// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.4.0 (function() { (function(chaiBackbone) { if (typeof require === "function" && typeof exports === "object" && typeof module === "object") { return module.exports = chaiBackbone; } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { return define(function() { return chaiBackbone; }); } else { return chai.use(chaiBackbone); } })(function(chai, utils) { var flag, inspect, routeTo; inspect = utils.inspect; flag = utils.flag; chai.Assertion.addMethod('trigger', function(trigger, options) { var definedActions; if (options == null) { options = {}; } definedActions = flag(this, 'whenActions') || []; definedActions.push({ negate: flag(this, 'negate'), before: function(context) { this.callback = sinon.spy(); return flag(context, 'object').on(trigger, this.callback); }, after: function(context) { var negate, _ref; negate = flag(context, 'negate'); flag(context, 'negate', this.negate); context.assert(this.callback.called, "expected to trigger " + trigger, "expected not to trigger " + trigger); if (options["with"] != null) { context.assert((_ref = this.callback).calledWith.apply(_ref, options["with"]), "expected trigger to be called with " + (inspect(options["with"])) + ", but was called with " + (inspect(this.callback.args[0])) + ".", "expected trigger not to be called with " + (inspect(options["with"])) + ", but was"); } return flag(context, 'negate', negate); } }); return flag(this, 'whenActions', definedActions); }); chai.Assertion.addProperty('route', function() { return flag(this, 'routing', true); }); routeTo = function(router, methodName, options) { var consideredRouter, current_history, route, stub, _i, _len, _ref; if (options == null) { options = {}; } if (!((typeof router === 'object') && (router instanceof Backbone.Router))) { throw new TypeError('provided router is not a Backbone.Router'); } current_history = Backbone.history; Backbone.history = new Backbone.History; stub = sinon.stub(router, methodName); router._bindRoutes(); if (options.considering != null) { _ref = options.considering; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { consideredRouter = _ref[_i]; consideredRouter._bindRoutes(); } } Backbone.history.options = { root: '/' }; route = flag(this, 'object'); Backbone.history.loadUrl(route); Backbone.history = current_history; router[methodName].restore(); this.assert(stub.calledOnce, "expected `" + route + "` to route to " + methodName, "expected `" + route + "` not to route to " + methodName); if (options["arguments"] != null) { return this.assert(stub.calledWith.apply(stub, options["arguments"]), "expected `" + methodName + "` to be called with " + (inspect(options["arguments"])) + ", but was called with " + (inspect(stub.args[0])) + " instead", "expected `" + methodName + "` not to be called with " + (inspect(options["arguments"])) + ", but was"); } }; chai.Assertion.overwriteProperty('to', function(_super) { return function() { if (flag(this, 'routing')) { return routeTo; } else { return _super.apply(this, arguments); } }; }); return chai.Assertion.addMethod('call', function(methodName) { var definedActions, object; object = flag(this, 'object'); definedActions = flag(this, 'whenActions') || []; definedActions.push({ negate: flag(this, 'negate'), before: function(context) { this.originalMethod = object[methodName]; this.spy = sinon.spy(); object[methodName] = this.spy; return typeof object.delegateEvents === "function" ? object.delegateEvents() : void 0; }, after: function(context) { object[methodName] = this.originalMethod; if (typeof object.delegateEvents === "function") { object.delegateEvents(); } return context.assert(this.spy.callCount > 0, this.spy.printf("expected %n to have been called at least once"), this.spy.printf("expected %n to not have been called")); } }); return flag(this, 'whenActions', definedActions); }); }); }).call(this);