3.1 add_cost_to_supply_side_hvac_component_by_air_loop a667a52f-aa04-4997-9292-c81671d75f84 0954521a-df5e-4233-8f93-5493f83c69c0 2024-11-16T23:54:14Z 35DA4ED3 AddCostToSupplySideHVACComponentByAirLoop Add Cost to Supply Side HVAC Component by Air Loop This will add cost to HVAC components of a specified type in the selected air loop(s). It can run on all air loops or a single air loop. This measures only adds cost and doesn't alter equipment performance Currently this measure supports the following objects: CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed, CoilCoolingDXTwoSpeed, CoilHeatingDXSingleSpeed, CoilHeatingElectric, CoilHeatingGas, CoilHeatingWaterBaseboard, FanConstantVolume, FanOnOff, FanVariableVolume, PumpConstantSpeed, PumpVariableSpeed, CoilCoolingWater, CoilHeatingWater. hvac_comp_type Select an HVAC Air Loop Supply Side Component Type Choice true false CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed CoilCoolingDXTwoSpeed CoilCoolingDXTwoSpeed CoilHeatingDXSingleSpeed CoilHeatingDXSingleSpeed CoilHeatingElectric CoilHeatingElectric CoilHeatingGas CoilHeatingGas CoilHeatingWaterBaseboard CoilHeatingWaterBaseboard FanConstantVolume FanConstantVolume FanOnOff FanOnOff FanVariableVolume FanVariableVolume PumpConstantSpeed PumpConstantSpeed PumpVariableSpeed PumpVariableSpeed CoilCoolingWater CoilCoolingWater CoilHeatingWater CoilHeatingWater object Choose an Air Loop to Add Costs to Choice true false {53352c37-0e9c-4a72-ae03-9345a60f1e60} *All Air Loops* remove_costs Remove Existing Costs Boolean true false true true true false false material_cost Material and Installation Costs per Component Double $ true false 0 demolition_cost Demolition Costs per Component Double $ true false 0 years_until_costs_start Years Until Costs Start Integer whole years true false 0 demo_cost_initial_const Demolition Costs Occur During Initial Construction Boolean true false false true true false false expected_life Expected Life Integer whole years true false 20 om_cost O & M Costs per Component Double $ true false 0 om_frequency O & M Frequency Integer whole years true false 1 Economics.Life Cycle Cost Analysis Measure Type ModelMeasure string Measure Function Measure string Requires EnergyPlus Results false boolean Uses SketchUp API false boolean LICENSE.md md license 8696A072 README.md md readme 77E97831 README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 OpenStudio 2.0.0 2.0.0 measure.rb rb script F66AA885 AddCostToSupplySideHVACComponentByAirLoop_Test.rb rb test 4AD33D4B HVACComponentBasic/files/USA_CO_Golden-NREL.724666_TMY3.epw epw test BDF687C1 HVACComponentBasic.osm osm test FA350D42