], path) winsec.set_owner(sids[:administrators], path) expect(system_aces.find do |ace| ace.mask == klass::FILE_ALL_ACCESS && ace.inherited? end).not_to be_nil end describe "#mode=" do (0000..0700).step(0100) do |mode| it "should enforce mode #{mode.to_s(8)}" do winsec.set_mode(mode, path) check_access(mode, path) end end it "should round-trip all 128 modes that do not require deny ACEs, where owner and group are different" do # windows defaults set Administrators, None when Administrator # or Administrators, SYSTEM when System # but we can guarantee group is different by explicitly setting to Users winsec.set_group(sids[:users], path) 0.upto(1).each do |s| 0.upto(7).each do |u| 0.upto(u).each do |g| 0.upto(g).each do |o| # if user is superset of group, and group superset of other, then # no deny ace is required, and mode can be converted to win32 # access mask, and back to mode without loss of information # (provided the owner and group are not the same) next if ((u & g) != g) or ((g & o) != o) mode = (s << 9 | u << 6 | g << 3 | o << 0) winsec.set_mode(mode, path) expect(winsec.get_mode(path).to_s(8)).to eq(mode.to_s(8)) end end end end end it "should round-trip all 54 modes that do not require deny ACEs, where owner and group are same" do winsec.set_group(winsec.get_owner(path), path) 0.upto(1).each do |s| 0.upto(7).each do |ug| 0.upto(ug).each do |o| # if user and group superset of other, then # no deny ace is required, and mode can be converted to win32 # access mask, and back to mode without loss of information # (provided the owner and group are the same) next if ((ug & o) != o) mode = (s << 9 | ug << 6 | ug << 3 | o << 0) winsec.set_mode(mode, path) expect(winsec.get_mode(path).to_s(8)).to eq(mode.to_s(8)) end end end end # The SYSTEM user is a special case therefore we need to test that we round trip correctly when set it "should round-trip all 128 modes that do not require deny ACEs, when simulating a SYSTEM service" do # The owner and group for files/dirs created, when running as a service under Local System are # Owner = Administrators # Group = SYSTEM winsec.set_owner(sids[:administrators], path) winsec.set_group(sids[:system], path) 0.upto(1).each do |s| 0.upto(7).each do |u| 0.upto(u).each do |g| 0.upto(g).each do |o| # if user is superset of group, and group superset of other, then # no deny ace is required, and mode can be converted to win32 # access mask, and back to mode without loss of information # (provided the owner and group are not the same) next if ((u & g) != g) or ((g & o) != o) applied_mode = (s << 9 | u << 6 | g << 3 | o << 0) # SYSTEM must always be Full Control (7) expected_mode = (s << 9 | u << 6 | 7 << 3 | o << 0) winsec.set_mode(applied_mode, path) expect(winsec.get_mode(path).to_s(8)).to eq(expected_mode.to_s(8)) end end end end end it "should preserve full control for SYSTEM when setting mode" do # new file has SYSTEM system_aces = winsec.get_aces_for_path_by_sid(path, sids[:system]) expect(system_aces).not_to be_empty # when running under SYSTEM account, multiple ACEs come back # so we only care that we have at least one of these expect(system_aces.any? do |ace| ace.mask == klass::FILE_ALL_ACCESS end).to be_truthy # changing the mode will make the SD protected winsec.set_group(sids[:none], path) winsec.set_mode(0600, path) # and should have a non-inherited SYSTEM ACE(s) system_aces = winsec.get_aces_for_path_by_sid(path, sids[:system]) system_aces.each do |ace| expect(ace.mask).to eq(klass::FILE_ALL_ACCESS) expect(ace).not_to be_inherited end if system_aces.each do |ace| expect(ace).to be_object_inherit expect(ace).to be_container_inherit end # it's critically important that this file be default created # and that this file not have it's owner / group / mode set by winsec nested_file = File.join(path, 'nested_file'), 'w').close system_aces = winsec.get_aces_for_path_by_sid(nested_file, sids[:system]) # even