module ApiResource module Finders class ResourceFinder < AbstractFinder # this is a little bit simpler, it's always a collection and does # not require a remote path def load begin return [] if self.response.blank? @loaded = true if self.response.is_a?(Array) @internal_object = self.klass.instantiate_collection( self.response ) else @internal_object = [ self.klass.instantiate_record(self.response) ] end id_hash = self.condition.included_objects.inject({}) do |accum, assoc| accum[assoc] = @internal_object.collect do |obj| obj.send(self.klass.association_foreign_key_field(assoc)) end accum[assoc].flatten! accum[assoc].uniq! accum end included_objects = self.load_includes(id_hash) self.apply_includes(@internal_object, included_objects) # Removed to mirror ActiveRecord # e.g. LifebookerClient::Provider.find([1]) # # # looks hacky, but we want to return only a single # # object in case of a find call. # if @internal_object.count == 1 && self.build_load_path =~ /(&|\?)find/ # @internal_object = @internal_object.first # end return @internal_object rescue ApiResource::ResourceNotFound nil end @internal_object end protected # Find every resource def build_load_path prefix_opts, query_opts = self.klass.split_options( self.condition.to_hash ) self.klass.collection_path(prefix_opts, query_opts) end end end end