en: bigbluebutton_rails: bigbluebutton: "BigBlueButton" servers: notice: create: success: "Your server was successfully created." update: success: "Your server was successfully updated." errors: param_format: 'you can only use letters, numbers and the symbols "-" or "_" (not at the begin or end)' url_format: 'should use the pattern http:///bigbluebutton/api' rooms: notice: create: success: "Your room was successfully created." failure: "Your room could not be created." update: success: "Your room was successfully updated." failure: "Your room could not be updated." end: success: "The meeting was successfully ended." not_running: "The meeting could not be ended because it is not running." destroy: success: "The meeting was successfully destroyed." errors: auth: failure: "Authentication failure." not_running: "The meeting is not running. You must wait for a moderator to join." wrong_params: "Wrong parameters in your request." external: blank_meetingid: "You must specify the meetingid of the meeting you want to join." inexistent_meeting: "The meeting informed does not exists in the server." wrong_params: "Wrong parameters in your request." param_format: 'you can only use letters, numbers and the symbols "-" or "_" (not at the begin or end).' server: not_set: "Your room must be associated to a server to execute this operation." activerecord: models: bigbluebutton_server: "BigBlueButton Server" bigbluebutton_room: "BigBlueButton Room" attributes: bigbluebutton_server: name: "Name" url: "URL" salt: "Security Salt" version: "Version" param: "String ID" bigbluebutton_room: server_id: "Server ID" meetingid: "Meeting ID" randomize_meetingid: "Randomize Meeting ID" private: "Private" name: "Name" attendee_password: "Attendee Password" moderator_password: "Moderator Password" welcome_msg: "Welcome Message" logout_url: "Logout URL" dial_number: "Dial Number" voice_bridge: "Voice Bridge" max_participants: "Maximum Number of Participants" external: "Externally created" param: "String ID"