when SYSTEM is the owner (in CI), there should be an inherited SYSTEM expect(system_aces.any? do |ace| ace.mask == klass::FILE_ALL_ACCESS && ace.inherited? end).to be_truthy end end describe "for modes that require deny aces" do it "should map everyone to group and owner" do winsec.set_mode(0426, path) expect(winsec.get_mode(path).to_s(8)).to eq("666") end it "should combine user and group modes when owner and group sids are equal" do winsec.set_group(winsec.get_owner(path), path) winsec.set_mode(0410, path) expect(winsec.get_mode(path).to_s(8)).to eq("550") end end describe "for read-only objects" do before :each do winsec.set_group(sids[:none], path) winsec.set_mode(0600, path) Puppet::Util::Windows::File.add_attributes(path, klass::FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) expect(Puppet::Util::Windows::File.get_attributes(path) & klass::FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY).to be_nonzero end it "should make them writable if any sid has write permission" do winsec.set_mode(WindowsSecurityTester::S_IWUSR, path) expect(Puppet::Util::Windows::File.get_attributes(path) & klass::FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY).to eq(0) end it "should leave them read-only if no sid has write permission and should allow full access for SYSTEM" do winsec.set_mode(WindowsSecurityTester::S_IRUSR | WindowsSecurityTester::S_IXGRP, path) expect(Puppet::Util::Windows::File.get_attributes(path) & klass::FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY).to be_nonzero system_aces = winsec.get_aces_for_path_by_sid(path, sids[:system]) # when running under SYSTEM account, and set_group / set_owner hasn't been called # SYSTEM full access will be restored expect(system_aces.any? do |ace| ace.mask == klass::FILE_ALL_ACCESS end).to be_truthy end end it "should raise an exception if an invalid path is provided" do expect { winsec.set_mode(sids[:guest], "c:\\doesnotexist.txt") }.to raise_error do |error| expect(error).to be_a(Puppet::Util::Windows::Error) expect(error.code).to eq(2) # ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND end end end describe "#mode" do it "should report when extra aces are encounted" do sd = winsec.get_security_descriptor(path) (544..547).each do |rid| sd.dacl.allow("S-1-5-32-#{rid}", klass::STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL) end winsec.set_security_descriptor(path, sd) mode = winsec.get_mode(path) expect(mode & WindowsSecurityTester::S_IEXTRA).to eq(WindowsSecurityTester::S_IEXTRA) end it "should return deny aces" do sd = winsec.get_security_descriptor(path) sd.dacl.deny(sids[:guest], klass::FILE_GENERIC_WRITE) winsec.set_security_descriptor(path, sd) guest_aces = winsec.get_aces_for_path_by_sid(path, sids[:guest]) expect(guest_aces.find do |ace| ace.type == Puppet::Util::Windows::AccessControlEntry::ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE end).not_to be_nil end it "should skip inherit-only ace" do sd = winsec.get_security_descriptor(path) dacl = dacl.allow( sids[:current_user], klass::STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL | klass::SPECIFIC_RIGHTS_ALL ) dacl.allow( sids[:everyone], klass::FILE_GENERIC_READ, Puppet::Util::Windows::AccessControlEntry::INHERIT_ONLY_ACE | Puppet::Util::Windows::AccessControlEntry::OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE ) winsec.set_security_descriptor(path, sd) expect(winsec.get_mode(path) & WindowsSecurityTester::S_IRWXO).to eq(0) end it "should raise an exception if an invalid path is provided" do expect { winsec.get_mode("c:\\doesnotexist.txt") }.to raise_error do |error| expect(error).to be_a(Puppet::Util::Windows::Error) expect(error.code).to eq(2) # ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND end end end describe "inherited access control entries" do it "should be absent when the access control list