en: exseptions: invalid_arguments: 'Invalid input arguments %{argument} #%{current_method}' unknown_error: 'An error occurred %{argument} #%{current_method}' undefined_field: 'An error occurred, most likely you do not have such a field "%{field}"' attributes_is_not_defined: 'Attribute name(user_class_name) or password(user_class_password) is not defined' need_cookie: 'To save session cookies needed, object of ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieJar' isnt_object: "Isn\'t an object of %{class_name}" save_session_cookies: 'To save session cookies needed, object of ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieJar' unknown_algorithm: 'Unknown algorithm "%{algorithm}"' unknown_target_class: 'Unknown target class "%{class_name}"' not_specified_type: 'Attribute "%{arg}" does not match the specified type "%{type}" but "%{class_name}"' validate: password_confirm: 'Password must be checked attribute password_confirmation' log: connect: 'User conected:' error: 'Error info:' connect: success: 'User "%{field_name}" from model "%{class_name}" and ip "%{ip}" has been connected."'