is protected, and should not remove SYSTEM" do winsec.set_mode(WindowsSecurityTester::S_IRWXU, path) mode = winsec.get_mode(path) [ WindowsSecurityTester::S_IEXTRA, WindowsSecurityTester::S_ISYSTEM_MISSING ].each do |flag| expect(mode & flag).not_to eq(flag) end end it "should be present when the access control list is unprotected" do # add a bunch of aces to the parent with permission to add children allow = klass::STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL | klass::SPECIFIC_RIGHTS_ALL inherit = Puppet::Util::Windows::AccessControlEntry::OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE | Puppet::Util::Windows::AccessControlEntry::CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE sd = winsec.get_security_descriptor(parent) sd.dacl.allow( "S-1-1-0", #everyone allow, inherit ) (544..547).each do |rid| sd.dacl.allow( "S-1-5-32-#{rid}", klass::STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL, inherit ) end winsec.set_security_descriptor(parent, sd) # unprotect child, it should inherit from parent winsec.set_mode(WindowsSecurityTester::S_IRWXU, path, false) expect(winsec.get_mode(path) & WindowsSecurityTester::S_IEXTRA).to eq(WindowsSecurityTester::S_IEXTRA) end end end describe "for an administrator", :if => (Puppet.features.root? && do before :each do is_dir = winsec.set_mode(WindowsSecurityTester::S_IRWXU | WindowsSecurityTester::S_IRWXG, path) set_group_depending_on_current_user(path) winsec.set_owner(sids[:guest], path) expected_error = is_dir ? Errno::EISDIR : Errno::EACCES expect {, 'r') }.to raise_error(expected_error) end after :each do if Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(path) winsec.set_owner(sids[:current_user], path) winsec.set_mode(WindowsSecurityTester::S_IRWXU, path) end end describe "#owner=" do it "should accept the guest sid" do winsec.set_owner(sids[:guest], path) expect(winsec.get_owner(path)).to eq(sids[:guest]) end it "should accept a user sid" do winsec.set_owner(sids[:current_user], path) expect(winsec.get_owner(path)).to eq(sids[:current_user]) end it "should accept a group sid" do winsec.set_owner(sids[:power_users], path) expect(winsec.get_owner(path)).to eq(sids[:power_users]) end it "should raise an exception if an invalid sid is provided" do expect { winsec.set_owner("foobar", path) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Failed to convert string SID/) end it "should raise an exception if an invalid path is provided" do expect { winsec.set_owner(sids[:guest], "c:\\doesnotexist.txt") }.to raise_error do |error| expect(error).to be_a(Puppet::Util::Windows::Error) expect(error.code).to eq(2) # ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND end end end describe "#group=" do it "should accept the test group" do winsec.set_group(sids[:guest], path) expect(winsec.get_group(path)).to eq(sids[:guest]) end it "should accept a group sid" do winsec.set_group(sids[:power_users], path) expect(winsec.get_group(path)).to eq(sids[:power_users]) end it "should accept a user sid" do winsec.set_group(sids[:current_user], path) expect(winsec.get_group(path)).to eq(sids[:current_user]) end it "should combine owner and group rights when they are the same sid" do winsec.set_owner(sids[:power_users], path) winsec.set_group(sids[:power_users], path) winsec.set_mode(0610, path) expect(winsec.get_owner(path)).to eq(sids[:power_users]) expect(winsec.get_group(path)).to eq(sids[:power_users]) # note group execute permission added to user ace, and then group rwx value # reflected to match # Exclude missing system ace, since that's not relevant expect((winsec.get_mode(path) & 0777).to_s(8)).to eq("770") end it "should raise an exception if an invalid sid is provided" do expect { winsec.set_group("foobar", path) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Failed to convert string SID/) end it "should raise an exception if an invalid path is provided" do expect { winsec.set_group(sids[:guest], "c:\\doesnotexist.txt") }.to raise_error do |error| expect(error).to be_a(Puppet::Util::Windows::Error) expect(error.code).to eq(2) # ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND end end end describe "when the sid is NULL" do it "should retrieve an empty owner sid" it "should retrieve an empty group sid" end describe "when the sid refers to a deleted trustee" do it "should retrieve the user sid" do sid = nil user = Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::User.create("puppet#{rand(10000)}") user.password = 'PUPPET_RULeZ_123!' user.commit begin sid = winsec.set_owner(sid, path) winsec.set_mode(WindowsSecurityTester::S_IRWXU, path) ensure Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::User.delete( end expect(winsec.get_owner(path)).to eq(sid) expect(winsec.get_mode(path)).to eq(WindowsSecurityTester::S_IRWXU) end it "should retrieve the group sid" do sid = nil group = Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::Group.create("puppet#{rand(10000)}") group.commit begin sid = winsec.set_group(sid, path) winsec.set_mode(WindowsSecurityTester::S_IRWXG, path) ensure Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::Group.delete( end expect(winsec.get_group(path)).to eq(sid) expect(winsec.get_mode(path)).to eq(WindowsSecurityTester::S_IRWXG) end end describe "#mode" do it "should deny all access when the DACL is empty, including SYSTEM" do sd = winsec.get_security_descriptor(path) # don't allow inherited aces to affect the test protect = true new_sd =,, [], protect) winsec.set_security_descriptor(path, new_sd) expect(winsec.get_mode(path)).to eq(WindowsSecurityTester::S_ISYSTEM_MISSING) end # REMIND: ruby crashes when trying to set a NULL DACL # it "should allow all when it is nil" do # winsec.set_owner(sids[:current_user], path) # winsec.open_file(path, WindowsSecurityTester::READ_CONTROL | WindowsSecurityTester::WRITE_DAC) do |handle| # winsec.set_security_info(handle, WindowsSecurityTester::DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION | WindowsSecurityTester::PROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, nil) # end # winsec.get_mode(path).to_s(8).should == "777" # end end describe "#mode=" do # setting owner to SYSTEM requires root it "should round-trip all 54 modes that do not require deny ACEs, when simulating a SYSTEM scheduled task" do # The owner and group for files/dirs created, when running as a Scheduled Task as Local System are # Owner = SYSTEM # Group = SYSTEM winsec.set_group(sids[:system], path) winsec.set_owner(sids[:system], path) 0.upto(1).each do |s| 0.upto(7).each do |ug| 0.upto(ug).each do |o| # if user and group superset of other, then # no deny ace is required, and mode can be converted to win32 # access mask, and back to mode without loss of information # (provided the owner and group are the same) next if ((ug & o) != o) applied_mode = (s << 9 | ug << 6 | ug << 3 | o << 0) # SYSTEM must always be Full Control (7) expected_mode = (s << 9 | 7 << 6 | 7 << 3 | o << 0) winsec.set_mode(applied_mode, path) expect(winsec.get_mode(path).to_s(8)).to eq(expected_mode.to_s(8)) end end end end end describe "when the parent directory" do before :each do winsec.set_owner(sids[:current_user], parent) winsec.set_owner(sids[:current_user], path) winsec.set_mode(0777, path, false) end describe "is writable and executable" do describe "and sticky bit is set" do it "should allow child owner" do winsec.set_owner(sids[:guest], parent) winsec.set_group(sids[:current_user], parent) winsec.set_mode(01700, parent) check_delete(path) end it "should allow parent owner" do winsec.set_owner(sids[:current_user], parent) winsec.set_group(sids[:guest], parent) winsec.set_mode(01700, parent) winsec.set_owner(sids[:current_user], path) winsec.set_group(sids[:guest], path) winsec.set_mode(0700, path) check_delete(path) end it "should deny group" do winsec.set_owner(sids[:guest], parent) winsec.set_group(sids[:current_user], parent) winsec.set_mode(01770, parent) winsec.set_owner(sids[:guest], path) winsec.set_group(sids[:current_user], path) winsec.set_mode(0700, path) expect { check_delete(path) }.to raise_error(Errno::EACCES) end it "should deny other" do winsec.set_owner(sids[:guest], parent) winsec.set_group(sids[:current_user], parent) winsec.set_mode(01777, parent) winsec.set_owner(sids[:guest], path) winsec.set_group(sids[:current_user], path) winsec.set_mode(0700, path) expect { check_delete(path) }.to raise_error(Errno::EACCES) end end describe "and sticky bit is not set" do it "should allow child owner" do winsec.set_owner(sids[:guest], parent) winsec.set_group(sids[:current_user], parent) winsec.set_mode(0700, parent) check_delete(path) end it "should allow parent owner" do winsec.set_owner(sids[:current_user], parent) winsec.set_group(sids[:guest], parent) winsec.set_mode(0700, parent) winsec.set_owner(sids[:current_user], path) winsec.set_group(sids[:guest], path) winsec.set_mode(0700, path) check_delete(path) end it "should allow group" do winsec.set_owner(sids[:guest], parent) winsec.set_group(sids[:current_user], parent) winsec.set_mode(0770, parent) winsec.set_owner(sids[:guest], path) winsec.set_group(sids[:current_user], path) winsec.set_mode(0700, path) check_delete(path) end it "should allow other" do winsec.set_owner(sids[:guest], parent) winsec.set_group(sids[:current_user], parent) winsec.set_mode(0777, parent) winsec.set_owner(sids[:guest], path) winsec.set_group(sids[:current_user], path) winsec.set_mode(0700, path) check_delete(path) end end end describe "is not writable" do before :each do winsec.set_group(sids[:current_user], parent) winsec.set_mode(0555, parent) end it_behaves_like "only child owner" end describe "is not executable" do before :each do winsec.set_group(sids[:current_user], parent) winsec.set_mode(0666, parent) end it_behaves_like "only child owner" end end end end end describe "file" do let (:parent) do tmpdir('win_sec_test_file') end let (:path) do path = File.join(parent, 'childfile'), 'w').close path end after :each do # allow temp files to be cleaned up grant_everyone_full_access(parent) end it_behaves_like "a securable object" do def check_access(mode, path) if (mode & WindowsSecurityTester::S_IRUSR).nonzero? check_read(path) else expect { check_read(path) }.to raise_error(Errno::EACCES) end if (mode & WindowsSecurityTester::S_IWUSR).nonzero? check_write(path) else expect { check_write(path) }.to raise_error(Errno::EACCES) end if (mode & WindowsSecurityTester::S_IXUSR).nonzero? expect { check_execute(path) }.to raise_error(Errno::ENOEXEC) else expect { check_execute(path) }.to raise_error(Errno::EACCES) end end def check_read(path), 'r').close end def check_write(path), 'w').close end def check_execute(path) Kernel.exec(path) end def check_delete(path) File.delete(path) end end describe "locked files" do let (:explorer) { File.join(ENV['SystemRoot'], "explorer.exe") } it "should get the owner" do expect(winsec.get_owner(explorer)).to match(/^S-1-5-/) end it "should get the group" do expect(winsec.get_group(explorer)).to match(/^S-1-5-/) end it "should get the mode" do expect(winsec.get_mode(explorer)).to eq(WindowsSecurityTester::S_IRWXU | WindowsSecurityTester::S_IRWXG | WindowsSecurityTester::S_IEXTRA) end end end describe "directory" do let (:parent) do tmpdir('win_sec_test_dir') end let (:path) do path = File.join(parent, 'childdir') Dir.mkdir(path) path end after :each do # allow temp files to be cleaned up grant_everyone_full_access(parent) end it_behaves_like "a securable object" do def check_access(mode, path) if (mode & WindowsSecurityTester::S_IRUSR).nonzero? check_read(path) else expect { check_read(path) }.to raise_error(Errno::EACCES) end if (mode & WindowsSecurityTester::S_IWUSR).nonzero? check_write(path) else expect { check_write(path) }.to raise_error(Errno::EACCES) end if (mode & WindowsSecurityTester::S_IXUSR).nonzero? check_execute(path) else expect { check_execute(path) }.to raise_error(Errno::EACCES) end end def check_read(path) Dir.entries(path) end def check_write(path) Dir.mkdir(File.join(path, "subdir")) end def check_execute(path) Dir.chdir(path) {} end def check_delete(path) Dir.rmdir(path) end end describe "inheritable aces" do it "should be applied to child objects" do mode640 = WindowsSecurityTester::S_IRUSR | WindowsSecurityTester::S_IWUSR | WindowsSecurityTester::S_IRGRP winsec.set_mode(mode640, path) newfile = File.join(path, "newfile.txt"), "w").close newdir = File.join(path, "newdir") Dir.mkdir(newdir) [newfile, newdir].each do |p| mode = winsec.get_mode(p) expect((mode & 07777).to_s(8)).to eq(mode640.to_s(8)) end end end end context "security descriptor" do let(:path) { tmpfile('sec_descriptor') } let(:read_execute) { 0x201FF } let(:synchronize) { 0x100000 } before :each do FileUtils.touch(path) end it "preserves aces for other users" do dacl = sids_in_dacl = [sids[:current_user], sids[:users]] sids_in_dacl.each do |sid| dacl.allow(sid, read_execute) end sd =[:guest], sids[:guest], dacl, true) winsec.set_security_descriptor(path, sd) aces = winsec.get_security_descriptor(path).dacl.to_a expect( eq(sids_in_dacl) expect( { |mask| mask == read_execute }).to be_truthy end it "changes the sid for all aces that were assigned to the old owner" do sd = winsec.get_security_descriptor(path) expect(sd.owner).not_to eq(sids[:guest]) sd.dacl.allow(sd.owner, read_execute) sd.dacl.allow(sd.owner, synchronize) sd.owner = sids[:guest] winsec.set_security_descriptor(path, sd) dacl = winsec.get_security_descriptor(path).dacl aces = dacl.find_all { |ace| ace.sid == sids[:guest] } # only non-inherited aces will be reassigned to guest, so # make sure we find at least the two we added expect(aces.size).to be >= 2 end it "preserves INHERIT_ONLY_ACEs" do # inherit only aces can only be set on directories dir = tmpdir('inheritonlyace') inherit_flags = Puppet::Util::Windows::AccessControlEntry::INHERIT_ONLY_ACE | Puppet::Util::Windows::AccessControlEntry::OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE | Puppet::Util::Windows::AccessControlEntry::CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE sd = winsec.get_security_descriptor(dir) sd.dacl.allow(sd.owner, klass::FILE_ALL_ACCESS, inherit_flags) winsec.set_security_descriptor(dir, sd) sd = winsec.get_security_descriptor(dir) winsec.set_owner(sids[:guest], dir) sd = winsec.get_security_descriptor(dir) expect(sd.dacl.find do |ace| ace.sid == sids[:guest] && ace.inherit_only? end).not_to be_nil end it "allows deny ACEs with inheritance" do # inheritance can only be set on directories dir = tmpdir('denyaces') inherit_flags = Puppet::Util::Windows::AccessControlEntry::OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE | Puppet::Util::Windows::AccessControlEntry::CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE sd = winsec.get_security_descriptor(dir) sd.dacl.deny(sids[:guest], klass::FILE_ALL_ACCESS, inherit_flags) winsec.set_security_descriptor(dir, sd) sd = winsec.get_security_descriptor(dir) expect(sd.dacl.find do |ace| ace.sid == sids[:guest] && ace.flags != 0 end).not_to be_nil end context "when managing mode" do it "removes aces for sids that are neither the owner nor group" do # add a guest ace, it's never owner or group sd = winsec.get_security_descriptor(path) sd.dacl.allow(sids[:guest], read_execute) winsec.set_security_descriptor(path, sd) # setting the mode, it should remove extra aces winsec.set_mode(0770, path) # make sure it's gone dacl = winsec.get_security_descriptor(path).dacl aces = dacl.find_all { |ace| ace.sid == sids[:guest] } expect(aces).to be_empty end end end end